Don't You-Want ; ' - ' l " A PAIR OJT1IEM - , ; H SHOIS $1251 $1.25! $1.25! $1.25! NiC3liFiilsl63eSleiiI7dlGs! WARttNTED ALL SOLID LETAHER. Trv a Pair anrl sna if vnn w w j m m wa WWW JVM don't like them. We have higher priced Shoes ' for Ladies at exceeding ' V" lr good value. We also make a fjkc" dly of If KM WO?, For, Mea and Boys Wear ! SEE TACKS. J O TACKS Every ra'r warrmte l to give gocd satisfaction to the wearer ami an comfortable as cus . '.loin made work. " Io Mens' Shoes we have them at $2. $2.59 and $3. In Buys Sho?i yon ran get them at $1.25, -$1.50 and $2 00. Uont Fail to cat a Fair if yon wish Tiio llaii Reorder. .PlIBf-ISIIEDlDAILY EXCrrT H'MAT BY E. C. HACKNEY, Editor i Prop . ;Tiie Prohibitionists. Chicago, I!!., Dec. 19. Samuel Dickie, Chairman of the national committee, today issued a call for a national convention to be held at In dianapolis, Wednesday, Jane -Gib, next. . - rjz DURHAM, December 20, 1887. Jefferson-pavis iu 18CO.' JXhe cwdin the galleries give a buzz of relief, and everybody tells his right hand man. "Here he come-; thatV Jeff Davis."; And can it b possible tLat he; proposes to .. make a pe.echr-Ji.ou, are Burprissa 4 to see nun working. Why, tnat u the late of a fcoi p-.e, the form of a t skeleton. Looif at the baggarn, sunken, weary yf:,.thethtn, white, .wrioKled Hps clapaed closV; upon the teeth in tuguisaThat is the month of a brave bat . impatient sufferer. See the Jiastly white, hollow, bitterly puck- red cheek: .the V high. '.'sharp-.' cheek o ievthepale brow full of fine wriiigleP: the grizzly bair, prematu ely gray, and eee the tbw. bloodless, bony, nervous haodtl He deports bis documents upon - his desk, and sinks into his chair 'as if incapable of nsiri'g. ' In a tew . mtbites,t.he vice cftiriflvt. fives hi afesk'a. blow, with his ivory hamnfer, calls for wfawndij rder and states v that the . senator from Missia8ipp"h i8 the floor. Davis rises with a smile. His speech tv s closely reasoned and 'bis : words were well chosen. Once m a 5 while It- pleased his hearers by a happy pe ri d; but it was painfully evident that he was ill. the Century. , . 19 Ei'jl) II', 111 Djn'tfadto bear in mind tLa' w carry a nice Hue of D17; .Goods, 4 9- .Notions, Gents' Furnishing Gcods, - . .'. i ; . 1XD A rCLI. USE OF Men Ml HI - tt noes m Of al! grades and price. Ac. '.. KUBDERS FOR LADIES, GENTS AJJD CHILDREN AT C0cf 35c and 25c A PAIR. iJCAUFMAWS JrfBfloJs aniSIioe The Soldiers of Belgium, ' Daring my stny in Antwerp I saw a rarade or 10,UUU Uelgian troops These are the troops which belong to tbe foits extending around this lorti tied town. I he men are small and very careless in their dress. They march in a very slouching way. They do not appear as well as our country militia. They do not look iike soldiers. I do not believe that lU.OUy ot them would stand up against the charge of one determined German regiment. v The Belgians pride thcra-e'ves very much upon the fortifications about Antwerp. .The city is entirely m closed by these fortifications, hey are stiong u defended by the right kind of men; but with ; the Belgian duldiers behind them I do not thick that, it wculd bedifficult for any mod -rn army ot the gat powers to take Antwerp. But tbe importance ot Antwerp as a military outpost to protect the neutrality of the Belgian country has been ere&tlr, overrated I have been told by military mea that A.itwTp io so much our of - the way h at the Germans c mid nweb around it through Bt-lgtuiu into France with ut fihdig the fortifications t.e lea' degteeia their way. The Jlwgta ool iicrs rutsi Io of tnir frtitic inn Wi uhl be helplfs?, I am sure.T. C Crawford in Aeto York World. . Alust bo-lverlieil. : The Fup rintend nt i f the Pe:id Lefer Hureau, with the approval ot the 1 tma-.Vr Oencral, bas nn pan t a c rcuUr le'ter, whih will Xe ?nt shortly to all postmasti r, direrting the entorcpment or section 61)0 of the i'ostsl Laws and Regulation. -"Thin Kfction makes it imperative npoi pos'niisiers to advertise in a nws paper or p et a maruscript list of ooti-deliv. r d letters. It alio re quires tha charge and collection r; ne cent is all cases when a letter has been published, whether the list has been published in newspaper either gratuitously or at one cent for each letter, or ea sum, or whether tbe publication was merely by a writ ten Wp'sted in some public place. In all cee the postmaster is directed io aiSx and cncel a necent Mpos tfcge dae" stump as evidence f i's uel.verv. Jo postiihccs other thin those of the free delivery class tie MKtage dm" stamp should not l amxed uotu the letter is delivered. J his clause of the postal lav?, it U wil, hai .not hitherto been strictly enforced. fientenco Commuted. W. A . TThitaker and 'W. 8. .Ilay two young men i f Winston; were in dicted otne time smca for an auray and upon. tria were found gouty tin Wbitaker was fined $M)'J and Has was fined $100 and .sentenced to six months in jail. The Governor ves terday commuted Hay's senlepca to a fine of f 200 without imprisonment A even and )mrt",T, Krop'oyer and Employe. - Effiployer (tornmmerclal traveller) Good morning, Mr. Bmitfa; heme again, chr Commercial Traveller Yet, strnfiV town last right on tbe 7 o'clock; inn Irom Boston. . Employer Why I ctme over frm Uifn on that train, fctraoge didn't see you. Commercial i rayewer via . you take a parlor car r . .. Employer No, certainly nAt. : Commercial Traveller Wtl!, then that's tbe reason you diJn t toe mo. Epoch. . ' ' SPECIAL. NOTICES. . Go to Kawls' for umbrellas. - The Kilrain-Smith FlarhtaDraw New Yoke, Doc. 19. Tbe follovv- ing ciblegram was received at "the oCBce of the Police Gazette this after noon, dated Vernon, France : t r. 'One bundled and six rounds.' Time: Two hoi n ana thirty roinnjes. Hesuued in a draw. Ibis rewis to the " Kilram-Smiih fight; whichw s fixed-to take place "at 1 o'clock ; this afternoon on an island in the river Seine, twenty miles from Rouen, France ' ' Bacneracrosd'Main Street. stop until yoc there. Don't First arrival family white fish re ceived by W. J. Wyatt & Co. o4 Big bargains at Kaufman's in towels, napkins and bed quilts. ol3-tf Go to Kaufman's and get bar gains in. sugar, coffee, &c. o!3-tf Rawls slioes. takes the cake- on 3.00 au 3 - 1 Who snows the best -selected stock of carp ts on the markft ? - Baxxer Dry Goods House. Tbo Kociinatiou of Mr, Iiinar. Wasuixoton, December 19 -Sena tor Edmunds, chairman of the idU .. . . ciary committee, wuo wishes to leave toniorrowf jr the Sou;h, determined late yesterday to have' a meeting t f his committee this morning, and, is sued a c ill at once, AH th members but Senator Evarts, who is .out f town, were present. . The nomination ofMr. Ifirnar was take-up aud h.s political recoid was discussed, crea tor Po7lr aoneaie ffthe bis colieigues at considerable lengih in justification of Mr. Lnmar'g past course. 