WISE, OTHERWISE . . . Cl^nce Upon a time, King Richard, the Lion-Hearted met with the Mongol leader of the opposing army just before a battle. “The battle will be no contest,” said Richard, eyeing the thin, light sword of his enemy. He laid an iron bar across two logs, and raising his long heavy sword over his head, he brought it down with great force, splitting the bar in two. The enemy leader congratulated Richard for a strong arm, and threw a silk scarf into the air. He held out the thin sword as the scarf floated down, and the scarf split into two pieces. King Richard left the camp much wiser, knowing now, that ap pearances can be deceiving. How often do we appraise the other fellow on the basis of what we see on the surface, and not what we know to be the facts? Remember the old Indian who said, “Do not judge your brother until you have walked in his moccasins for three days.” Instead of judging a man on hearsay, rumor, or what we think we see or hear; let’s get the information first-hand. Get to know the man yourself, and make your own judgement. BOB- NEFF (SD/TOR) THE NOT-SO-MIXED-UP KID By Mat Kidney He said, “It’s Rocksville up ahead. You better dig me, Man! You drag your set of wheels through that And all you got’s a can!” This Kid had stopped me on the road. And it was late at night. His sports car parked beside the road Marked by a flashing light. I had to listen carefully — Such crazy mixed-up talk — But finally I understood; There’d been a fall of rock! He said, “I gotta stay here, Dad. You split and buzz the fuzz.” His language didn’t make much sense, But somehow, now, it does. Nobody told that Kid to stop To warn someone like me. But he knew, just around the curve Were rocks I couldn’t see. And so he stopped and parked his car With flashing lights awarning, Until someone would call police — Or daylight in the morning. You hear men say, “That’s not my job.” Well, maybe that’s all right. But Thank God for a mixed-up Brat And what he did that night. Before making up your mind to retire, it is highly advisable to stay home for a week and watch the daytime television shows. ADVERTISER'S DIGEST * * * One reason Americans won't go Communist is that when they hear the shout, "Workers Arise!" They think it's time for the coffee break. CONSTRUCTION DIGEST 3d * "I have not yet, indeed, thought of a remedy for Luxury..." Benjamin Franklin * * * "If you see someone here who looks calm and collected, ignore him. He just doesn't understand the situation." Seen on George Davenport's desk * * * "I know why it can't be done. Let's discuss how it can be done." Seen on Bob Farmer's desk. WfL f OITORS DESK A & E NEWS and VIEWS