LET HIM WHO HATH NO. NERVE FOR THE FIGHT, DEPART. ' ttt rt m . ni 1 m imfTTfl I : JUUT LUUit A t THIS DURHAM, NJ C. SATURDAY EVENING, DECE1V1BER 3. 1887. NO. ,191 . A NeTV and Complete Liue ot V I TV II IIWHIllMg 23 (j) .War Relics. . -Mr. Geo. W, Howard has four rel- ics ot tne war between toe states. He prizes them highly and keeps them safely nailed up in a boi. Mr How ard was one manv who saw all the war. 1 He marched away at the first call, and stacked arms on the day of the surrender at Appomattox Uourt House. He was captured, at tne bat tle of Fredericksburg, December 12th 1862, but was parolied as prisoner of war one week nfterwards. He has this paroll pass, and the one given him at Appomattox, and will keep them as loos . as he hyes. On the banks b'f the Rappahannock river, be picked up a marcel shell. It is stone and , in the Bhapa of a cork screw. Few such specimens are extant, and and are highly prized by relic hunt ers. Perhaps it was used by the abo rigines in drawing corks from bottles of good old corn. Mr. Howard car ried it until the close of the war and never once had ah opportunity of testing its efficiency in drawing Corks, This w is one of the fates of the war. tie has pictures of the three confed erate fiMSri ad a friction primer. The pVAner was taken by him from a confederate caisson, at Appomai tox court bouse, on tne day ot tne surrender of Lee's army. Tnis pri mer is dear to him, for with a quick jerk of the primer the old cannon would explode, and tne spir ts or a d .-zeu.or two of Yanks, go sailing u p to the moon. . I 1 pnoiei -1 WEST OF- Claiborn e invite your attention to mar large and elegant stock Carpets up stairs, where show tliem. . patterns arc very select, and prices shall be made to jt the buyer. "Will have them cut and made if you so lesirc. Come and make your selection before the M Stock is broken. , Respectfully, v7v t; f ' . " ... - " J Also every department filled with a new and elc ' cant assortment of m GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC erRfmbcr that my Stock is entirely new, having sold out my interest in the late firm of Ellis & Muse. Very respectfully yours, W. ?.-Bilk TO THE PUBLIC. K ot L vs. 11. V. Paul. Editor Recorder: In writing my apology for unjustly assailing the hrm of W. Duke bona a Vo mem beia of the Slain Street, U. E. Church and tht Dubham Recobdeb, I c-rtaiuly iutendt d no injury to the Knight of Labor or individual mem bers thereof. I simp y intended to do what 1 conscientiously felt to be a plain christian duty. ' The action taken by Jj Assembly 4105, 5207 and 7539, is therefore un just, as it is base 1 up m a m sappre uecsiae ot my purnos ; nence l do not feel in the lead humiliated; on the contrary I esteem the vote expell ing me, as a positive kindness. t or the miury intend d me in those resolution, I entettain feelings only of kindness and commiseratiou. by their action 1 feel tnat "the sin that did so easily besot me" has been rt moved from my pathway, and to- lay l am Indeed a tree man, to de vole my undivided tnergies and abil ities to the sacred cause which lies nearer my heart than all other causes couitiim-d. With good will f r all mankind, I have the honor of fruiting myself, your friend and humble servant. a v. nuL. The Fight In the United States senate. Washisotojt. December 1. The committee appointed at ft caucus of the democratic senators to arrange the positions of the minoilty on the various committees, including the chairmanship civ-n the minority and aiao recommenaations no me two contested elections, will report k- a caucus to-rooirow. It is understood that they will report m favor ol in sisting that Messrs. lurpie and Fuulicner Khali be sworn m without lelav. Objection will likely be made tn the awA&rinaf in Lf Mr. Turnift. in " . .7 - -r - which event Mr. VoorSees will obiect to the oath being administered to any of the republican senators elect. By the cusWrnary alphabetical order m which senators are called f n sqjads of four to be sworn Mr. Turpie's name will be called last, but Mr Voorhees proposes to anticipate emergencies bv inmuntie before tne atn is ad ministered to anv one if objection is to bo .made to Mr. Turpie, and if there is an affirmative answer, he will begin his v'jjVction with the first re oublican called. Should this be done the senate may he in a bad lock for some time and the Bcene become quite