'' i ' ' ' ; ' I.,,, '!1:-T--1 .' "' ' "' 1 ' ' ' , imiliULMiWlWi"l'W iniiriililililiii ' H..IIII "11 m.i.i . n - Tiinim iiiiiiii i n i iniiiiiii mil ii" 11 ni.iiniii i iiiiin miiiiiii i iiMniirill.il llililimiiimlnllllfcMiKiillllllH llMl'IIIW ".liaMM II m liliiiii iiim liniMinnm" ' I1 1 r i """HI '' ' ' JP Miitia v el 4 JE1 sir h i tm re lurli hi Furniture Manufacturing' Co. ' ' . ' . . M ; , Are n0w offering to the public the largest assortment of Chamljer Suits, Parlor Suits; .- Bedsteads, Chairs, Pictures. Clocks, , ! And in fact everything kept in a Grst class Furniture House at prices to - ' Buit the tiiiies. MATTRESSES OF ALL KINDS ON HAND AND MADE TO i ORDER. . WDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. HoarOo and Team Froo. tRE3EMBER THE PLACE- EMBE1 V i ;Tho Durham furniture Manufaturing Company, ,' CORNER MAIN & CHURCH STS.; DURHAM, NTC. H. M. SMITH & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF AGRICDLTURAL IMPLEMENTS! GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE Oliver Chilled Plow, The best Plow in the World and sold with ' r; that Guarantee, : ' i N: B. Our 1888 catalogue will be Lsued January 1st. Two hundred pages, fully illustrated.' If interested in agriculture, duectlj or indirectly, seud us your address which we will register and send copy when issued. Meantime It in want of iraplemonts, send for ctroulars. Address, P.O. Box a.'. H. M. SMITH & CO , n30 . - . ; .. Rictmond, Va. i n i nr i mv n asn. uooran din mm A.RE NOW READY WITH THE MOST IMPROVED ' WOOD WORKING MACHINERY .'. .' ' ' TO FURNISH: CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS, - .. .; r And the public generally, all classes of . .Sash, Doors, Blinds, llonl, Brackets, : Rough and Dressed Lumber, . And all other work pertaining to a first-class Planing Mil i and Wood Working Machine Shop. feiimates on Work : Cheerfully Furnished 8 LUTHER SHELDON, SASHES. DOORS AND BLINS . , Mouldings. Brackets, Stair ' Kails,. Newels, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, ; Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, AND BUILDING MATERIAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.1 Nos. 16, West Side Market Square and 49 Roanoke Avenue. ' - . . -,- Norfolk, Yirginia Established in 1876. oct 17-dtf 3a Gusto a Specialty. . V . . " -' . ' WE HAVE APPOINTED ROBERTSON, LLOYD & CO., . ALES AGENTS," WHO WILL CARRY A STOCK OF . OUR GOODS. SHOPS ON BAIL ROAD. WEST OF DUKES FACTORY JOHN O. GAM AGE & SONS Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ' ' - Lime. Cement, Plaster, Laihs Bricks. Hair . ; ' 'slate; tar, &c..: c. , : i , ' I, ,, . k , ' '' ' , , . ' : Manufacturers' Aguts for l". . Centennial Medal Liino and Hoffman Rosedale Cements: ; 100 and 102 WATER STREET, NORFOLK, VA. octl7-d6m- fPAT ENTtROLLERtFLOURt ERb PATENT I ' UJUAMB3ILLMG.CO- 4 CO W Family v Y U FsziUy U VARHANTED - A iWABRANTED C.A.OAMWttlMfBSCy C.A.SA?flERIItllFG.Ca oo So I VfAUHANTED A Vf AHHAfilXb - A WARRANTED. CAGAMCPILl MfHft C.A.aAf.BJlllU;i&CC C A.CAM&WU W?.C3 WARRANTED A.WRRANTED'A'VAnrtf. ; CJLGAM BRILL MFS3i