r i R1I VOL. 2. LET HIM WHO HATH. NO NERVE FOR THE FIGHT, DEPART. " DURHAM, N. C., MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 12. 1887. NO 198 J 1ST LOOK AT A New and Complete Lin V Si mill dot V. W: Stair. He is a Detaulter. New Orleans, Dec. 10. John McCaffrey, . president of the Pelican insurance LJompanv, has been dis k . . "mm m . covered to be a defaulter in toe amount of $10,000, and has left the city. Attempted Assassination ot AI. terry, New York, December 18. A spe clal to the Telegram from Paris say a: "A dastardly attempt has j ust been made upon the life of M. Jules Ferry. While walking la tne lobby of the Chamber of Deputie three shots from 1 1 revolver, wet. ;v - U him. M. Ferry, fe 1 g i vusly wouncUd. 'there is the greatest excitement in and . f toi'cd the Chamberlains im 0 possible at this moment to get any I definite information about the assas sin or his victim. Paris, December 10. Three shots were fired at M. Jules Ferry while he was walking in the lobby of the Chamber of Deputies today. A scene of conrusion ensued and the police immediately formed a cordon in the vicinity, preventing even the repoiters fro.n gaining access to wbeie the attempted assassination took place - It is reported that M. Ferry is eerioa ly wounded, buttur " ; t. mer iDiormaiiou ai presiufc is uuou- A tamable tIicRluff Suicide. About 10 o'clock ' last night Mr. John L. Herndon, a highly respected citizen of Little tfiyer township, who lives about eighteen miles east ef this city, was found dead in the woods about four hundred yards from bis residence lie was lying on his WEST OF- ' & Hntfil Claiborn. :s D RUQCisT AMB Durham, N, C. aMvtHMiberfJr of announ cing to the public that I have just returned from the Nor- thern Cities where I selected one of the largest stocks of HOLIDAY GOODS, OUR GOODS Entertain Streams of Visitors. JOWES l'tYOl : MAIN STREETi The Rambler after. Bargains -will find us HEADQUARTERS For Dress Goods;SiJks and Velvets. Shawls, J ackets and Short Wraps, Corsets; Hosiery and Gloves, Towels, Napkins and Doylies. Flannels and Blankets. Ladies and Misses Merino and Muslin - '. . Underwear. Ever offered on the Durham Market. Our stock com- prises the latest Amen- "We invite the wcMdJjo iLJ ' can and European Nov elties, such as Ladies, TUOMAS; ASK FOR BOLTON'S FINE stomach with a single barrel shot gun in his left hand and the muzzle in bis mouth, ihe ramrod was in bis right Laid. Mr. Herndon wa- devoted to his family, consisting of a wife and three chiicren, and when be left home in the morning told t's wife hft KM irnintr huntin?. Thftre la tin known rea on for the de dt but it is Christmas Cards, undoubtedly a case of suicide. The gun was loaded with buck shot. nd Bronze Card Receivers, 5U0ES' CELEBRATED FOR A! THEIR COMBINATION OF UN- oied man named Matthew Hioton sm "V II lrnnrvhT. thO . 4. c inf PIlKr0nrA rrt lha dtT ihialmornlnff.'with a letter from Ur' i .VT ru.i '.V. ' ' - ' fENCE. STYLE. WORKMAN- or i iiniiri n ."ruTiTirir P.B.PaceEsq,aju3ticeoftbep8ace J nnATTTvnn nf tht.wn.hin .ndrnmr.,n.fltPfl SHIP AND QUALITY OF with the coroner, but, under the law A I no inquest can be held in such cases, ItharA heinor fin KttiilftviE cit t.iiil Hrft I t t : tt . : t - or"'. itnnrmi!iTi vasns. our famousiine of ISnoes. Manicure Sets, MATERIAL. : ; ' f' . ; '. - I '" 'v' ' f - " ceediugs. Raleigh Visitor. We invite your attention to BnW$3!$312 P"?-"4 eig says that there are now present tm- a wvt, We are also agents for ti. B. Cox and George Ziegter's File Shoas fa Ladies', Misses and Children, and Burt and Packard and L.. Boydens' Fia 255 students. In the medical school AimlntiraA QtiH rilnrveinr GT.nP.lr thirty -six,' while thirty are KJ LLX JLCIJL CI CtJXVt. vxvc J-s. u - w w v. studytn for the miniitry. The num Shoes for Men and Boys. Examine our own warranted $3.00 SEAMLESS SHOE, ber of wre advanced students is larger than ever before in the history posed of some from New Eigland and some from this btate. . t Charles Dickens, Jr.. is looking for mas Day with Henry Irving. . i.i - Confcc'ionries and fruits at Paul NORWOOD UO S. . VCC. VI Jt. Our patterns are very select, and prices shall be made to Fresh oysters, crackers, at Paul suit the buyer. W ill have them cut and made H you so "VYTiisk Holders, and They arfl made of thab33t taaner cathuB donjoh tops, soli 1 aik leather outer and inner soles, so'ia leather counters rnd heels. The oe3t sue us m warranted. Hat, Capi, Trunks, s and Eirl & Wilson'd UuSi Customers surd to meat polite attention. ..t of Carpets up stairs, .where ssft.352 Many other NoTC,liC9 100 lS8afJ3a X ol the li.pU.tS, ih. .rdbeias.coa.- numerous.to mention. nd CoIU"- Dm M,Tr L ' we have ample space to show them. Holiday :-: Goods. Yours, most truly, JONES & LYON. desire. Come and make your selection before the Stock is broken. - Eespcctfully, '- IE1- ZEZLjIjIS. P. S. Also every department filled with a new and ele gant assortment of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC Remember that my Stock is entirely new, having sold out my interest in the late firm of Ellis & Muse. Very respectfully yours, Nice lot of crockery, elasi ware, lamp?, and lamp goods at Paul Nob- wood & UJ '8. lA'C li 01. Christmas Puck at the Durham Book Store. Its a daisy. Only 25 cents. ueciz. Sugar at Perry's for 5 cts a pound The prettiest and cheipcst line of Christmas Cards we ever saw, is at the Durham book ttoro It AH the above are new de- , . - signs, having arrived in this country a few days before they purchased. . Wo3FoE W Q O O b if. O d C3 o M X O C a; O B a S C3 rj r r c o p 03 0 Kg as W rn.. rjo CO W t You are Cordially H invited to Exam- 8 me oui siock. i o:kt Dy Goods Notions And Shoes. Yon can find the best line of Dry Goods in town at BOWERS & EAWLS. You can find the best stock of Boots and Shoes at BOWERS & ItAWLS. We are selling Holt's Plaids at C cents per yard. Only a few yards of Saf tine left, at 9 cents, cost you 15 cents elsewhere. It would take this whole paper were wa to attempt to call over our many bargains so come right alon and tee for your self. You can always find the lar gest,tbe best, the most com plete and the CHEAPEST Stock of Goods in town at the new store of BOWERS &KAWLS P.17.VAUGHAN T23T 0'

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