LET HIM WHO HATH NO NERVE FOR THE FIGHT, DEPART. VOL. 2, DURHAM, N. 0., THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 9. 1888. NO 243 .. LAM BE AND; THOMAS, .J (AT EBELBUBjCTS ART GALLEKY,) . . - DURHAIt N. O. Having determined to enter the " Music Business, we offer ORGANS an'cf PIANOS to the people of Durham and surrounding country, and trust we rwill merit a share of their patronage. teyrsMiWe IMe 'Baito Suit IrajMj.. - i!4F MONTHLY AND QUARTERLY PHYMENTS. - '.A ' ' - . ' We offer thera on the EASIEST TERMS, and ut IX) WEST PRICES. ' Our MR. THOMAS, is an t experienced man, and will take pleasure in giving any one all desired information. - - ' Very Respectfully, . ; LAMBE& THOMAS. At Shelburn's Art Gallery, DURHAM, N. 0. TREES! Silver and Sugar Maples, Fruit Trees, Magnolias and Evergreens for for lawn and cemetery plant , , - ' ing. A full collection of . Flower and Vcge- table . , ' ; SEEDS ! Handsome Funeral Designs made of X -Choice flowers furnished at the - shortest notice. B0UQUET3! . For weddings", evening parties, musi . calp, &., a specialty. Roses and Fine Stock For Spring planting; Landscape gar denings. Special attention giveu to the laying out and improvement of lawns. Anything and everything tor the garden supplied by the DURHAM FLORAL NURSERY R. HIBBERD, Proprietor. Before ordering elsewhere give me a call at the greenhouses on Ramsear Street . Jdii31 ,-pHELBURN'S pnOTOGRAPH- -GALLERY. New outfit. New and beautiful stock of frames. AH kinds of artist material on hnd. All work guaran teed. My old Winds and the pulllc generally invited to call and examine my work. Prices low. WM.SHELBURN, m3-tf Durham. N. 0. NEW BAKERY. G. L. H0EN1G, , (Successor to E.P ALGOOD.) lias established a first-class ; Weill Parties ani Teslivals . furnished on short notice by the most CD skilled artists. A large line . - ol allkindaof FRUITS And every thing usually kept In a first class confectionery, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CLL.IIOENIG, At old stand of City Bakery, DURHAM, y. c. LADIES! PO T0CS OWX DTIIK0, IT B0XI, WITS Peerless .'.Dyes. They will d! everything. Ther are sold everywhere, price IOC a package 40 colors, They have no equal for Ktrengtli. Brightness. Amount In Package or for Futon of Color, or non-fading Qualities. They do not crock rsmnt For sal. by P. W. VAUGHAN, DRUGGIST, , jDURmk. . c. gROWN & FCRUERSON, PRACTICAL HOUSE PAINTERS. Kalaimlnliig, I ir Ifong ng, Ac Sanitation ntrtDitea. ju it-in . MATTHEWS, D.D. S, DENTAL OFFICE, ' Over Jonas' Jewelry Stor. Tretb inserted on Gold. Silver ana VulraniKrute. TEETH KXTBACTKD WITHOUT JAIN. febS THE ARTISTIC 5 Sip. Painter aM. Paper Haner, DURHAM, N; C. MP 29-ly ROGERS & Co Dealers in , Crockery, fcancy and Staple Gro3erie3. - DURHAM, N. C. j'ullMy " as President b Office, 1 N C. Railroad Co. J Bubusotoh, N. 0., Jan. 6, 1888. Notico fs hereby, given to all per sons in the county and town of Dur bam, N. 0., now occupying the right of way of the N. C R R. Co., to va cate said premises, and all persons are hereby forbidden, in the future, to trespass on said riht of way. By order of the Board of Directors. -j9-4w Tnos. M. Holt, Pres't. Cheap and Fine Job Printing. You can save money by giving your Job Work to Hackney & Cheek. They are prepared to do all kinds oi fancy job printing, circulars, letter heads, envelopes, pamphlets, books &c, checks, drafts, and warehouse stationery a specialty, v tf. Dm st Garden Seed. Just received at Johnson's Drag Store, a large supply of Buist fresh garden seed. Call and get your sup plies. All seeds guaranteed the best. Tho Uestnud Freshest Garden seed in town can be had at Johnson & Co's Drug store. fl3U Garden Seed! Garden Seed!! Gar . tin Sed!!t At Johnson & CrV Drag Store. Durham, N. ft, Feb, 7, 1888. At a regular meeting of the Board of . Town CocuniiRsiones, present Mayor Fieeland, Commissioners Par risti, Watts, Anderson? Taylor and Wyatt. The following business was transacted: ,. Minutes of former meeting read and approved. ,f Keportsfrom btreet finance and Market House Committee were read. ttlo reports from . Treasurer and Chief of Police. Report on Cemetery fot month, of January snows number oi death- in town, buried at cemetery b, number