Land for Sale. . Any person wanting to buy a pood plantation, withia nine miles of Dur ham, or exchange real estate in Dur ham for 8ald plantation will do well to correspond with F. S. Hog an, Ral efgh, N. C. Plantation well adopted to the culture of corn, tobacco; wheat and oats. ... . ISrlctc Factory for Rent. On-December 17, 1887, at 12 o'clock M., I will rent the Brick Fac tory now occupied by J. Y. Whitted, for year 1888. Renting at auction at court house door. . W. W. Fuller, Agent. , ' . 'I Big bargains at Kaufman's in towels, napkins and bed quilts. . , ol3-tf I. I. ' ' For Sale or, Kent. The store house known as No. 9 on Mangum Street. Apply to . L.J. Walker, . nov. 24tf. , . . or J. W. Smith. . Go to Kaufman's and, get bar gains in sugar, coffee, &c. . ol3-tf . ,A11 size Lanm Chicaners, at 5 cts. each, at Johnson & Co.'s Drug Store. deo9-3t. Rawli takes the cake on $3.00 shoes. au 3 Try a pair of Perry's $4.75 cork lole Bhoes, . - oct 14. 'I .- NOTICE.' The Stockholders of the Fidelity Trust & Sayings Co., of Durham, will meet at the rooms of the Common' wealth Club on the 16th day of De cember 1887 at 2.-30 o'clock P. M. It la important that all should attend. Only those can vote who have p d all assessments. - W.J. Chbibtian; . . d3tf . Sec.&Treaa. . All but four of the 175 newspapers printed in Georgia are against the continuance of the war taxes. . ; For Sale. ", - . One prize room on Ramseur street, one vacant lot on Foster street, the eight on which the Noell prize house stood. .Apply to - t tf. i kooebs, Sec a ireas d9Ct. Durham Land & Sec. Co. Royal Light and Red 0 Oil, at Johnson & Co.'s Drug Store. aec9 3t For Salei A well established and pay ng heavy and fancy grocery business. 'For particulars apply to ' ; Robt. I. Rooebs, Seo & Treas. The Land & Security Co. Dec 3.1m. NEW BAKERY. v.v C. L. HOEN1G, (Successor to E.P. ALGOOD.) Has established a first-class tej til Cr.ij I'iiifiil:;?. . - ' Wfffii Paris ail FcstMs Furnished on short notice by the most skilled artists. A large line of all kinds of FRUITS And every thing usually kept in a first . class confectionery, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. C L. IIOENIG, . At old stand of City Bikery, DUBOAIC, K.C. "MAGNOLIAS," - " EVERGREENS AND FRUIT TREES. Silver Ilaples. Osage Oranges for Hedging, Straw berries, etc. HIS A SPECIALTY. Beforo ordering elsewhere see the Magnolias planted out at Trinity Church. SEEDS ; In bulk to arrive shortly from the North of such varieties as have been tried and croren to be a success in this locality. - Landscape gardening, gardens and , cemetery lota will be laid oat with Jndg. ment and skill, and, if desired, taken .. care of by the year. In all matters per taining to the garden it will be to your Interest to consult tne undersigned who offers the benefit of his long and varied experience to the ladies and gen tlemcn of Durham, vicinity and State. THE DURHAM FLOBAL KTJltSEXtY, R. IIIBBERD. porl-tf Durham, N. C. n rn n r.i n n . I 1 MANUFACTURING COMPAQ : Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinia of ' 'furniture, SUCH AS I PARLOR, CHAMBER SUITS, DINING ,:L ROOM 'AND KITCHEN FURNI- ' , TURE,: CLOCKS, PICTURE -FRAMES, MATTRESSES A SPECIALTY AND " : " I AT -ANY PRICE. ii n r UuyiiuLo . . n THE- - " MM FURfilTURE m . s ME I A LIU 0A8KETS, BURIAL CASEa AND CO FINLAND A GENERAL LINE OF UNDERTAKING, t WE SELL FOR CASH OR ON INSTALLMENT