-6- \fflAT SOLS OF THE GRADES ARil DOING S-ilG^ PETER BA33IT Donr Id Hancock Drourkit us a Dlack raoDit. „ , , ., \lc named Him Peter hDooi g. Wg feed liirn caDDage Icr.vGS rcid lettuce leaves. He likes carrots, too. He eats apples too. V/G give him water every day. ■Jo have a. house Tor him. V/e want to huy a white rahhit. Do you have one Tc * THE MIDDLE AGES In Mrs. Kelly AS sixth . arade we have heen stiiaying in our history and' language _ r.Dout the Middle Ages. As.s-uuaiod ho\/ they lived, whar baey aid, how they dressed, and uiie kirid oT homes they had. I ennoydd studying aPout it veiy mucn. Norris Andrews (6th) OUR FRIEZE vjc are working on a frieze in our room. Some people are dra-v/ing aPout some of ta.e coun- tri'es and cities we have visit ed^ in geography..He are now go ing I'nto the Medlterraneui Lands. We also have a sand taPle on which wc are going to illustrate- our tiTvels. Billie Griffith (4th) OUR STUDY OF NOrdE CAROLINA In Miss McCraryy aoorn we /■j'oirig to s’Gudy aPouZ iNiorth Carolina, our om st-te which we all love. I think we v/ill enloy studying aPout it. Rose and James have Prought some things aPout North Carolina. We"r’ro olannlng to make maps' .^nd color some too. Wc have ordered some material from P'^lcigiithe caoital of our state, Some of us have received it- ' elre'EAu We are all Printing K^ings-aPout North Carolina to school. Z.P have cJ.rcady learned some things. . 4-1.^ Dons lidncc (4tH/ Both Miss Brides’ end Kiss WclPornms third grades^are studying Eskimos, me u9y^ *'rid girls have v/ritten stories ana poems. They can tell you many interosting things r-.Pout tiio Eskimos. wett'^'’ Ruth Walter reports that Garolire Arden he.s, Prought some gold fish to Krs. Zlamlin’s ■ grade. She has named t.icm Amy, Nav’y, AnDrose, and, Ik'rman. OUiv lYEIOrrTTES Our room is making mar- - , ionettes for a olay 'Yhe Three Wishes". The marionettes arc cut from v/hlte -line and t-ne Podles and legs are licinecl to pe tker P"/ screw-eyes. The heads are shaoed from plastic wood. The comrilttee' is comoos- ed of Biilv Johnson, Frank . I'oi-^gsji, CH:rald Winfrey, uid Percy Payne, , Percy Payne (5tn; DIE GRAI^D GAiZ^ZOK ■ZAlico in 'Wonderland-' is only a fairy tale Put in our . geograohy \/e have studied aPoul some real \aonderlands of the West. One of the most inter esting things in the wonder land is the Grand Canyon._The C’-remd Canvon of'^^Colorado is the longest and deepest can von in the v-^orld, 1 g was cut hy the Colorado River and is ' in the state of Arizona. .. I 0ml e H-oPPa, (5th) . KCPO]JT OF ROOM E ■ If voLi i/cr'e to walk into Miss But lor sixth grade clasl room., vou would see posters oi all kinds and colors. We h-'-ve greatl/ enjoyed our study of the Z.iddle' / ges. , ■7c-: i'-pvc vvritten stor^^es, playSi ooaiis, made costers, -and a few gilds are '-jorking on a frieze dO'iicting the different classc of' weoolb -uid their v/ork. ‘ v;e are very much Inter ested in geography, in which '70 have dravni maos and fla.gs of different European coun- "^1 gs VP have had a fe'v visi tors: MY. Carroll; Mrs. bch-' voder, Mrs, Paper, ■•irs, :.oam, Mr. Tulltvan, Miss Davis, and the the health inspectors. ^ Billie GCiG Mercer (6th) OUR NUT BASIET V/c have a poster which_ h^s c oictiiro of a pg.Si^eu v.-iti- nuts 'in and around_it. The nuts hsvG words v/ritten on t'lemc. When everyone can tell '7hat a word mcarts, we wrive it on^ a nut and put it in t^^ p:-'skct. Wo hope to hav^ t]’C p-sket full of nuts by the end of the ycvir. Woman Cates (4th)