of deaths in county, buried at ceme- On motion, R. P. Dowdee was granted license to conduct a restau rant on east side ef Maogutn street, near corner of Main street. On motion of Commissioner Par- rish, J. A. Hawkins and S. T, Coook, were granted permission to remove their restaurant from : ?'rrish street, to the Walker House on Mangum street. Communication from Robertson Lloyd & CoH was. read, asking per mission to build a sheet iron storage house in rear of their store. Com missioner Taylor moved that request be granted. Commissioner Put rish moved to amend; that uo wooden ex posure be allowed, and that building be erected under the supervision of the Street Committee. Motion amended carried. " On motion of Commissioner Par rish, it was ordered that an electric light be placed on the corner of Man gum street and Broadway. Ou motion uf Commissioner Par rish, it was ordered that one half of Green street, to its Intersection with Peabody street, and fiom Peabody as far as Duke's factory, to' be pave J, also the entire crossing. at live Piut3, it being understood that Messrs. Duke Sons & Co., contribute five hundred dol'ars (1500.00 to ward the expense of said paving. Un motit n of Uommissioner Watts, the Street Committee were request ed to make estimate and arrange for paving with brick, all side walks that need paving, from Dillard street to Five Points on both sides of Main street. On-mot ion cf Commissioner Par rish, it was ordered that the town pave the side walks on west side of Unurch street with prick, from the Market House to Main street, and wKh stone at crossing at town scales, and that Street Commissioner Col lect of property owners their propor tion or expenses, lor said paving. On motion of Commissioner An dei son. it was ordered that a plank walk be pe put down on Mcilannen street, extending Irom reitigrew U to Blount foundry . On motion of Commissioner ra- rish, it was ordered that the Market House Committee erect a shed over the town scales for their protection. On motion of Commissioner Par rish, the Street Commissioner was requested to take bis street force and and clean oat all ditches in the town for a space of three or four feet, and where ponds of water exist to drain them. , On notion ol Commissioner Tay tor, It was ordered that the salary of Street Commissuner be $50.00 per month, to take euect February 1st. On motion or Commissioner Par rish, Board adjourned. GEO. W. WOODWARD. Clerk. ' For Kent. Three room house, on Pine St. apply to A. Goldstein. tm Found. A small racks;??, containing !m tvrt.mt manugCriDL The owner can get the same by calling at this office, and paying tor this notice. CaS Fur 8a' e. Celery and Lettuce, BI Hibberd, Durham Floral Nursery. jJizir. ;. i m mm Notice! The Medial Society meets the 1st ana ora monaay nignts in, eacn month. Preserves, jellies, figs, ramus, prunes, citron, Florida orances, co coanuts. candies of all kinds and anything needed, all fresh at 8. R. Perry's. d ltf. 200 poinds of Herndon& A .water's all pork sausage Jot salo'at J; W 11 amnion's. . uu. - PURCHASED BY A WESTERN SYNDICATE- IT WILL Bfi PULLED DOWK AND RE-ERECTED IN CHICAGO. Kiohu'.ond Dispatch. Libby Prisoii is to leave Ricmond. Root and branch, rqof . and floor. is to be plucked up and carried to UmcagO, there to oe made the gaze nd show of the people of tho West. Buck by brick, timber by timber, nail by nail, it will be taken down. and as this is done each peine will be numbered, and the whole vast mass of material of thi jfour story struo turST' xsported tn Chioigo. there to be ret.CCd. Th unieratauding id oneot the greatest oi record, ant Richmond loses one of the chieftest objects of interests for northern tour ists. '' A Dispatch reporter some years ago interviewed a number of hackmen as o what it was in Richmond that most tourists firdt wUhsd to see. -The au swer from neaaly all was 'Libby 'rison. Richmond ha9 the finest monumen tal pile of bronze and granite iu the world, v It has the oldest Ameiican capital and the oldest State reeords; it has within her limits the grave of Chief Justice Marshall, "Monroe, Ty ler A P. Hill, Stuart and fiukett. it has the church where Patrick Henry made his speech, "Give mo liberty or give me death;" it