mm kaufri DRY GOODS -AN1 1 SHOE HOUSE. BIG BARGAINS, tfhe; Daily Recorder. PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT PUNDAY BY E. G HACKNEY, Editor & Prop DURHAM, Decembeb 3, 1887. -THIS WEEK IN. TUB LA8T CONKURSU nw " THE FIRST CENTURY," - ' ;"r V. "'--.'" 1 .V.- ', - ,The meetinar of the last ConcreFs of the first century of our existence under, the consititutiou, v is one of much interest, and no matter what may be the outcome of its I delibera tions, it will stilfbe one of the most memorable in the history of the Re public. . There are some very few similari ties between the first Congress of the first century and the last one.' The first Congress met with an immense States and ? Territories. And tbrs will challenge the attention of the last Congress of the first centnry as it did not the first one. " " It is well for the people to remem ber that ours is a Confederate Repub lic combining most happily Nation al and State Sovereignty; it is not a Consolidated and Centralized Repub lic like Rome i where all "power was centered within the narrow limits of city wall?. -Romeextended her ter ritory j but not her laws or the , free principles of her Constitution. Rome crushed beneath the weight of Em pire. ..Our Republic will go the same way; if the great mass of sovereign powers become centered within the corporate limits of Washington City. , Togue & Cameron's Factory for sale, or rent. Apply to . ' E. I. Rooebs, Sec. Durham Land and Security Co. dec 1-tf 1 Kawls takes . the - cake shoes. on 3.00 au 3 ' R. I, Rogers, Secretary of the Durham Land, and Security Compa ny, has real estate of every descrip tion for sale or rent, . dec 1-tf --We propose Jo sell Cologne and Triple Extract a little lower than any others dareVto sell. . v- -; dec 1 3t .N. M. Joiinsok & Co. ' Johnson & Co buy . the very beet goods in cigars and tobacco, and will sell with tho consciousness that the bnjer gus the full worth of hi money. . ' V . f dec 1 3t Johnson &. t btore, can and will compete, and have iiruij Vl money 'ana aoa't want to wwtiuw ouj money eitner. ' deol3t Industrial Notes. The Commissioner of ' Lahor fit. tistics in compiling reports from va- national debt overbanging-the heavy completed a table showing that there nriRB OI Dftllllf.ftl inn Anonrlahna. nnrl I H1A In T.nA rtr.ft.TiA Rlfynf.V Aitttnn f jntn- so- does the last one meet with an rie8 representing invested capital to crackers, &c., at W. J. Wjatt & Co, 27 ' - IftkMM m I II II I I II If! TI'L'-. f I t ' .JL : . -UN. enormous debt contracted in a war T. . ..!: . u: Try a pair of Perry's 64.75 cork soleBhoes. . . cct14. It Is a Face, That you can have equally as fine suits made by A, Belsmeyer, at Ral eigh, as you nan in the best of estab lishments on Broadway, of New York: New styles are received by him everv month. Every little detail is pro duced as soon, here as there. Only firstndass trimmings are used and 'he finest workmanship guaranteed. The large assortment of, foreign and do mestic piece goods will enable anyone to make a selection. We . would like to have those who pafrouiz9 the hiu class tailors of the North to try and 86e if they cannot have their clothes made, at home just as gcod, and whrf their) patronage is more appreciated and where they will encourage home industry, " o28tf The best brands ' of flour, meal, SHOES- SHOES- for III, perpetaitT crth mm Daioa 'ZZ m SSTS . S J" ft"Ug But the first Confrrem mAt. w;t.h..n. u tnttnn onnndi. a,i,4At,-d at aul:man 8 cent in its treasury una without I to vo uuu oaies, ine total annual credit ThA Ut rnnf.oa cotton crop" of the State is about -itk. i,.,-- 1... i!. - 400,000 bales' so about one fifth of . .u.,. Fuu up , in t(9 of the gtate j8 demanded by the treasury, and with the best credit of Statu ftnriM. The laiwwt nnt.tAn any nation in the world.; : , ; mill in the State is in Gston county; J he first House of Renrefientntivpa 'he se cona largest is m Alamance met on 4th March 1783. n Unnt county.