THE FEDERATION JOURNAL "Listen to our Clarion Watchword—We ore Lifting As We Climb" Volume 17 FALL—1961 Number II federation Loses faithful Pioneers - Workers - and friends IN MEMORIAM love. Our treasured memories of them will live within our hearts and even though they ore away, we're really not opart. For thoughts con bridge the distance from earth to Heaven above and hearts con be united through everlasting President's Message ir ■■ Y Mrs. Rosa Douglas Aggrey Salisbury, N. C. Past President of North Carolina Federation Organizer and 1st Editor of Federation Journal Mrs. Rosa D. Aggrey, extended career as teacher, supervisor of Education, president of state or ganizations, editor, church worker, lecturer and traveler gave her many experiences of responsibility in state and national affairs. She was a well read person, a great thinker and eminent speaker. As organizer and first editor in chief of “The Federation Journal” from 1946 to 1956 she served with untiring effort and patience in this undertaking, under rather dis couraging circumstances. There were limited funds for the publica tion and club support by way of subscriptions was poor. The Jour nal made definite contributions to the growth and expansion of the club work because of her efficient work with the Journal. As the sixth president of the North Carolina Federation many progressive moves were made as well as the strengthening of the fine program underway when she came into office. She forever kept the motto “Lifting as we climb” be fore the club women, for united we worked with her in North Caro lina for a better world. Mrs. Maggie Jones Asheville, N. C. Pioneer-Charter Member and 1st Vice President of North Carolina Federation of Negro Women’s Clubs The name of Maggie Jones as Co-labor in a great North Caro lina task numbers with those of Charlotte H. Brown, M. L. Clinton, Minnie G. Pearson, Lula Kelsey, Julia Warren, Cattie S. Moore, Annie Day Shepard, Maude B. Cotton and many others. Before the organization of the North Carolina Federation Mrs. Maggie Jones came into the reali zation of man’s mission in life — to serve his fellowman. She, as it were, began “to caste bread upon the waters” that shall be seen in North Carolina for many years. Never to weary nor ever to busy to minister to those who needed her help. Her circle of friends transcend ed the bounds of race, creed, sex or age. Her smile is no longer seen but forever remembered, and her kind words a Divine Spark that radiated her love for all, and warmed our heart. President’s Report on 21st Bi ennial Convention Southeastern Association of Colored Women’s Clubs, Inc., Albany State College, Albany, Ga. Thank you kind ladies for al lowing me to represent you at the recent meeting of the Southeast ern Association. If I were only able to share with each of you the direct influences and impres sions gained it would certainly make me happy. After making a number of fruit less contacts with members of our Federation in an effort to pool a car for motoring, making the trip to Albany by train was the last resort. Contacting Mrs. L. M. Fisher of Newport News, presi dent of the Virginia Federation about the trip brought a prompt response and from that point on there were no worries about transportation. Mrs. W. Webb of Norfolk planned the trip with the aid of representatives of the Sea board Railroad Company and a private coach was arranged with Portsmouth, Va., as the point of departure. Your president was the only representative from our Federation and there were fifteen from Virginia in the beginning. According to plans Miss W. M. Crosson and Mrs. T. O. Satter- white joined the party at Raleigh and made me happier than they will ever realize. All necessary comforts possible were provided by the railroad officials to meet our needs. Finding Mrs. E. D. Moore and Miss lone Henderson of Hickory who had gone by plane made our N.C. representatives five in num ber. Though late we were able to hear our National President, Mrs. Rosa P. Gragg emphasize “wom en’s importance in conquering the new frontier of Human Relations, (Continued on Page 3) National Assn. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COLORED WOMEN’S CLUBS, INC. 1. Restoration of home of Doug- last as a National Project. “The Negro is and of right ought to be a man—a brother to all other men, a child of the common T'other of mankind, and therefore, to be recognized as a subject of government, and entitled to justice, liberty and equality before the law, to education and to an equal chance with all other men in the race of life and in the pur suit of happiness.” Frederick Douglass The “Ground Breaking” for work on the home took place Sep tember 30th. We hope you have seen accounts of this in the papers. Please, remember that North Caro lina is a part of this great move ment. We know that you are look ing forward to the first possible chance to visit this historic site in Anacostia, D. C. Each club presi dent has the letter of appeal from our President, Mrs. Spellman, and we have no doubt that you are at work to see that North Carolina comes up with its share of funds. Please, make your reports as she suggested. Mrs. F. T. Newsome is North Carolina’s representative, to whom you send your money. 2. Life Memberships are still being requested by the National in order to complete their indebt edness. North Carolina’s response was good in Shelby, but there is room for more. We do not have the North Carolina ten requested. Mrs. Ester Moore of Hickory is our representative on this activity. 3. The National publication is called - “National Notes” and it cost so little—two issues yearly for one dollar a year. The editor wel comes news from states. Mrs. T. O. Satterwhite of Dunn, N. C. is (Continued on Page 3)