P- A" Jf " I. Ransom and Vance, s Washington, Dec , 19. Bills were introduced in the Senate today by Mr. Ransom providing for a public building at Asheville N. 0 , to cost tl50,000 and by Mr. Vance for a building at Charlotte to cost $200, 000. -' " - - , ; The Work ot Assassins, .' Iuisville, Ky., akpatch says: Rev. Dr. Bafil Manly, ; professor iu . the Baptist .Theological Seminary of that city, and one oi the most promi nent Baptist divines in the tioutb, was assaulted by two masked men in - the suburbs at dusk Friday, and , probably fatally injured. T The pur ' pose of the men was probably uberry. An Exciting lieport. . New York, December 19The WorlcCa Ottawa dUpatcu says: 'Thei e is considerable excitement here over the report that two clerks in the De partment of Fisheries have been fur Dith ng private Government infor mation to the United States contin grnt . of the Fisheries Commission. A&, investigation, it is understood, bus been ordered." ,v- - Results of aVendettH. , WtscnfcSTBR' M?yTr Doft H. The didlculty between the Adam and X'asvreil factions broke out again last '' ttandayxight in R ck castle county, v whtn, after church services, Frank 'Adams was killed by one ot the (Ja wells. Since then ' Frank - llasdon, James Lonsford, James To wnscud, Tom Jacksou and to .otuers, names Utikuoffn, have , bceu ' killed, .while mauy others havo been wounded and several li'iUHediuve been buraei. , - - . Brewers BuycoctI n s States. . Ch:s o, III., Dec. 19 The brew. , era are beginning to ' boj cott the Slates which hate voted fur the ex clusion of liquids made from malt ' Considerable surprise was occasioned up n the Board of Trade .when or .;. ders were leceived from . the 'Keeley Brewing 1 Company to Its but er to purchase no more barley from the "- States of Iowa and Kaunas. Inquiry at the office of the brewery elicited a partial acknowledgment ot the proposed retaliation. The other brewers say they know nothing olthe matter, and for theru .. eelv8 say they are not boycotting the promotion atates. - . t ; Dliich Cow! A $50, 3 gallon, good condition, am all. scrub or devin cow . fir s&Ia. WitfNbe giving milk by middle of : February" Calf to be half Jersey. Apply to - C Dubbam. yli il m my mi mm Abb 11 IT 11 k ifif Eft' ARE COMING, AnndD . go m the HDwvhmn v'' , 1 ' . ' " ' .'-' ' - ' ' - DTtmn?miflttnjinrB MlaiiiianliacttffQ' ipfinng' A Special Line of CFirist mas Goods JPurchased. 9 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CHAMBER SETS, BOWL8 AND PITCHERS, BRIC-A BRA C, LOOK " J'rr 1NO. GLASSES, , ,' ' . . For Sale. ;125 fpet of 8 Inch galvanized iron pipe (second hand) suitable for to Laco Aires. Price 10 cents per foot. .." GK)Dwni & Co. d 17 : Durham Machine Works.' . - . ' or S4ie. To close a partnership; We offet for sale all the machinery, tools and stock of the Durham Machine Works, comprising , machinery tods and stock " f r carrying on the several trades of machinists, fo nders, hla k smiths,, plumbers t and steam water and eas fitters. All will be sold as a whole, or ench department of busi ness separately. V . Goodwin A Co. d 17 Durham Machine Works. Christmas ig Coming! ?But the fallowing gouda for Xma have already arrived at the Racket Giocery and sre being s dd at'sston iihingly lw prices : "Plain and fancy candies, preserves and f.