-JSews & Observer, - V MWMWU Important Land Salel ' ". 1 r - - ' ., f; i' , Five beautiful' lots m West Durhauum Thaxton Avenue 11 j 100 feet front by '200 feet deep at 11 o clock on the 10th of Dec. to the highest bidder V r , . v ft lema one-third cash, one-third due in six Oysters everv dav at W. T. ' Saun ders, market house. d24t. . ; Sugar at , Perry's for 5 J cts a pound Fine French candies at Perry's.' ri I - vu uiisri trnva nsit. Oi3-tf I mont3 an one-thira due in twelve months, ueieneu paymeuis 10 oear interest at o per Mint. fm Anr nf .nta ' T1! f 1 .1 J I'RUFtitmnONAL. W W, FULLER, ATTOIINEY-AT-LAV, DUEIIAM, sr. 0. Office in Stokes Building. j22 . A. GUTHRIE, Attobistet and CorarsELOB at Lw. DUEHAM, N. 0. '. Office over Vaughan's Drug St jyjANNING & MANNING, ATT0RNE YS-AT-L AW: V DUBHAM, N. 0. m22 JOHN M. MORING, " 4 ATTORNEI-AT-L AW, . Durham, k. c. Office in Stokes building. . j22. J. A. LONG, iTT777777TT- AlXOBlOIT AND COUNSELOB AT LAW. cent from day of sale. , Title warranted and deed delivered when all tbe purchase money .ispaia. , . - , : dec 2 J. A. LON( Offlo In Stokes Hall (old offlc rConL -given to U baalnau botII . S. ATWATER, D Bananas. cheBinut. Florida Orancps . ' - - o pears nno Northern . and ; countf ? an. pies, just received at ; Pebry's - "k V m -mar a at-ivym n. J. JU. MAWJN1JNU,V DUKHAM, N. C.;, mm ocL 14 the ship of the now Grand Republic, m '' haditanumhprnfmpmh.r La J The Futuro t Cheap Postage. I itia rVnafU.,:A;. .ti . a: n i. ' I ' Tbe Chattanosra Times' miaundcr .uw vvuonm-iuu. uuui viler, inenrst . . census should be taken in 1790. &n " a , , ' - n an uummcu iw mail me roan uu&b vl jLuruam ior o cents. xn only bo members;, but durinsr the It ffiee Denart.mftut mnt Ka tnnmo awopfoaf ; taofinr .;. ftiamnv. C7 I . w m-vmwW1iv V VWIUUg UlUi vwuu Dcooiuua, we uuuse I touuB, vu mo uuuirary 4uiet i net. uuarameeu a iiavaua niier. Offlc Ko. 4. P&rrt aTulldtnaToTr first Katlonil W1U be r.iund In oillee t ail hmm B.nk not prufesisioniUly benC . B. BOOK. deo a FIEST Munroe's Drusr Store sells i thel WIITTnilTlf TIlMF nn nnrtTTiiir Duke of DurhanTfor 5 cents. The UA11UUAU J)A11MIJ JJUMAM BOOTS BOOTS RubberS consisted of only 59 members, as North Carolina, entitled to 5 members and Rhode Island entitled to one, had not yet acc ded to the constitution. Until the accession of North Caro. Ilina and Rhode Island, there were but 11 States represented in the Sen. the reverse. We 'simolv noticed that ieiiDgas a popular misconception. We concur in h bat the Timet has to add on this subject," to wit:" The people of the United .States in 1900 will havA their letters carried at one cent each, printed matter in propor tion. and nnttt.A.1 r.arrla fur nnA.hnlf I 9 r w r 4 vw a cent; and the revenues will pay tbe sep 14-4m Misses Rnbber Circnlara onlv FiOc aittawi8 . - .. - -alo Go at once to Hutchina &. Rhpn- f C if . CHARTERED NOV. 9th, 1887. : . CAPITAL $100,000. OFFICERS: J. S. CARE. - President. C. S. BRYAN, Vice-President. LEO D. HEARTT, Cashier. Teller. EUBBERS. RUBBERS . KM GOBSETS. aie py oenators. ana , a.ter