ftl! ft ■ J . i On the left in this picture is CARL WEST, warehouse manager at the Nelson Plant. He has been employed here 12 years. He^ is a sports car fan and a deer hunter and fisher man. On the right is JACK AUSTIN, truck driver, another of our Nelson fisherman. He has been re-employed here 9 months. SC..-;-' ■W 'H- Xi These two are long employees of the Adrian. On the left is ROSE CHILDERS who is a spinner. She has three children and 2 grandchildren. She has worked here for 24 years. She enjoys playing with her grand children. On the right is ANNIE B. SIGMON who has been with A & E 22 years. She cleans up in the spinning room. She has one son and one grandson, Charles. Her hobby is reading when she gets time. ON ^ THE SPOT A % Pictured are some of our newest employees in our newest dept., the paper shell bobbin winding dept. PAULETTE BROWNELL and DIANA HORTON are learning to thread the new machines. This photo shows our new supervisor. CLAUDE WRIGHT of the Paper Shell Bob bin Dept, instructing Shirley Bisk on how to start the winding spindle. AROUND the PLANTS GLENN BROWN, Carding Department Supervisor, is explaning the operation of the new Crosrol carding recently installed at the Nelson Plant to DEWEY CRANE and KEN NETH CHURCH. GLENN came to Nelson eight years ago from Cannon Plant #3 in York, S. C. A mem ber of St. John's Lutheran Church in Hud son, he is also active in York Rite Mason Bodies and Past Master of the Biue Lodge. DEWEY, carding tender, has worked here 7 years. He has 4 children and lives in Whit- nel. KENNETH, overhauler, has been employed here nearly a year. He attends Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. Sport cars is his hobby. •5^ 10 A & E NEWS and VIEWS