1909 Golden Anniversary Issue 1959 Message From Our President Greetings to all Club Ladies and Friends: My simple message to you could not conscientiously begin without first giving thanks to our Maker for preserving us and enabling us to go about our many many duties. To my knowledge several of our ladies have suffered because of ill ness or accidents but we are still grateful that they too survived. There may be those who have left our ranks for the world beyond. We are still grateful that they had lived among us, cast their shadows and made impressions worthy of emulation. My next thought is of the hun dreds of you who have been loyal to your club work in your commu nity and beyond it for truly your in fluence has been felt in many ways since last we met. For each of you I offer prayers for your continued success and interest in the work of, “Lifting as we Climb.” You will surely be interested in activities connected with our State Federation since our annual meet ing at Bricks, N. C. Claiming most See MESSAGE, Page 5 MRS. VIVIAN MASON Guest speaker for Golden An niversary Banquet, May 14, at 8 p.m. in Wilson, N. C. The Fiftieth Anniversary of the N. C. Federation of Negro Wom en’s Clubs will be observed at the next Convention, to convene May 14, 15 and 16 as guest of Wilson City Federation. Mrs. Mason, a resident of Nor folk, Va., was born in Wilkes- See SPEAKER, Page 2 'Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow' (Guest Editorial) By J. R. LARKINS, Consultant North Carolina State Department Of Publie Welfare The 50th Anniversary of the North Carolina Federation of Negro Women’s Clubs will be a historic event in North Carolina. It is an exciting and thrilling time. An anniversary usually brings forth celebration, dedication and perpetuation. There are two things which may be done in observation of an anniversary: (1) Look back over the years and ascertain what has been done, and (2) Assess the past achivements, analyze the present program, and formulate a program designed for the future. Fifty years ago a small group of women realized the need to im prove the plight of their people. This brave and far-sighted group of socially conscious women were pio neers in a great social movement. It was their love for the American tradition that led them in this movem.ent — “Lifting As Wc Climb.” It is the tradition of See YESTERDAY, Page 6 THE FEDERATION JOURNAL "Listen to our Clarion Watchword—^We are Lifting As We Climb" VOLUME 15 SPRING ISSUE—1959 NUMBER 4 Golden Anniversary Theme: “Woman’s Role in World wide Brotherhood and Peace.” The Executive Board made final plans on February 28th for the 50th Convention on North Carolina Fed eration of Negro Women’s Clubs. The City Federation of Women’s Clubs of Wilson, North Carolina, will be our host, with Mrs. Norma Darden as chairman and Mrs. An nie Johnson cochairman. Date—May 14, 15, and 16, 1959. Place—Darden High School. Registration, Thursday, May 14th —4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 15th—9:30 a.m. un til. Events— 1. Golden Banquet Thursday Night May 14th at 8:00 p.m. Darden High School Cafeteria See ANNIVERSARY, Page 6 ir SOTH ANNIVERSARY PLANNING COMMITTEE—Seated, left to right, Mrs. Edna Taylor, Pine- hurst; Mrs. Susie Jones, Bennett College; Mrs. C. L. Singleton, Elizabeth City; Mrs. F. T. Newsome, Rich Square, chairman; Mrs. M. N. Leitao, Kinston; Mrs. Alice Collins, Smithfield; Mrs. A. L. Murphy, Asheville. Standing, left to right, Mrs. Thelma Henley, Fayetteville; Mrs. Jennie Enloe, Shelby; Mr. John R. Larkins, Raleigh; Mrs. Leola Allen, Asheville; Mrs. Fannie Kilpatrick, Asheville. Not shown in picture: Mrs. Doris Pope, Rich Square; Mrs. Sarah Leonard, Rocky Mount; Mrs. Alice Jones, Raleigh; Mrs. E. O. Donaho, Winston-Salem.