these expenbes. This is a great country, I and it is becoming i still but 23 Senators representing the original thirteen States with ehlv a eui "18 U1M ine wrong Postal total population of three and half . ' millinriB. wiiiiA t.n qo . A Miueiown - young man not f-"-:","10t long since wrote two postal Cardson Statei . represented by 76 Senators entirely different subjW-ts. He then with a population of at loast 60,000,- turned them over, and . aJdress 000. The American Confederation ed them, but by - mistake placed tne aaure3s on the wrong cards. as in the first session of the first Con gress, and five over; and after all the take a carriage ride in Huff Waide's o lginai tnirteen had . entered the Daroucne, while tbe young man s eirl Union, we lack only one Stat8 of male rantlc y receiving the having three times the oricinal TV1 S.. T696 mo a 8an?" .... - r. v. v. 0,uu ,our Buiris are maaa . . - i it ' VfunnnM. r ,r u. An inose eariy aays oi the Kepublic T I r . .. .i s - j i w v.i w t.uu v v a i .1 i ir li. . m . ... ... r ill nr. -i m' unniif .. .. i s . .. s ... , ; o -1 . - . - -r- ' AlKinson. , 82l4 tt lis. j.rarnsn.u. w. watts, T. D. Jones. a ' -1 J. w. Walker, A. H. Stokes. Jaa A. Brvan ... ... . -. I n C3 t Uhlldreu'a rubbia 25ft: ak UW v.D.iiri. Where can be found the Ijircrpatl nrA t, ... . . .1. .- , ( t ' XT in" we ar now ready ior busmess, wwww . . a M. UU iiUliUCI. Iflnn Atl an1 n Hn. n wm MMW I. x J in tit a D..M. n first arrival fimllv white fish re-1 .losmnnn,. ,:n vii nrpsRTit inpTri m rno Knorn At iii.aA I w w wmas va A.irt tors through our Cashier every Tues- A a it finrl 1 ViJoir DIRECTORS : At P. W. Van m&.tf . . " : . O. ITBUDWIOX OTRUDWICK&' BOONE, ; ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, --' . DURHAM'. W. n HYKON A PTmiwT " !7 A T? n TT T rrt -r r-r-., ' - " " DURHAM. W. 'C; DURHAM TRADE SOLICITED BY C 1M WA f TCDC MERCHANT TAILOR. RALEIGH, N. (1, . . No. 233, FayettevUle Street. !flmrlco l?it.lnL. J .. " ' -.u.u4ua a. ui ilia urn fin - Ann lootinii , sep29-div ' li test stvle buatles onlv 25 rta. at I dav arnl Kt-iHav. Rawls'. a2 Persons detKjsitinor mnniea nnrf ro celving certificates of deposit therefor running o or iz montns will receive interest thereon at the rate of 4 per ceni per annum, 1887. patt iwn n riiiihriiitu 1888. mnnpn -IfUllM. bargains at Perry's in shoes. oct it theSenate eat with closed doors for all purposes. It is said that when a Sena, or wished to address these assembled ambassadors of the State?, he did not rise and make a formal speech but A Provident Daughter. In a cond old western M:is?ft Bixhv's roval shoe drpssfntr ami I & C matches at Kaufman's. o24 all its denartmenta. ..llftfttinna loan discount, tind dnmiir.. ' TTnnart .... ... . I uu nnen you wwu to save money in wants of tl.e community an thorough TURNOIM THE LIGHT. cnusetts town lives a doctor who ha purcliasinjr coods. Perrv's ia the hv as we do. we r.nried four wires.. When namUnWet: w I'k. .,ki: ' -"r. fmr was a bride of a few davs .he '.. . n :iv v - i s 1 OUK Olr GOODS l,.rJ. R..;n. . IK ;" new orng ,iok. tuita. Leo D. HziEir. CWer. O ' " WMm wva.A w U VtlttV BIJC 1 h d frtrf .l in., a. . - . in I ' . i ,l . . , , , i w, jivi ii vi ucu rLtuiua. Dili 1 . T . .. niwhr .t,AM . Ju. aiuauie itcal Lstate : for Bale. mat nas aiiir, v w ""vu i vjoiro, passca away now, and the Senate .Oh.a(,n't tftt f.. h.t AVVB. l'u.8",a .. 8"e'1 " a celtain deed LADIES AND;GENTS' KNIT UlNULnWLMn! t'T" D ; wr ooara. oeeing a board that she ble for offices or bed rooms. RED, BLUE AND WHITE Qtterin2 his Tiews- tV I, A 1V1VRT.S Chamber is a, great rostrum everybody in the United States Prints Domestics, WE HAVE EVER CARRIED. We take pleasure in saying to the farmers of Durham and surround log counties that we have just received T new novelties in areas goods which the great centres of the world The first two Senators from State were Benjamin Hawkins and I nrfl fa Vara KAniamiM ui.Ufl MM .1 l iu u TlCkmg, DreSS GOOdS Samuel Johnston, and they executed S?" 6nnt TK . . Lk-n4. a..I Cr. . TAev comprise a "Sarfaparilla," He virtue nf nntVinrit nnfa,.i,J U.. I 7 I "v uueriux fc pricca mat will as O, trust (txecntriil nnl,n..;.k tir. . from what father tn la nt hi; SV.: !!-" ,a v ""V V' the 14th dav of Mar. 1883hv IT3 IB0 - only on i?j5o Transcript. , 41 , L?Pcomb and Lute a Lipscomb, hU "DieSS G-OOc3 but " U4VC t'Jf8,'",, P w "TJV " me which said deed of trusi 1 ' WAliNEas Loir Onbin RpaiPdinq I I R.rror f rw,! r. n,..k Iiv o . . this old fashed, simple compoun Is, used Cleveland and hisCab net smoke N.O.. in book No. 2. n:u?fino Vre.lth Pi xLa I 1 Tha kv AF.1 I Ein Big Assortments and in Regular Smashing the Dced'uf Cession from Norta Car llftn nA p ...u wms, oj wmcn icnnesiee, mat ana consumption Kemiy," 'Scal splendid domain, was given lo the Pne, for the Hair," "Extract," far ceneral covernment. External and Internal Use, Plasters," general government. The first five representatives were "Rose Cream." for Catarrh. tinA "Liver Pills." Thev arenut uo hv 13 A IJIl A TXT O I Baotist Ashe. Timoth Blwnrtl, rf If W, n' T. JD A1AVJjQ.11N O ! U"ftn Sevier, John Stee!e, and Hugh Warner's S-fe Remedies, and pnmlseL the Duke of Durham Cigars. For I will on Thursday, December 29.ii, frijots, Velvets, Velveteens, Henri- uaie ai juunroe 8 urag Dtore. iioo, sen at. punue auction to the .-ettas, Diagonals, Sill,&c. sep 14-4 tn nignest omaer for cash, the tracts of The best assortment in Black Goods m-i m .. I laud riexnrihtd in nxi.1 . - . - - ua, -..".i-iiij,, viv.w oiiciif , hv OUklf Pi OllCe I I tO Witt -First tract ftitintrrl oi mi la. I nhniria l The Medi-ial SocielV mwtsi th 1t ""o Durham on t ie main road lead- We would liko for voa to look avrr and 3rd Monday n!hts in each !DS from Durham to Roxboro.and 1 r our month. lying on both sides of the Eoo River . . . ana known m 'The Mill Tr-cr," said 5102 UiOmmiat - KAUFMAN'S DRY GOODS AND SHOE HOUSE. Williamson. runner tne nrst uoncrcja. our Southern boundary, was theFerdido river and a surveyor s line, separat - ingns from thebpanlsh province of Florida, now te reach down to the to eaual the standard vilna of thn great preparations.. All , drUTgUts accp tuem. .For Sale. A valuable bouse on Rroadwav IttfrApt. TnP aula , a la . m n Gulf of Mexico. Then oar Western I building lot. to boundary was the atiiitiainnl.". nnw . DunilAJi Lasd & Seciritt Co. tbe racific Ocean; then our area was d2if. i..t,.i i - : j I trct containing 4(1 Aora mnn . VU, uau, UU Uit'DI, jUSl IcVKIVcU I . . . o w - w .v-.-o, n.. . . ..a I and havinv nn it irridt: ati1 u n.i i 1 1. I. Mntn t .i.i. ..j u.i. one oiacKsuiun shop, one still house. A e c m sell a good brogan at f 1.00 one granary, one corn crib, and on which cannot be bought for less than double cabin. Kecnnd Lrftpfc Aitiiatxul I ' ei .t ia;i....A -- " v.VMwn. on Little River, being tbe same tract conveyed to John D. Lip.-coab to Willium Lipscomb on Sentember 24th. We call attention to the Mitchell 1 18C9. cr-ntaininjr 300 acres more or Paper Bjx C Petersburg, Va. lm I ,eM; having, on it, one- double cuui( uae Binie caoio, a toDacc corn crib, Go to Rawls for umbrellas. New drv irooda and shoes iust oran $10 elsewhere. OUR CLOJJIIl TEPAItTMENT W r to to the Mitflhell Faner Rnr Hn. t-..i r . r ft ' I barns. one crauarv. btablen. . . - -. - . - I tTC Fof m fnllor and mnr. v;o., lag i Sole Agents In Dur-PTiJS, nam for A, M. Herrod Uoa tho trouble to look abJnt t.nU V.,,nA i . - -. : . r - The"OM Reliable" Paper ,uvluuu iumi Apntlta XtuntM tn trnval a lnm. ir..r..i.i l li:t.k.ll I. n . -..v t 1. ,s uvttiir iwur i lernwrv m m i I'lunnn nnn iirrrnn i wuthnnr vi a i i 1 m V . ------ v. mmw. mt VH K, M - U7 f I .V UI, I u , iir.. . Xi, A. VIIITAKER, . Durham, N. C. Consists of all styles, which we are dTerinif verv law. Wm wntill lilra fn DuklcuUrlfoU to look over our CLtlAlCM end descripti n of said tracts of land see WRAPd,, We bought tbdm direct the book and page tn the registei I from the manufactory, therefore, we d21t & Co.'s Shoes. BIXBY'S at the map as to settled population, be will find a long narrow strio of I territory along the Atlantio coast, a mere ribbon of settlements, and even that very sparse, now it extends all over the National domain, . with a Pianos and Orcrlns for lha "Ymiw ... . . noiidays,at XI. A. WAITAKk 8. d2U The Inimitable. Banner across Main Street. stop until you jet there. office above referred to. Place ol nrtnr "a,e conty court House door in Dur i-"U l I k . W 1 1 Tl: , .., . uaiu,xi.v, Xiuiroiaam 12 O CIOCK, D. A. W. U XT WOOD,, Blacking and Shoe Polish, at 5 and steady swelling exodus into 'the new 10 cents. and fertile West, that mocks the mi by Car Wheel. " Chew Car wheel Tobacco, for sale Sale NOTE PAPER Five cents per quire. ENVELOPES,. Five Cents per.Pask. and dec 1-tf giations or the ancient races, I . . m . a m. mat or the barbarians who overran Europe at the commencement of the Dark ages. And so great apd steads ily increasing is this toleration to ... .7 . ".. . our .nores, mam turcatons w ror- . tt f . tnm mmU eiirnirn mi, oiiisa that a.-a nt . f I . ... . . ' . ... , at rui norwo Ki uo. They will ready foretgnized, as well as our new I keep a fieri s apply every day. d2tf. Harness Oil- At P.W. Vac decSUf Dr 'rdir Storfe-, rr . . ii . r i t . m V feet, turnins. anntefL .mt a.r1 IUr iae uo., r-" Virginia. , novza w. j. wy att & Co. o27 -"rniCT rr T-rm : lUrO barrels of flour. 2000 pounds of hams, . 8000 Wenern bacon, 8000 " Coffee, 3000 . Plug tobacco,' 10.000 Hay, . 10.000". Ship stuff for sale at W. J. Wtatt & Cba July 20 1 , .. . Don't fail to trv the famona DnV of Uurham Uigars for 5 'cents, at Munroe's Drug Store. , sep 14-4m . can sell them very cheap. - IN OUR Hat Department We are offering the greatest bargains that ever wai offered. We can sell a NICE UAT for bovs as low as 25 cenU Oar. best calico we are r..:. . t. . . , m . , . , . . "ucnug . uvo can per jara. uace Two hundred and fifty acres of fin Georga Sneetiog at 61 cents. No lm,totopiunnmto trouble to show goods. Como and sonlh of Chapel III 1 in an excellent look and be convinced that Charles neighborhood. Thin land admins the r?, .u. i lands of Atwater. Tilley and other.. w . " w r1 w A biircrain will ha ttltntt. , I v.. ..t. r " a ... vur lutxuieu are v. ax. ueans. oi Terms easy. For full particulars Chatham County, R, A. Pass, of W'tw'iT : P" County, Frank Harris, of ,,.&,, xurnm uounty. t,. , , As Vcrv Msictfo!ly, , - Rialto, Chatham Co., N. C. cilAS. BOBBINS, nov 17 lm novltf

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