Page Four JUNIOR POINTER ★ ★ ★ Sports Page Boys Basketball Squad Blankets All G’boro Teams Completely Downs Ancient Foe (204 Defeats Faculty] The Junior High basketball team, in defeating Central Junior High of Greensboro, last week, ex tended its series of wins to blanket every major junior high in Greens boro—Lindley twice, Aycock twice. Central and Gillespie once—each fell before the powerful onslaughts of the Junior High cagemen of this city. In the first game with Lindley, played on her court. Beck paced the visitors, chalking up 15 points. The game resulted in a 51 to 31 vic tory for High Point. In the second encounter, played in Greensboro, Delapp scored 12 points to lead the Hardwoodmen from High Point to a 28 to 13 win over Lindley. High- fill was the outstanding floorman for the losers. Defeating Aycock in its first engagement with them. Junior High won an easy victory by the score of 49 to 18. Delapp was high scorer for the victors with 18 mark ers to his credit. In the second game with this team, our boys romped off with a 40 to 15 victory. Johnson, with 14 points, was high scorer for the winners. Gillespie proved the fifth con secutive win for the Pointer team. Junior High ran all over the Greensboro boys, running up the sore of 66 to 27. The game with Central, which resulted in a 47-23 win for our Junior High cagemen, was a close one in the first quarter, but then the victors moved into a substan tial lead which they held the rest of the game. RED SHIELD BASKETBALL LEAGUE The Red Shield Basketball league has gotten a vigorous start for the past two weeks. The Kiwanis team IS leading the league with three wins. Other teams are in this po sition: Won Kiwanis Lions Jaycees Civitan Rotary A. B. __ Lost 0 0 1 2 2 3 Members of the faculty were de feated by the girls of 204 in a challenge volleyball game by the score of 29-22 given on January 29 for the benefit of the March of Dimes. Over three hundred spectators watched as 204 grabbed an early lead and maintained that advan tage throughout the entire game. The captain of the faculty team was Mrs. Doty, while 204 was led by Catherine Smith. Representing the faculty were Mrs. McDonald, Miss K. Young, Miss H. Young, Miss L. Knox, Mrs. Hutchens, Miss Thomas, Mrs. Doty, Miss Heath, vnd Mrs. Farley. The 204 team was composed of Zethel Feree, Catherine Smith, Jerry Hollingsworth, Peggy Sykes, Ruth Beevens, Peggy Alexander, Edna Berchup, Barbara Warring, Willore McAndrews, Helen Bear, Zoda Crowson and Ruth Holbrook. This game was played in hopes that victims of infantile paralysis might walk as a result of the pro ceeds which totaled sixteen dollars. Eagle Scouts Jerry Hester EAGLE SCOUTS Jerry Hester, Henry Shavitz, and Bobby Younts achieved the merit of Eagle Scout last Sunday morning at special church services. The preceding week, the boys were guests of the Rotary and Kiwanis with other prospective Eagles of Senior High. Stop, Look Henry Shavitz Jerry and Bobby are members of Troop 4 of the Wesley Memo rial church. W. W. Lewis, Scout master, has the record of producing more Eaglee for the capacity of Troop 4 in the nation. Henry re ceived his award at the Baptist church, which sponsors Troop 3. Bobby Younts was t and Whistle! The students of Junior High have voted DOT KENDALL as the best dressed girl and CHARLES JOHNSON as the best dressed boy. Congratulations to you both!! MAXINE FARLOWE’S wardrobe has greatly increased since she has started wearing DONALD SETLIFF’S sweater. Anybody wear size 40? Hmmm? By the way, Maxine was runner-up in the best dressed vote— If there’s anything I like, it’s the color yellow. Take notice to JIMMY BUTLER’S yellow brogans, and “you’ll know what I mean.” If you walk on your hands, Jimmy, you’ll pass for a butter-cup any ole time.- Shoes with no heel, no arch, and made of a very flexible fabric are ballets and NOT bedroom shoes. And, too, they are the latest thing in fashion. They're neat with spring and summer dresses. Try them and see. And, too, they come in any color your little heart desires! ! ! ! Whoaaa Trigger—and there he is on Marilyn Robinette’s blue sweater. Incidentally, Trigger is a silver horse pin. Betty Ann Rankin wears one, too. Carolyn Andrews and Patsy McManus are certainly not slow in wearing their turtle-neck blouses. In fact, they’re fast! Jean Kearns wore a loud, but pretty, combination the other day— a vivid green suit and red sweater. JOYCE LOFTIN—210. 209 Lassies Land Volleyball Title WINNERS OF VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Back Row: Jinny Saunders, Mary Ruth Asbill, Betty Jean Pegram, Helen Lane, Betsy White, Helen Wall. Front Row: Charlene Thomas, Billie McLeoud, Captain, Elizabeth Kinney, Margie Brown, Clara Mae Yarborough, Jean Davis. 209 DeFeats 103 In Final Game VOLLEYBALL CHAMP Room 209, captained by Eliza beth Kinney, captured the girls’ volleyball champ title by defeating room 103 by the score of 35-27. 103, led by Margaret Hawkins, seemed at the half to have the game “in the bag”, enjoying a nine point lead. And, it was not until the final minutes of the game that 209 came marching forward to equal and then surpass the lead held by 103. Players for the two rooms com peting in the finals were as fol lows: 103—Hawkins, captain; Dillon, co-captain; Fogleman, Hoots, Hall, Lentz, Frazier, Schwinger, Trepke, Oglesby, Gay, Jones. 