1 be hour for the meeting of th Senate arrived before the subject had ncen exhausted and its lurtner consideration was postponed till after the liolid'iy recess. -'.The nomination was referred to a sub commute'1, con sisting of Edmunds, liotr and'Pugh. The nomination of Mr. Vila was not reached. . eowds at SrttnHreffield s. .He is clos log out uis iry gaoas otisiness ana you can save 25 per-cent by . trying hii great bargain offers. ;'- tf Pig feet, turnips, apples, sweet and Irish potatoes, onion-, beetsAc, at W.J. Wyatt&'Co. 27 Buy vou dry goods at Summer- 6eld's, he is closing out his stock cf dry goods. s . ' . : tf Horrible Blurder. . MoNTGOMEnv, Al ., December 10 A special to the "Advertiser fiom Luiauia tells oi a horrible murder in Henry county, AK Bradl y John' son, ex-sherirf of that county, is one of the oldest and most respected ciii- Z-ns. Thursday two of his - boos got drunfr, and at night in cold blood butchered an older brother named Charles, aged twenty seven years. The murderers are aged t eighteen ' and twenty vears respectively. The old father, when he went to his 'murder ed son's rescue, was made by the two younger eons to kueel on the floor and oeg for mercy. Their ol 1 mother came into tbe room ai d tried to se pvnte them. She was knocked on the head by . the sons and ; horribly bruised. Their brot her in-law and another; brother, Ben, alo drunk, were made to leave the house. ' A neighbor came and discovered whit bad had - happened and spread the news abroad. When the.twj raur ilerers tound that their brother was dead, t-ne wtiiHiied -nd the otutr dai.ced in his M.mI.. Te surround ing1 country is greatly exciteJU an the latest news is that lhvnng is dc st ctrta n. Tne " victim wss iukep vheu bis brothers ltobei t snd Joliu, began their murderous work. AJve StocU for Sale. A fine lot of hotBes nd mules for fale cheap. 'Apply at Blackweli's Park to ltobt. Gates,' dlboc:, Summerfield is closing outiiis dry goods dt pirtmsnt. He is offering uucrecedentied barnains. Now-hat vou have to buy 4rt?goQdsit"wul pay you to call and ex'in his prices, it Bcsure to exajiJine pricis '. of dry FIKST' NATIONAL Mil OF DURHAM PTT?niTW bhiilUUil G dd head silk umbreMia at Elli.V wmpTium dec 20 Ladies - and "geutit f ilk and, linen adktrc'iiefs at Ellis'. . decv!0 Ellis has Ihe rge-t aod lstAi -ortment of dre goo-l-i. dec 2 J For elegint t'wcl.'. napkins and table liner, go t ) Eilii' emporium, dec. 20. ; .'. s I have a large lot vt the best Oys ters froni 90 cents to $2 00 a gsllon f r the Xmas trad?. J. A. Gresoam Buy something as a Christ mas present." We h-iv the giods that will do you service. al7 7t. Robektso:!, Lloyd & Ca ' m ' ' " iFine Library lamp?, hall lamps, etteet lamps, for Christinas Robertson", Lloyd & Co.'s Tea sots, dinner t, ti!et sets. raniitache enps A'c. at . - 4 d 1 7 7'. Roberts n, Lloid & Co ' Try the Z m Cheroo; 3 for lOcts at Paul Norwood & C's. r ill0-3; Coal v ises, umbrclLt elands cupa dors fir Cliristmas at " - ' d 17 7t J'.oBERTaox, Lloyd & Co. . e m i . .i . Xlirlstrnw Cards from 11 cents np at the Book Store. . dI'J2' Cx)lt stoves, heating stoves .for Christmas at Rcbkrtso. Liotd &0n dl77L Guns and spoitinggtodi, mmuni tion at Robertson, Lloy & Co. dl7Tt. ' , FdBfy Florida Oranges at Paul Norwood &CVu. dl9 3t For a good cheap smoke try the Royal Hind to Cbor.rot, 5 for lOcts at Paul Norwood fc IVs. . d 19 3t Ssnta Store. Clause in full the Bool dlOlt Handsome vrse lamp- for the holi days at Uoeeltsox, Lloyd & Co. CnAETEEED NOV. Otb, 18S7. papttat. inn.nno. 1 OFFICEES : - J. S. CARR. . . Peesidest. C. S. BRYAN, ' VlCE-PEESlDENT. LEO D. HEARTT, - . Cashieb. CHAS. A. JORDAN, . .. . IEIujEB. DIRECTORS : . J. S. Carr, V. W. Fuller, H. N. is now, E. J.Parrish. G. W. Watts, T. D. Jones, J. W. Walker, A. II. Stofces, Jas A. Bryan, CrS.lJryan. , We beg to announce to. the public that we are now ready for business, and on and after t'day csn be found in ihe Parrish building." Persons desiring papers discoui'ted will pleas? present them to the Board of Direc . : m m X - rlV - - tors thrcugh our Uastiier every lues day and Friday. ! ; : -' "Persons