has the' house w .ere President Davis lived wbde he waged one of themighties' of modern wars; it has a thous md other things that 6ught to interest the man of mind but the nonhern and western tnu ist above all wished to see Libby Prism. - . - ' Hereafter they will not come to Richmond taey will go to Chicago to see if 1 Josuh Crattv, one of the corpora tors, in t dking of the scheme, said; ''It should be understood that there is no idea of waving the 'bloody shirt' n this. It is simply a business spec ulation for what there ia in it. ' Upou The Same Old Peg. The Dawson (Va.) News thv following story from Webster: Oi e d)T in 18C2, bidnev bhivers, son o: the venerable, ' Uncle" James M S livers, then eighteen years of age, entered bis father s house, and divest ing himself of his hat and clothes, dressed himself in the uniform of Confederate soldier in order to enter the southern army, in the meantime hanging the bat an I clothes that he once wore upon a peg in his room x torn mat uay iu iuis me n ana clothes have hung in that same place, not a hand having been allowed to touch them in all that time, for they have been held sacred to tb memory of the young Confederate soldier who put them there. The life of Sidney bhlvers went out soon after be cuter ed the army, but these muto memori all of the boy who once wore the gray still hang where thty were placed by him twenty-six years ago untouched in an mat time. Is the time never to come when it will be understood that a lawyer can not render even a technical service In a corrupt transaction without sharing the odium of it, snd having to answer before the tribunals of the profession. Nevo York Tribune, Rep, Libby Prison. KILLING MOKE PEOPLE THAN WHIS KEY" SAYS A MERCHANT . LjnjVrorg News. "Can't something be done to stop the adulteration of ai tides of food?" Main street retailer esked a News reporter yesterday. -. "Lots has been done, . replied the reporter, and you can judge what oodetlect it has had. "Well I should say it had amount ed to nothing," said the retailer "and although lama prohibitionist I hon estly telieve that twice as many are uled by Jood adulteration lhan bv whiskey . "drinking." -How much adulterated dyoa think is most of the lard that comes here? It is forty per csntl Agtnts have admitted that a per ceut Is ot cotton seed oil, water, barytes, ect. ect. ;; . f "Why do people buy that lard? ' "Simply because it is cheap. Adulterated lard sella for 10' cent per pound, and pure Virg'mh lard at zj cenis ana cane oe Bold cneapr. t is surprising (hat people who are aware of the adulteration of; lard, coutinue to try it when pure lard would be cheaper at 15 cents per pound. :" "Is lard the only article of food that Is adulterated?'', 'Great Caesar, not What is there that is not adulterated more or less. $ugar, coffee, flour, and in fact near y ererything. That is why I auk it something can t be doner and 1 be- eive that people are killed every day by eating adulterated articles of ood." Why Stanford Voted for Lamar, Washington, Feb. 6. Senator Stanf ml, of Cslfornia, has written the following letter to a constituent who asked his reason for voting- for the confirmation of Mr. Lamr as a Justice if the Uuited States Supreme Court: "Washington, Feb. 6, 1883. "Your letter asking my reasons for votiog for air. Lamar received, i voted fur him because I considere J him one of (he best men in the South fortheolace. He is. ia my Jade tnent, a broad, liberal-minded man, of a great deal of learning. lie was Drofaisoror law in a university in MississiDDi. I think he is a thorough iy converted Unionist, and I do not think it wise to reject any one on the ground alone that they were engaged in the late tebellion. I think that we want to be one people, politically ' t SI - . ana socially, uen. uraui eipiesreu the idea when he said 'Let us have nfAf.a Mr. LaniKr'a ' loraltv and intergrity to 'the Union was passed ffon most conclusively when oo n Licses of Concrrers provided for the succession to the esidency and made him an heir only a few removes from the Presidency. I was reluctant to find myself not in harmony with all the Republican Senators, but it was a case, so far as mv action was con coined, entirely for my own ju Igmei