VISIONS OF ELM STilGET SCHOOL PEOPLE iHLaH-. }.iLi\CE Ly , , Esther Free end Eddie netcher (&th) P'iss Andrews—laestcrplece nov/ nnnglng in the Louvre in Peris, France nd in h'iss McCrary editor ot the Now Yorh Tinies . Mrs KclIv---makDS dohut before audlence^of six xhousar i'-'rs. English—Librarian'at the congressional Libra.ry i Washington, D. C» ^ p. ‘ I'lss Blackmon-—head'of the United States’ Woman’s Police Force - h'iss Chatfield—writing supervisor for Zaner-Blosser i:i4! HaSlln--stlll talking about her klddos and her kid’s kiddos Mrs, Schroder Superintendent of public Instruction of* North Carolina , lass Butler head of the Dooartment of Social ,uciences •:.t the University^ of Noi'th Carolina Miss Welborn—wins title of ’’Miss America'- for 195^ Mrs, Smith—authority on Child Psychology Miss Clegg—children visit her net shop and dog kennels Miss Hlghsmlth—music teacher at Cur'lls Music Institute Mrs, Vanderbilt (formerly Miss Briles) entered four children in S].m Street School I^rs, Richardson still Recalling the days when she_vA'0- assistant nrlnclpal to all the princi pals of'six elementary schools in High Point ■ ^ : Mass Hayvvorth National Supervisor of Girl Reserve trooc leaders Dorothy Vifoodell called to Englana to paint a scene iro.u the coronation of. King George-FII^ Doris Thomas—play.vrlght for Fox Studios, Hollywooa., Jean Rike—has just finished European tour witn ho]= Esther Free just received her Doctor’s uegree ^rom Shi-- cago University and critics say ner last book is the best one written since 1949 ■ . Eddie Hatcher football coach at Duke University Betty Beam—still Interested in dramatics • Jimmy Foxworth—member of 'the i;ew 'forK Yankees baseball ■team . , . Ronald Sullivan still fond of amusing nis friendsy/ith funnj' jokes and wri-c-ing comic strips foi- nov/spapers . . , . Sam and Rosa still hunting dinosaurs in their potato patch I JUST BYiGINE by Betty Beam (6th) \ Eddie Hatcher—-not trying to be cute Miss Blackmon—mispronouncing a v/ord Crrollna Arden—frightened at speaking to an audience Kenneth Ellington-—never smiling Esther Free making F on Spelling ■ Percy PaYae—fighting Harold Lloyd-—singing high soprano : , * Sherman Fortner—singing • ■ ; Jean Rike—a peroxide blonae Hazel Southard—never talking • ’.hss McCrarg^ using -’hunt and pr;Ci-:- sys rcm on typev/riuer Elmier Kennedy not knowing how t'j shoot maiblcs . . Dorothv '.'/ooQcll—having her a'-^r vn rk ihro\/n awLU/ Jimmy foxworth—’^striking out--in baseb:ll ■ , Kiss Chatfield whispering to the ehildren Allen Swaimr—making A on Goograpny .Ronald Sullivan—acting entirely seasio.;.e on uli^oro.-oj .jCo Miss Butler not capable of oeing advisor k-f ..- jy.-- and Red Cross Council Darrius Hov/u.rd three feet tall Thomaslne johnson---novcr gig^jiirY Betty Beam—-not tolling people u