depositing monies and re ceiving certifies tes of deposit therefor running C or 12 months will receive interest therein. .t the rate of 4 p?r cent per antiunrr- " V 1 ' We are prepare'! to do r:inaing in all its departments, collections,, loan discount, and deposit. Knowing the wants of the community astnorougu ly as we do, we wi 1 endeavor to serve the public as liberally as circum stances wiii admit. . - - J S. Caiib, President Leo D.'Heartt, bushier. V: Go to ' Terry's at once and make your selection in toys. d 10. , t No Sale. ' . By rdT of the sale committee there will bo uo tnb.tcci saks at the warehou-tea In Durham, from the 24lh ot, J) ceraber till Monday the 2 id of January, 1888. LUCIUS I ILLY, v -. Fee. Durham Tob. Ass., defection eries,- frnits, butter, eg.s, groceries heavy and fancy for Christmas at Redmond & Proctor Bros. d Yu wilt fad to see the pretties' things In town if you dou't visit Pir ryV store at once. " ;. . . d 16. TURNON riv I d 17 7t. rrry Tin iTm lnCililUliT H FOR IIKHE UE ARK WITH THK :L.IWSEHT SIOCKOPGOODS WE HAVE EVER C VRRIEU. We takfl pleasure in stvlnc to th tarmers of Durham, ami surroondinj: et:n i a that wu have just receiTei new novelties iu drcMi goods which we are offcrinz tt pne-s th it Mil ai to:.isb you. We carry In our TDX3SS (3-ood.s OepArtment all stylos and colons in Cashmere, S-r, Pio . Checks, French i'Uid, B-tins, Flannels and Trijots. Velvets, Velveteens, Henri . ettas. Diagonals, Silk, Ac. The befit assortment m Black Good. 1'rimiuings, every variety, to suit : above Dress Goods. We would like for you to look over . " . ' . our . Shoe iJepartment, As it is complete in styles and.kinds. v e cm sell a go-vl brogan at 51.00 which cannot be b ntjrlit for less than 10 elsewhere. . ' OUR CLOTHING PEPAKTJIENT S.,'- : . - - Uonsuta ot all sixie', whtcn we are Airing very low. We would like for WRAPS. We bojght them direct from the raanufactry, therefore, we . ' . can 'sell them very cheap. IN OUR ; Hat Department We arc olTerinT tlie greatest bargains that ever wa offered. ' We can sell a NICE DRESS HAT for boys as low as 25 cent. Oar best calico we are offering at five cmti per yard. Lke George Sncetiog at 1 cents. No trouble to show goods. Cvme and loyk and be convinced that Charles RolbiLs' is the place, to buy jour goods. Odr sdesmen, are ih SI. Geans, of Chatham County,- R. A. Pass, of Person County, rank Harrij, of County, . Very respectfully, UUAS.R0B3IN'S. not ltf Bll .'2.1 dec.8-6ra AT fif sii j Near Dukes Factory Confectionaries, Nuts RMSLKS, APPLES, ORANGES, . . ... . Canned Goods, finE. WORKS,' TOYS, Christmas ' : Presents . . Of many descriptions. . STAPLE si FANCY GROCERIES Fresh Meats, Sausage, &c, Tabacco, Snuff-and Cigars. dec 13-2 tr I 1I1M mi ATTTRACTinNS KW SESlHi POPULAR SELECTIONS, ": ' ri i mTrtn i rtmnnTf TinTrrnn VH'I'IVU nt -nitf I KK II h v : r Dili 10 i' AUIUU 1 1 iir.J . DURHAM TRADE SOLICITED BY G. N. WALTERS, PASIIIOXABLE MERCHANT TAILOR, HALEIOII, K.i; ' ' , . No. 233, Fayetteyille Street Samples Furnished on Application. ' sep 29 dlr r It would delight jou to see our great - display of ' ' '' BARGAINS : -IN- " Curious, Useful and Orna- . mental Articles.. El' fr'i At (H(MWLI-IIM. vr Iwif lionl- know. Uabtrtl(okac, Ad4nMt6r tHfclAfi BLOOM. Sin WziiUxiCl Something to Gratify" every - Taste. rjncyGoods ! a novelties This Is your chance if you want to .t purchase few or many, cheap r . . ." or costly -'PRESENTS--- EFerytliing from Rich Gifts ; to Inexpensive Remeni-branccs. Pficbs Low Goods Everybody welcome whether they buy or sot. COME and SEE R. Bfacknall & San. City Drug Store.

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