PLAN. THISSPAOEISFOR JACOB era RALEIGH.' N. C. Headquarlers for all kinds of Crockery Glassware, Fancy Ar ticles, &c, ; The cheapest, best, largest and finest stock of Crockery In : the State, When in Raleigh go to see him and he will treat you right. dec 8-1 m W. T. BLACKWELL, President P.A.WILEY.CasW.. T EC 13 Bank : of : Durham After the fire w ar on Uaia Street, where we ars read; ai eve. U rve the public -r 21 RAIL ROAD ALL . AROUND. The Railroads have been carried by a large majority, and have caused a big racket, but nothing equal to the racket at the ' Racket Grocery. Caused by knocking the top off of high prices, and placing eometbing to eat in the reach of every man, . , woman ana child. At the Racket Grocery You : can . find .. all grades "of Flour weai, Meat, Uorn, Oats, Ship Stuff, . Bran, Mill Feed, Molasses, Syr- up, Sugar, Coffee, Fish, Oys ters, Sardines, Salmon, Can Beef, Potted Ham, Can . Fruits of every descrip ". ; tion,Oat Meal,Flakod , '. Oat Groats, Buck- ;. - ; wheat Flour, Hominy, Corn Starch,' Macaroni, Ta pioca, Gelatin," Jelly in cans and ; , pails, Ginger, Pepper, Spice,Nut '.' megs, Cloves,' Cinnamon Bark : and all kinds of flavoring "extracts. A Baking Fow , " s ders, Soda, Soap, toilet ; and laundry, ? Starch, ! . , Lye, Blueing, Pear '.I line, Stove Pol ish, also Lamps, Glassware, Crockery, Tinware, Kmves and Forks, Spoons and other Hardware, Fancy and Plain Candies, Fruits of all kinds a&4 quality, Florida Oranges a specialty, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Snuff Cigars, Cigarettes, Matches and bun dreds of other articles, all of which will be sold at the very lowest cish . "prices. .Remember that ', Is onr motto, and fair dealing to all of every age, race or color. Don't forget the place and when you want to get the lull value of your money J come direct to the Racket Grocery On the corner opposite E. J. Parrish new Warehouse, and you will be re lieved of your cash and your wants supplied. Thanking my friends and customers for past favors, and hoping to share a part of the same in the fu ture, I remain very respectfully, Yours, Ac, W. H. PROCTOR. oct 5-3m ' . yy. F. REMINGTON, CONTRACTOR AND j BUILDER, 5 DURHAM, H, C. mm, BUYERS TJAMTED am FOR THE &A-tah- i innrrtT ntn nurAOCOT STOCK OF HARDWARE, Crookery Stoves, flco.,.everotTerf d inDurham A LARGE STOCK OF ' SASH. SOOES AM; BLINDS, fyCookinjj Stoves, Heating Stoe, Grates, Coal Hod., Fire Dog,nl ISTShovcl and Tongs, Library Lampn, Stand Lampp, De c ra nw . juried Toilet Sets, Tin Toilet 8ela.-fct PAINTS, OILS AND GLAS S ISrGani and Sporting Material, HanMng Suits and Legginps.-gn . - , tQrCOlIE AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES . ROBERTSONLLOYD & CO., MAIN STREET, DURHAM, N. C. lep 80-6ta HUGHES & MACKLIN O'BRIANT BUILDING, MAIN STREET. GatioaotiPn Gnaran tccdi novl6-tf LADIES! . JDO TCftJH OWS DTEINO. AT HOME, WITH Peerless .'.Dyes. Thev will die mrrthinff Thev are sold erery where, price lOo a package 40 colore, They have no equal for Strength, Brightness. Amount in Package) or for Fastness of Color, or non-tading Qualities. I be do not crock or smut, a or sale b P. W.VAUGUAN, DRUGGIST DURHAM, N. C. Fall and Winter Sufts GO TO MRS. B. DAVIS A FIT GUARANTEED. Oleanmg, Binding and B9pairin& Neatlv. . Cheaply and Prompt ly Done Mala Streoif, oppj3ite 0. C. Trior's . nov 9-tf LUTHEll SHELD.OPT, SASHES. DOORS AID BLINDS -'Mouldings, Brackets Stair Rails, Newels, ; . . , BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty . : . ' AND BUILDING MATERIAL OF EVERlbESC'RIpflOIf. ; 1 , Nos.