209—Kinney, captain; Brown, co-captain; McLeoud, Lane, Asbill, Pegram, Davis, Wall, White, Thomas, 'Saunders, Yarborough. Scoutmaster George Ridge commended by Executive Hackney on his splendid work with Troop 3. The Scouting movement began in 1909, thus making this the 36th anniversary of Scout Week. The theme of Scout Week is, “Scouts of the World Building Together.” WE PLAYED A CHAMPIONSHIP GAME! (Or how it feels to kill a bear.) With the ringing of the welcome bell announcing the end of fourth period (which is Latin), the spirit of the game was in the air. After going to our lockers, we walked (in case Mrs. Ross should read this) down the stairs and gained admittance to the lunch line. Upon getting our lunches, we ate, and dashed off to the gym to dress. Betsy White and I were able to gain possession of our two lucky lockers which is our pet superstition.. Surely we will win now with these in our possession! A few minutes later found us gathering on the court. The hopes of both teams were high as the referee blew her whistle. The ball was thrown to 209’s server. It was a tense moment. Then the ball sailed over the net. The important game was on! A point was scored. Then another and another. Then our serve is lost. The serve goes to the opposing team. The score is evened. The two teams are practically neck- to-neck. 103 passes us. We can’t let them win! 'Then time out for the half.'We formed a huddle and pointed out our weak points. We all took our places and the game was resumed. The gym was gradually filling by this time, and the shouting was increasing. 209 gained several points which made the gym an uproar. We were tied again. The game was nearing its end. 209 gained the lead by a few points and held on to them. At last the bell rang. The resulting score was 35 to 28, with 209 the champion of the school. Our precious lockers had again proved their luck! CHARLENE THOMAS. ■ • ■ ■ by Dick Thompson considerably bigger than he. Par ticipants from all over North and South Carolina entered. LOCKER LEAKAGE There was a young lady named Wharton, Who had a big boy friend called Morton. She laughed with glee. And sat on his knee. While Morton and Wharton were courtin’. JUNE BIVENS—213. For the first time since the war started, the annual Golden Gloves boxing tournament was held at the High Point Armory on February 1, 2, 4. The tournament was spon sored by the Mercury Athletic Club, and about 16 bouts were fought every night, with the finals being fought on the fourth. FREDDIE GLAESNER, flyweight of Jr. High came out on top in the semi-finals; 'but in the finals, he lost 'by decision to a contestant- SPORTS PERSONALTIES As the Bison soundly trounced Burlington in a 60 to 28 point vic tory, Richard Crowder clocked up 13 points despite an injured eye. During practice Friday, his left eye was punched out, but Coach Simeon managed to get it back into its socket. No permanent injury was inflicted and Crowder wore an eye guard that night. Doris Craven Five feet two. Eyes of blue, A smile that’s bright. And a heart that’s light. Hair of brownish hue. Gay, vivacious Doris Craven of 213, who is described above, has been selected by the Junior Pointer staff as its choice for the best all- around girl in sports. Doris officiates as well as par ticipates in all school sports. She was an official of the faculty-204 game. She has been captain of all of her homeroom teams and was chosen to play on the softball all- star team when in the seventh grade, and on the soccer all-star team this past season. Doris’ favorite sport is softball. She attributes her vigor to her love of spinach. Leonard Delapp Leonard Delapp, versatile mem ber of the Junior High basketball squad, was selected by the sports department as outstanding athlete of the month, “De”, as he is known in the lockerroom, runs first team guard and is high scorer of the Junior High Hardwoodmen. Leon ard graced (we think?) the earth with his presence February 23, 1932. “De” is a three-letter man, with baseball and football taking up his extra time in their respective sea sons. Leonard, good natured and a good sport, has been piloting the Junior High Cagemen through their current victorious season. Good luck to you, Leonard, in all of your future endeavors, and espe cially in the world of sports. What! Wolves in the gym? ? ? Owwww! Startled by this long- drawn-out wolf call, I turned trem bling and pale, my finger nails curling at this unearthly noise! It couldn’t be wolves in the fragile part of Junior High’s gym. I could have well understood this unholy sound if it had come from the males’ part of the gym! Just Ron nie Hooper or Jon Barnes reading “Esquire’’! But in the girls’ classes? Oh, no!!! So picking up my knocking teeth, I stepped quiet ly through the gym door. There to my utter astonishment I saw Mrs. Doty’s dainty gym class seated on the floor, simply drooling over the boys’ wonderful show of masculine ability and strength! Astonished at not seeing a pack of hungry wolves, but only dainty females swooning with tongues hanging, I stole another peek. So! This is why the girls just LOVE to go to gym?