CITjY DRUG STORE, R. SLACENALL&.SON A large itock of ' '''??r' - " pliancsS SPONGES, Toilet Articles LUIS, NAIL, FLESH AND TOOTH BUUS 113 ? ' , l I BOAPSPOMADESi PERFUMERY, POWDERS, . Fine Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff WSPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN PRESCRIPTIONS AN) FAMILY RECEIPT . DR. li. RliACKNALI & SON. . tronage in the past and my best wishes for your future happiness and prosperity. ROBERTSON, LLOYD &.C0,, ; ".,,".' ' ', ' ; i ' ' .... ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR ' ' HARDWARE OF ALL (HMDS! Bash. Doors and Blinds, Glass, Paints, Oils, Yarnishesi C Coo j Stoves, He ating1 Stoves ? Grates & -o-o-O-o-o- Come and See Us Before Buying WARRANTED j,tmmt.A MuuwRe.. p-mor5. . X Baltimore. Patamco Flouring -Milk, "ESTABLISHED 1774 IB C. A. Gambrill Mfg Co., Prop's BALTIMORE. MARYLAND. The PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE is the Premier Flour of America, anil m the United Kingdom, CJmramJi decidedly more money AcceDt m7 sincere thanns for your pa- lhafl .iJ&I u,or. roranyor ih H f )( x For sale by GAMMON, & Co , Agents, Durham, N. C, sep 10dAwly - STRAWBERRY TWIST. Appreciating the liberality with which the STRAWBERRY TWIST Tag i have been returned to us during 1837, we beg to annoanoa for 1833 the foi YWTTTVT "IT nir A tr 'vyrrrr a in I wwmg rrescnts for tbe return ol. SliCAWliLtttix Tv Ibi lags durro UUX3L1J JU. lVJLWK,ftVIHLV IV. theyesr: V jan i DURHAM, W. C. Enterprise Land and Trust Company, For 100 Tags A Haudsome Pocket Knife. . " 300 M " Student's Lamp, (Nickel.) www - ' . jvbui avvk vuiuh .wti vv, yvw fibwa ' ' 1000 " - Gent's Chain and Charm. - 2000 - - Elgin Hanting Case Watch, (Stem Winder. 2500 " Hand Engraved Silver Tea bet, (6 pieces.) " 4000 " M Set Bed Room Furniture, (Antique Oak or Cherry.) - All the above Presents are guaranteed to be HANDSOME. The Knit ei are sent by mail, the other articles are delivered free at Depot or Express Office In Richmond. , jSaTln sending Tags give full adJres3.5 LAME CE t nrnmTT?n .ii I in JJUl 11U1L Onln ITnrm oiiu actn rer, CAPITAL STOCK $60,000!. ill. Al 1 1 K li 1 XI. ;"t" 3BLIO3E3C3MC03NT 0'tA. ' K '.z: FOR BALE BY Redmond & Proctor Brcs., J. F. Conrad, N. M. Job Non & Co., P. W. Vaughan, R. Blacknall li Sou, Paul Norwood & Co. dcoO-dtf JOHN 0. ANQIXR, President; W. VL MORGAN, Treasurer; . W. A. GUTHRIE; Secretary and Attorney. . J , ",'" - - ,' , . ' , DI&BG!FOQSt r ' r t rjD, THE LARGEST STOCK OF- ! ( w a... Cooking and Heating Stoves Organized under lavs of North Carolina lo buy and sell real esttte In la townjean be found at our store. We have all kinds ol Jeafrg Sure and near Durham, N. C and to negotiate loans on bonds with real estate r eilher Wood w001 Cooking Slaves, Grates, Lan p seeurit. , Goods, Tinware, Ltc. Hcrt&S Tin Roofing and ffnttwing a Specialty. wishing to inenect property may call on any director and can always see a . ' map of the location at the -office of Win. -A.Guthxie, Secretary and CALL AND EXAMINE. . CO. TAILOR, Attorney. Jan 7 cctCtf . Main Street, Durham, NiC