-16, West Side Market Square and 49 Roanoke Avenue. a s Establi8liedinl876.-"-' '-. - - I - . - Norfolk, Virginia UCli If Hill ' - . . JOHN 0. GAMAGE & SONS Wholesale and Retail Dealers in : ' . ", - Lime, Cemeni, PJasur, Lnhsj Bricks, Hair ; SLATE, TAR, &C. &C. 1 1 ' 1 " - , , - - . t Manufacturers' Agents for ' Centennial Medal Liino and Hoffman Roaedale Cemtili. ' . 100 and 102 WATER STREET, NORFOLK, VA. ' V octl7-d6m - :'-.'. 96 PATENT VCASAMBniLL CO. l VAMHflNTEiJ A WAKKAK 1 tU i CAG AMBRIll MFB CO. VCXGANIBRILl WRtOj ffE&F&yyg Fmilg Y Extra .W5RRftWTE3 I VflHHANTEb -A 'WARRANTED." iCAGAMeWUMniM 5.1.SAMBRIUIfl:! GAEAM'JHn.lM.HIJ .VARIUNTED A .VWRHRNTED 'AARRA" I l . : cjbriu. VIWJ la... ..MMaat trm m V ricttianm sua en J r I C AuHRIlI . -.IV 1 JPatapscOi Flouring Milk, x -ESTABLISHED 1771.-81 C. A. Cambrill IVIfg Co., Prop's, BALTIMORE. MAR YLAKD. The PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE is the Premier Flour of Amarica, and Y in the United Kingdom, commands decidedly mire mono Than other American Flour. Ask your grocer for it, or for anj of tk bove well-known brands. -For sale by GAMMON, & Co., Agents, Durham, N. C. -seplO-d&wly STRAWBERRY TWIST. Appreciating the liberality with which the STRAWBERRY TWIST Taga have been returned to us during 1887, we beg to announce for 1888 the fol- I 2 Ty . i f it. Lirrin miinnf miff nm m 1 . uwiug ftvuiB ir mo return oi oxuAviiiirrx iYioi iageuuring the yeer : h : - , , For 100 Tags A Handsome Pocket Knife. 300 COO " 1000 M 2000 " 2500 M 4000 u Student's Lamp. (KickeU Decorated China Tea Set, (53 pieces.) Gent's Chain and Charm. Elgin Hunting Case Watch, (Stem Winder.) Hand Engraved Silver Tea bet, (6 pieces.) Set Bed Room Furniture, (Antique Oak of uicrry.; All the above Presents are guaranteed to be nlNDSOME. . The Knives are sent by mail, the other articles are delivered free at Depo't or Ezprsis Office in Richmond. t6Hn sending Tags give full adJresi: he n oe Micliret nit YM. LYNCH, -rrDENTIST, fct'RILiil, N. C. . Office In the Parrish Building, Kan- Nangum Street : x FOR SALE BY Redmond & Proctor Bros., J. F. Conrad, N. II Johi son & Co., P. W. Vaughan, R. Blacknall & Son, Paul Norwood & Co. decO-dlf . - gnELBUUN'S PHOTOGRAPH- GALLERY. New outfit. New and beautiful dock of frames. All kinds of artists material on bnd. AU work guaran teed. My old friends and the public generally invited to call and examine my work. Prices low. . WM.SU ELBURN,' m3-tf Durham, N. 0. $100 to $300 mU working for . Aucnla prclerrcd wnoeaa furtilsb thir ova borMi and tW thf Ir wool tlma to th batlnna. Spara momtnlt nay ba profltablf amploxed alao. 4 fa rawBcle 10 ton and llt. B.r. JoHNsosaco., tOTM-dkwSa lO.Jtkl.8i lUeBOMadfY, WASTTO-Aiptita tn awy towa and aiMaM to tell oar Haw OhrbuaM Booka (I,) mh in rrom aoeeiiU to S.M. Una womaa with a UaiUr wrltoa that aba avsrafad T.(M adaylaat Vaar.lroa; apthmbr until CbriMmaa. On aa airratmxla tiU la alt waaka. Ooa aoldM.Ua ntwanktaaviUagaofoalr KX Trltlayaaj acbooldutnetUaa Btora. Ton ran ataka'ftaai UtOfSoO. D.&I.UTUEB, MMWUUaan Strati ASaato. fa. G. H. NORTON, mum m ju, DURHAM, K.C Tobacco Factories, Brick and Pi ami Residences and Villas eiesUd . in the most in-proved . itTlea, aa 27-tf

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