-llies. plain and fancy cakes, flavoring extracts of all kind, currant), raUens, nuts and green fruits. For further informa tion see advertisement in another column. W.K. T. B. is an unmia takable fact. d6 2w . . W.TI. PuocTOit. Preserves, jellies, figs, raiiins, prune?, citron, Florida oranges, co coanuts. candies of all kinds and anything needed, all fresh fit 8. B. Perry. " d 16. ' i- i , L test st) le bustles only.25cts. at 'RawU ? Oysters..;,' Nice frcsn oysters cn half shell at Barklcy's in -O'Urient bnilding, Mainstrett. nl7tf. ... For nice oysters goto BarkfcyV . ; . nl7if. The best brands of flour, meat, crackers, &c, at W. T. Wyatt & Co. 27 Big line of ents furnishing goods at Kaufman's. , ol3-tf - ' ..." Misses Ralber Circolars only 50c at Rawls', v al5 . . .m mm ..-- Children's rubbers 25c, at Rawls'. Nice tweet potatoes and turnips at Paul Norwood & Co. 200 barrels of flour, 2000 pounds of hams, 8000 . Wetcra bacon, 8000 Coffee, 3000 Tlug tobacco, 10.000 M Hay, . 10.C0O" Ship stuff : for sale at W. J. Wraw & Co.'fl July 20 tf. '.The Delight of a Maiden's Heart. PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMES.' THESE GOODS ARE SOLD AT CLOSE MARGINS AND BOUGHT IN VIEW OF CHRIST- ' MAS PRESENTS." CALL AT .THEIR STORE FACING ON ; " -. . '; , MAIN AND CHURCH .STREETS DURING . ; . THE HOLIDAY . I . THIS SPACE IS FOR JACOB MI,' RALEIGH, K. C. Headquarters for all kinds of Crockery i Glassware, Fancy Ar ticles, &c, The cheapest, best, , largest and, finest , stock of Crockery in ; the State. ; ' When in Raleigh go to see him and he will treat you- right. dec 8-1 m -o o-O-o o- We are in the lines- Waiting for public patronage with FINE LIBRARY LAMPS; HALL LAMPS, ' BRASS UMBRELLA STANDS, COALYASVS, , China - Tea - Sets, - Toilet - Sets; Moustache Cups, Motto Cups, O O OKI STOVES, Scissors, and other goods too numerous V mention, ' . all of these will make substantial and useful presents. - . Give us a Call and Look at our Goods. ROBERTSON, LLOYD:& COM MAIN STREET, DURHAM, N. C . 1 tep 30 Cm ! RAIL; ROAD ALL AROUND. The Railroads have been carried by .a large majority, and have caused : a big racket, but .nothing equal ' to the racket at the Backet ; Grocery. Caused by knocking the top off oi ! high prices, and placing something . to eat in the reacb of erery man, r , oman and child. "At the , ' I Racket Grocery You can find all grades of Flour, Meal, Meat, Corn, Oa's, Ship Stuff, Bran, Mill Feed, Molasses, Syr ..; up, Sugar, C(ffee, Fish, Oys-' ' ters, Sardines, Salmon, Can . Beef, Potted Ham, Can ', ' Fruits of every descrip V , 1 tioniOat Meal .Flaked Oat Groats, Back' wheat Flour, Hominy, Cornstarch, Macaroni, Ta pioca, Gelatin, Jelly in cans and' paiIijWTr, Pepper, Spioj,Nuti .v . megs', CJoves7 Cinnamon Bark.? , . and all kinda of flavoring : r4. extracts. Bakiug Pow ' ' .dera, Soda, Soap, toilet and laundry, Starch, Lye,Blueing, Pear . line, Stove Pol- . . ish, also Lamps, GlasKwat e , Crocker Tinware, Knives and Forks, Spoo and other Hardware, Fancy at Plain Candiee, Fruits of all kinds au quality, Florida Oranges a sprculh fSmoking and Chewing Tobacco, Smi. Cigars, Cigarettes, Matches and hm. dredsof other 'articles, all of whi . will be sold at the very lowest ch '. . ; prices. Remember that ; Is our mofto, and fair dealing to h) of every ' age, race or color. D.n's forget the place, and when you wai to get the full value of your moue - , ;come direct to the - Racket - Grocery. Oh the corner opposite E. J. Parris new Warehouse, and you will ber lieved of your cash and -your wan' supplied. Thanking my friends an. customers for past favors, and liopin to sh ire a part of the same in the ti ture, I remain very respectfully, , 4 Yours, Ac; W. H. PROCTOR, .