t and conscience, and 1 voted accord Respectfully yours, . "Leland Stanford." Mrs. Alice Coxe Secure a Divorce Ciurlott Chronlcla, The suit for divorce brought by Mrs. Alice Coxe, of this city, against her husband, Franklin Coxe, of Phil adelphia, which has been in the courts of New York for the past fow moots, has bien faoally disposed of. The; result is that Mrs. Coxe has not only t ecu red and absolute divorce, but will receive a handsome alimony un til she dies, the money being secured by a first lit n on Cjxe'i possessions, which, during the course of the In vestigation, were ascertained to be worth half a million dollars. It bad been generally supposed that the gay r tl! - ... . r - !!. .... rran&uo was worm a muauo. The Florida Central and Western Railroad, the Western Division of the Florida Kail way and navigation Company's road, from Jacksonville via lallahassee to the Chattahoochee, with its local branches, was sold Mon day, W. Bayard Cutting, of New York, being the highest bidder. The price was 11,210,000. Chickens and country butter for sale at Paul Norwood & 'Jo. fm Food Adulteration Fresh pork and sausage at , . It. J. W. Hamilton's. Sugar cured hams 10 and 21 ct, at ,11. J. W. Hjmiltov a. t'inoked jaws at It. J. W. Hamilton's, Another fine lot of country lard at It. J. w. Hamilton s. -', Flue Meats. , ' 1 Messrs. Hutchins &Shenherd hare at their stall, daily, fine fat pork. meat. and all kinds of meats Call and see their atoclcof meats . , :, . , It Mazazines i of every defcriDtion bound, and. old books rewound, at lowest prices at H. E. Seeman's bindery. . It For Kent! A nice dwelling with eight rooms, on 2nd Dillard street. Possession given 1st of March. Ap'plj to C. M. Herndon. to 6t lam Drenared to accommodate a few meal boarders at $1250 per month llocs) on Cleveland street, opposite J. L. Markham's rtsiderce. f7 M.8. DANNIE liBADSlItR. 2! 0 FIRST-CLASS TAILORING! Houses for Rent. Two dwelling houses containing two rooms tor tent. Apply to. f. 8 5t. (J. C. Fauthino Dwelling ior Kent. A five-room dwelling for rent, sit natcd on Lea street, near R U. Lea's. Apply to J. S. Manning. f3;lw Fine Irict initatoea at Panl Nor wftod&Co's. f 8 tf. If you want stoves, tinware, grater, lamps &c it will pav you to go to 0. C. Taylor's store. He carries a large to k and m selling cheap. 18 The Tip Top and Durham ccokl stoves are the ones to buy. Yon can get them at Kobertson, Lloyd & Co s. They carry a big line of all kinds of hardware, builders supplies, paints oils, varnish &a f 8. , Fine vounz parrots for. sale. Ap ply to A. D. Matthews at Johnson & Co's drug store. . f 8. Fersh soup at Barklcy's every day. f8tC . " 4U Itooms For Rent. I have 40 rood rooms suitable for offices or bed rooms for rent. Terms reasonable. Apply to ' . " fUlf cuuriant, Fresh Fisli. I reccivo daily fresh fiih of every kind. Fine shad 81.25 a Dair. Ixjae vor f riers. Satisfaction guaranteed. o.. tt ttr.. 19 I a, IV. IT IMK. We, having determined to permam nt ly locate in the city of Durham for the purpose of carrying on a first-class Tailoring Business, Offer our services to the public, and will endeavor to merit and gain " - a portion of the patronage of the town and surround ing country Corn, sound sweet potatoes, the finest on the market, for sale at ' ftot Paul Norwood & Co. Valuable rral estate for sale apply toR. I. Rogers, Sco Durham Land A Security Co. f. Our' Mr. Belsmeyer will be absen xor a lew weens on business in connection with the firm, and will at an early day open up a eplendid line of Gents' Goods. We have employed a force of first class workmen, and guarantee good and satisfactory work, Equal to any North or South Thereby saving the citizens the trou ble and ezpenso of sending off for their clothing. For the present, we hate securedthe r vices of Mr, G. H. Lewellin, Who will attend to our interest, sell goods, take orders and mcasuiej, . and hare the work done. He has ou hand a small slock of FINE GOODS, And any amount of samples to seled from.' lie is well-known to this con j munity snd can be found at his shop in the Duke building over Summer held' clothing store. , , A. BELSMEYER h CO. febl Dy A. BELSMEYEtt.

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