exciting. " ii m Labor Troubles on the 8 ope. San Francisco, December 1 BuMne-s in San Diego and other California port affctcd by the atti tod) -f the Coast Seaman's Union toward the ship owners old fight for high wages and right to dictate rules about crews, -etc., have been renewed with vigor. The union has resorted to force in the Southern California ports, aud Monday night at San Diego threw dynamite bombs against a boy cotted barque, tearing a hole in her bow. Officers of the union here de clare openly ilia t they understand the manufacture and ue of dynamite and wiil use their knowledge of it in the fight against ship owners. Railroad Itooming Ahead. On Saturday last Messrs. L. Wright &Co., moved their force from be tween Clarksville and Sassafras Fork to Oxford, and on Monday of this week commenced at the depot lot west of the town to grade the main line to Hick's pond. We have known many contractors on our , various railroads in North Carolina, but we have never known any to have more vim 1 and push than this firm have shown. Tom - Wright is a go ahead sort of a man, and he means business when he starts about any work. . We have heard it'said that" he bas told "the powers that be" that if ; they would give him the contract of the Oxford and Durham road he would put one thousand hands and five hundred head of mules and complete th road to Durham by the ' Hist of May. He is the man we are look eg for, and we hope the company will lie of the same wy of thinking. Ox ford Torchlight. , For Salei A weU established and paying heavy'- and fancy grocery business. For particulars apply to Robt. I. Rogers, Sec & Treas. The Land & Security Co Dec 3.1m. The formation of Republican clubs goes on in Maine : P. WEB, PH. (. DrugcisT Durham, N. C. I take the liberty of announcing to the public that I have just return, ed from the Northern Cities where 1 1 selected one of thelargest stocks of Holiday :-: Goods Ever offered on the Durham market. Our stock comprises the latest American and European Nov . cities, such as GHBX3THA9 CARDS, BR0XZI CABD RECHVEB8. DRESSING CASES, UABULK n ATCABT. MANICURE SETS, soueuian VASES, crrr AND COLLAB BOXES, PLAQUES, WOBX BOXES, WBISS HOLDERS. AXO IfAHT OTBEB NOVELTIES TOO kUJI- KROC8 TO MFTIOX. - All the above are new designs, having arrived in this country a few days before they were purchased. toCoriijMM to it ai'raS!!. P W. VAUGHAN. Oh! Ain't It Nice To be able to get what you want wnen yougosnoppiogf Try Whitaker, THE INIMITABLE. Mtfckerel, Silmon, Mullets, White ijisii, si. u. ltoe Herring, Sau sage, Tripe, Pigs Feet, Souse, Smok eefTonffnes. Brcalfast L j, Dams, Shoulders, uod anMolasses, Back-wlfcat. ANYTIIINO HEART CAN WISH FOR TO EAT. OUR GOODS AM Entertain Streams of Vis-. - 4 JONES & LY0I MAIN STREET. The Rambler after Bargains will find us REABQZlABTEItS or Dress Goods. Silks and "Vfiltrflt:s. Shawls. Jacket? and Short Wraps, Corsets, Hosiery nl niMnnn ITIamaIj. 1VTM1n V m1 i Flannels and Blankets, Ladie3 and Misses Merino and Muslin Underwear. . , - . We invite the world to buy our iamous line 01 Shoes. . Ladies, ASK-r0R TUOMAS. BOLTON'S FINE 6I10ES, CELEUKA1ED FOli fUEIU COAIWNATION OF UN - ciUlU'ASbED Fi ITING EXCEI, LENCE. tilYLE, WOitKilAN- SUIP AND QUALITY OF , MATEHIAL. A7e are alao Aflrnnta fint V Tt i- -.1 .1 r., . . -: Ladies', Muses and OiiilJren, ami Burt and Packard a:i i L. II .yians'Fino S linos nTnn nnJ r r . ' uv wuys. xximme our owu warraatea $3,00 SEAMLESS SHOE, made of the b-st lAnnttrv oxA outer and inner soles, so'ia leather countc.s rnd heels. Tue bcitsillc usjJ iOB'itchinZ the Vamnl Mill to-ir An I irrintl ITitj llinj r1.-. and Gents' Furuishinir Go.iJs. Ftilla A tli &n.l F.iri A Wii,mj Pitffi and Collars, Bdst goads in the world Customers sure to meet polite attention. I M They are Yours, most truly, JONES & LYON. O o K CO p O p o to CD CD Here we are Again, at BOWERS & RAWLS. STEW STORE., The cheapest place in the world to buy Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes. A big lot of Shoes RECEIVED TODAY. o r1 p OQ P CD w p- o Q (J2 1 We are sfelHng our Satiine at 9 cnts par yrd, cin't be bought in town for less than 18 cents. Holt's Plaids at CI 'cents. A nice line of Tablrt Linen Calico, Bed Ticking, Hose, , Shawls, Ji rsles, Shirts and the TO BE FOUND IN DURHAM. CALL EAULYAND GET THE FIItsT TICK. i Don't Forget the Place. BOWEKS & KAWLS MAIN STREET, DURHAM, N, C. 1