x: ^ t, il 41 i. i; One of the most familiar faces around the Albemarle Plants is JULIA ROBINSON, plants # I & 2. Julia is always ready to lend a help ing hand to anyone in need. She has a ready smile for everyone she comes in contact with, and has been employed at the Albe marle Plants for thirty-nine years. CHARLES NODINE, Supervisor in the Ship ping Department is shown at one of the new Crimping machines. CHARLES came to work at Textured Yarn Plant in February, 1968. He was formerly employed at Cashion's Food Mart in Cornelius, N. C. He and his wife, NELDA KAY, who live in Cornelius, have two children; a boy and girl. The NODINES attend Davidson Baptist Church. His hobbies are softball, fishing and drawing. ON^ THE SPOT AROUND the PLANTS L#:> PHILLIP POOVEY is the second shift winding section-supervisor at the American Plant. He and his wife. Sue, have a two year old daughter, Denise. Phil is looking forward to summer, so he can enjoy his favorite sport, water skiing. He also enjoys motorcycle-rid ing. ^ iy i S ' ^ * * i DQ0 1. r ROY LEE CLOVER, first shift Air Con dition Operator at Albermarle Plants. Roy takes great interest in his work to see that everything is in tip-top shape because with out the Air Condition apparatus the plants cannot run. He has been employed seven years with American & Efird. 14 A & E NEWS and VIEWS