Friday, August 1, 1958 THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Page 3 Cooler Hogs Mean More 'Cold' Cash Comfortable hogs gain faster on less feed. Another way we might say it is that “cool hogs mean cold cash.” Provide ample shade and water for hogs now. They need it for the next few months. There are many reasons why we should ke^ our hogs cool in sum mer. Probably the most important reason is that it means dollars and cents to the producer. The ideal growing temperature for hogs is between 60 and 75 degrees. Hogs in this temperature range usually produce 100 pounds tff gain for LOANS No Red Tope, No Endorsers Nor Consignees On Any Model Car with 19S8 License Plates 24 MONTHS TO PAY -Courteous and Confidential DIXIE AUTO FINANCE Phone ME 7-5128 Floyd Taylor, Mgr. about 350 to 400 pounds of feed. When the average temperature rises to a level of 80 or 90 degrees, the feed requirement to produce 100 pounds of gain is almost dou ble, taking 700 to 800 pounds ot feed to produce 100 lbs of gain. When the average temperatures go even higher, up to 95 and 100 degrees, we find that pigs weigh ing over 150 pounds make no weight gains regardless of the amount of feed. In other words, during hot weather,- unless shade and water are provided, hogs are only working half-time. You would n’t think of hiring someone to work for you and then give them^ a day’s wages for only a half-day’s work. What can be done about keeping hogs cooler? Good shade will re duce the temperature about IQ de grees. A spHnkler under or near shade will reduce the temperature about 10 degrees further. For ex ample if the temperature was 95 in the sun, it would be 85 under good shade, and 75 degrees With a sprin kler and good shade. We might say there are' two Vernon Dixon Offers Top Products and Superior Service to Motorists DROP BY FOR A VISIT Craven Purol Middle & Johnson ME 7-9726 types of shade we can use natural and artificial. Natural shade is fine if you have it; however, in many cases it is not available and then you have to depend on some kind of artificial shade. Tin shelters which are found on many farms can be made consider ably cooler by placing at least six inches of straw or brush On top of the shelter; then putting a piece of old fence wire Over the straw to hold it in place. Another type of shelter which is cool is one which is covered with aluminum Roofing and Shoot Motal Contractors Continuous Service Since 1885 LENNOX COMFORT CRAFTSMEN THE S. B. PARKER CO. 215-217 Craven Street Now Born, N. C. Dial ME 7-3397 SMeFmrPuts $S0M0 iJp For Exhibitors Opportunities to make money, several thousand of them, are listed in the 1958 edition of the premium list of the North Carolina State Fair which went to press this week.. The list contains offers of over $58,000 in cash to exhibitors who show and win at the annual fall ex position to be held in Rdleigh Oc tober 14 through 18. Last year $49,- 649.62 was paid in awards to some 3,500 exhibitors from 93 counties of North Carolina, and 13 other states. About $27,000 went to live stock exhibitors while the rest went to photographers, painters, sculp tors, wood carvers, 4-H’efs, Future Farmers, housewives, hobbyists, •field crop growers and a host of others who showed items ranging from pictures to preserves, from aromatic tobacco to rag dolls and from apples to well-played zithers. Some 9,500 copies of the 250- Don't Forget Your Week-End Special PACKAGED TO GO Barbecue, Bread and Slaw for Two $1.00 Barbecue, Bread and Slaw for Four .... $2.00 SUPER SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Half Barbecue Chicken with all the trimmings to eat on the premises «r take out (iisten), just $1.00 The beat In seafoods and regular dinners served vvith Foleys :Famoiui home cooked pies, fresh daily. You can get your barbecue fine or coarse cleaver cut. For Your Convenience When V/e Are Closed, Fiek Up Our Barbecue Tlext Ddor at Hayes Food Center. . I MOORE'S BARBECUE Phene A6E 7-2276 1216 Broad Street SiiiitmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilntiiiiiiuMiiiiiiiiiiniii&: g McCOTIER FURNmiRE STORE B S West New Bern Shopping Cantor g PLENTY OF FREE OFF-STREET PARKING g . Air Conditienad for Your Comfort _ NOW / IN tin. Probably one of the cheapest shades we can have for hogs is a straw shelter or brush arbor-type shade which is constructed by mak ing a pole frame and~ placing 8-12 inches'of straw on to(>'Of old fence wire and covering with another strip of wire to hold it in place. Tin shelters can also be made cool er by painting the top side alumi num and the under side black. When you are building shade he sure that you build enough. Sows with a litter of pigs need about 60 square feet of shade. Elach growing pig should have 10 to 12 square feet of this shade. A sanitary conerete hog wallow will pay by providing the refresh ing moisture hogs need in hot weather; however^ a filthy hole can cost money. The wallow should be located and built so it may be drained and cleaned^ One hundred square feet Of wallow will handle up to 50 growing pigs if shade is provided on one side or rear. Don’t forget plenty of good, fresh, clean water; pigs should be supplied with at least 2% gallons of clean drinking water per head per day. When using automatic water fountains provide one drink ing cup for each 15 pigs. Remem bers, if it takes four pounds of feed to make a pound of gain, it takes about five pounds of water to wash it down. Every third scoop of corn may page book will be mailed prior to August 1 to last year’s exhibitors. County Agents, Home Agents, Vo- Ag teachers and those handling special educational and inspiration al exhibits, according to Dr. J. S. Dorton, fair manager. Another 750 copies will be sent to new prospect ive exhibitors requesting them. Two groups of hobby exhibits have been added this year due to popular demand. Folks with either creative or collective hobbies wish ing to show their collections should write for a list and entry blanks now. be wasted when animals are forced to fight heat. Shelter from the sun and an ample, always available supply of clean, cool water can ac count lor the difference between warm weather profit or loss. —E. T. Kornegay, Assistant County Agent, Craven ' County. ^ - iBfore yov IrloniB your typist* fttkt n /ooir «r b$r typewrU$fl Mayb* Wt worn ouL Moyb* H jus* needs aligning. Moybe to «ut of ad justment that you should let us hove It for a tbor- ougb reconditioning, y If It Isn't the girl'e fault it will cost you nothing to hove us dia.gnese the trouble. Owen G. Dunn Co. OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING RELY ON US FOR Home Improvements, Aluminum Awnings, Combination Windows, Painting, Remodeling, Added Rooms and Car Ports. NO DOWN PAYMENT - 36 MONTHS TO PAY B & B Supply Co. