THE FEDERATION JOURNAL "Listen TO our Clarion Watchword—We are Lifting As We Climb" VOLUME 15 FALL ISSUE — 1958 NUMBER 3 President Reports on N. A. C W. C. Actions Representing our North Caro lina State Federation of Negro Women’s Clubs at the 31st Bien nial Convention and the 62nd An niversary of National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs held at Shelton Cadillac Hotel, Detroit, Mich., July 27-August 2 was an untold pleasure and one for which there is a deep sense of gratitude. Sharing the honor and helping in every possible way on the trip and at the convention were our own Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Col lins of Smithfield, Mrs. F. T. New- some of Rich Square, Mrs. Ammie Foster of Pinehurst and Mrs. Catherine Marks who formerly lived in Sanatorium, N. C. and now in Boston, Mass. Welcoming the delegates and visitors of the Convention in the Grand Ball Room of the hotel in cluded a special program and presentation of several city of ficials, honorary presidents of the Association and others. After an Executive Board meet ing the convention began, using as a theme “Together we work for a better world” with Mrs. Har ris B. Gains, president, presid ing. Interest and activities in creased daily as sessions began at 9:30 a.m. and often continued into the evening with special activities at night for the more than five hundred regular voting delegates, visitors and observers bringing the attendance to more than 1,000. Among speakers of note were Dr. Fank C. Laubach, honorary president of the Laubauch Lit- f ' LEFT TO RIGHT—Mrs. Alice Mocile Spellman, Elizabeth City, editor. Federation Journal; Mrs. Collins, Smithfield, financial secretary, N. C. Federation; Mrs. president, N. C. Federation; Mrs. Fannie T. Newsome, Rich Square, Ammie Foster, Pinehurst, member, N. C. Executive Board. erary and Mission Fund who em phasized the theme of the Conven tion and made a plea for those who were descendants of slaves to help effect better understanding be tween the white and darker races of the world. His quiet manner of delivery so affected the au dience that at the end more t’nan $2,000.00 was subscribed and more than $700.00 of the amount paid in cash to support the work on improving conditions among the darker races. Other speakers included Hon. B. C. Cyrus, President of the Vic tory Mutual Life Insurance Co., Rev. George Garner, HI, Mrs. Ada S. Mucklestone, Director of Women’s Activities in Federal Civil Defense, Dr. B. H. Fox, Dept, of Health Education and See REPORT, Page 9 A Trip To Remember PLAQUE PRESENTED—N.A.A.C.P. Life Membership Plaque presented during 49th Convention by Mr. McClean, field repre sentative of Winston-Salem. President Spellman receives plaque in absence of Mrs. Aggrey. I want to express my thanks to our President Mrs. Spellman, the official delegate, for her invitation to attend the 31st Biennial Con vention of the National Associa tion of Colored Women’s Clubs in Detroit, Mich., July 27-August 2. I shall always prize the trip ana the experiences there. It was a two day motor trip over the modern highways of N. C., Va., West Va., Maryland, Penn., Ohio and Michigan. The scenery was most beautiful. There was an op portunity to meet old and new friends both of Detroit and man> other points of the country. I haa the pleasure of visiting with twc friends, one I had not seen in 2c years and the other in 13 years. You can just imagine how much there was to talk about and to set in their lovely homes there. The convention was held in th( beautiful Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel, right there in the heart of he business section of Detroit. The convention opened with a reception on Friday night by women of churches of Detroit, and then on Saturday we attendea the Executive Board meeting ol which Mrs. Spellman is a mem ber. Mrs. Ruby S. Lyles of Mis sissippi presided as chairman. She is President of Southeastern Dis trict Association. Mrs. Louella H. Gaff of Virginia was Secretary of the board and she is the newly elected chairman Executive Board. Monday morning, July 28 came the formal opening of the con- irention that continued until Fri day, August 1. More than 1,000 women assembled from the five regions of this country. Each of the regional organizations has the responsibility of both interpreting ind promoting the National pro gram in the respective states and to aid in the advancement of progress thereof. Executive Board Meeting September 20—YWCA—Dur ham. The president is calling an important board meeting. The hour is 12:00 noon. We are fac ing an important new year and our best thinking is needed. The preamble of the National ■Association was evidenced by the :ommittee planning the program. We, the colored Women of the U. S. of America, realizing the necessity for organized and sys- .amatic effort to promote the gen eral welfare of our people and to furnish evidence of our moral, ntellectual and material strength and progress do hereby unite into a national organization.” The theme of this 31st bienial, “Together We Work For A Better World” sets forth a challenge for all the world. The keynoter Dr. Frank C. Lau- See TRIP. Page 2