-10-. MIA.T DO YOU ri'^QV/ ABOUT MBhALo? ■ Uv ■ RuUy Hodges and Jo|in HiuiO .(:5tli) 1. miich animal In tlie 'jungle does not maUe a sound? 2. V/hlcli animal lias poor oyo siglit ana nasia Uird to suide himo ■ ■ 3. V/liicli animal Has no feet. Put can move at good speed? 4* 'Ynat animal Has no teetli Jout strains ,His food through ■ five hundred thin Hones?, , , . :■ 5. What animal is king of ,the jungle? . '■ , ' ' 6. V/hat animal us skin is tv/o inches thic;^ and has. no ■ hair on it? ■ > ' ^ ^ 7. What is the Hfayest animal in the jungle? 8' Wiat animal cO’'' s\¥im across a strait foruy mi 16s .wide? 9. V/liat Mrd'S" ogg'weighs five .pounds? . (/ifter you have-answered as many as you can,' check your answers Hy. the correwt answers, at the Hottom of this page.)'' V . , , DID .YOU KNOW THAT: 1, Monkeys have four hands. 2. Monkeys like comirany ■ . 5, Camels have Had dispositions i.- 4. Camels arc very stupid.,- , , . 5. Camels rock so much'it of ten-makes. .onC: sick to ride ■ them. ' ■ i- ; • i ., . ,, ... . 6. Camels eat anything, even-mats,, umHrellas,, and nev/s- ■ papers. . ' . ■ • 7. CTlraffes are intelligent. - : 8. Giraffes’ spots make -them hard: to see. . 9. Giraffes’ eyes stick'cut so far .they can see all aroune and even Hehind them. . . 10. Giraffes are veiy sv/ift .rimncrs. 11. Giraffes have one v.nld enemy—the. lion. 12. Black Hears like-to he aL-one. j1]3. Elephant HaHies get milk at'their mo oner’s .front legs instead of at the Hack legs.,, _ . 14. Hlephaiit HaHies run Hetw-een their mouher’s legs in timiG of danger. ^ 4. 15. Elephants have- c. chief. He is ohe oldesu end Higge^t - ele'pliant. . ^ ^ ^ Mass Blaclaaon’s 2nd Grade BUILD A GIOGIY'PHY PICUY/IID 1. Land almost surrottidcn'l ly water letter v/ora) 2. A large waterfall, ''8 letter .-vgoidj ... 3. A'figure with squar.e Hase, .triangular si^e, and slant- ' ing to a point at ohe tu-p, (7 letucr word) 4. A narrow passage of we.ter- 'whica j.oins two large Doaieo of water.'(6 letter v/o.rcl) 5. Land at uhe mouths of so'me rivers made 03^.deposits of mud and sand. (5 Letter wo.cd) , . , ,4. \ 5. A tree that grows in the oasis and aesert. (-4 letters/ 7. A Hodj^ of salt water nc>t as la.rgc as an ocean.(3 ■■ i ■ By Miss Chatfield’s. 4th and.5th Grades ANSWEF^ TO QUEBTIONo. AJOU^ AiHMALG' 1. _ gir^affc B.^rhino- h'i PPOpotarmiS m.on- ceros-3. waTrus 4. whale 3- li-on key 8. polar Hear 9. o.S'ei"icI. ANSWERS TO GSOGRaPID: eYAMiD: 1. peuinsrDa^B, cataract 3, pyramid 4. ntmit 5. a :.i'''-a e. pm..i . sOd