-"oct 5-3m v NEW BAKERY. v.v C. L. HOEN1G, - (Successor to E. P. ALGOOD.) ' lias established a flrst-closs Bilifj wi liiy 'IbnfulBj. ViV WeadiBiE Parties ani FesliTals furnished on short notice by the most skilled artists. A large line .of all kinds of FRUITS And every thing usually kept in a first. class confectionery, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ,CL IIOENIO, At old stand of City BAery, - DvnniM, h. c. . ."MAGNOLIAS," EVERGREENS AND FRUIT TREES! GHvofIIaplos,, Osage Oranges for - lledging, Straw , " berries, etc. AND cct mm A SPECIALTY. LUTHER - SHELDON, -V. SASHES. DOORS AND BLINDS . - MouldiDgs. Brackets, Stair Rails, Newels, , GUILDERS" HARDWARE, . Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, -AND BUILDING MATERIAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. - ; , ; . ' 16, West Side Market Square and 49 Roanoke Avenue. JOHN O. GAMAGE & SONS " " ' Wholesale and Retail Dealers in . Lime, Cajnam, Plasiar, Uihs, BricVj, Hair SLATE, TAR, &C., &C. ' If. r a " ' m 1 , , iuaumaciurers Agents ior - " , r .. ' . . , .... ' - 7 . , ' , ' ', , CcntennialMedal Limo and Hoffman Rosedale CtracaU. ' 100 and 102 WATE R STREET, NORFOLK, VA. bet 17-dOaa BOQDETS Before ; ordering elsewhere Bee the Msgnolias planted out at Trinity - Church. SEEDS In bulk to arrive shortly from the North of such varieties as have been tried and Eroven to be a success in this locality. and.Hcape gardening, gardens and cemetery lots will be laid out with Jndg. mentand skill, and, if desired, taken care of by the year. In all matters per tainlng to the garden it will be to yotir interest to consult the undersigned who offers the benefit of his Ions and varied experience to the ladles ana gen tlemen of Durham,-vicinity and State. THE DURHAM FLORAL NURSERY, ILH1BBERD. fliilRl At prices never before offered! in i hi inn - Finest and Largest Stock in ; the City. Upholstering and Repairing Nicely i Done. IKHtS m COFFINS From the Cheapest to the Best. Don't fail to i see ua belore purchasin M. C. HERNDON & CO.;' Parrisli's " Now: Building. asTl-tf aiELBURN'S t'lioToaRApn- "OALLERY. New outfit.- New and beautiful tkck of frames. All kinds of artists ia erial on hnd. All work guarao c e l. ' My old fritbds and the public generally invited to call and examine uy work. Prices low. WM.6HELRURN. tn.l-ti JJurl.am, N. O. $100 lo $300 malt wording for . Aviita proifrrixt wliorta fiwnUb ihr wo h r od itiv- llx-ir wbolo tlma to th bo'ii". H.r momiott tuny b pmfl-alily tmpufuA aUo. Af WTHucieln toD0(t IHm JnnfHnw h cn.. Durham, N. C. aofsaikwia iowtif.it iuumB4,v, WASTED Agenti ia ti tova tact TtUbg lu Mil oar M CbrUunaa Book (S,t Mil ni irota to eot4 to fS.M. on woman wild a laailijr wriU. tbt nb rerufi T.09 a day ltt 7 Mr, frocc arpthniW aiiul CbrlatdiM. On a K'lit Bid la U tNU. On told M lk Art wmk la a vllUf of tOk Try It ! t2StOSoo. D. CLDIHtLB, M 11 WhlUBril Btr t atlaata, eV. C. H. NORTON, mm mm DURHAM, K.C Tobacco Factories, Prick andFrsme Residences end Villas erected in the most improved itlUa, aaSMf ' . .'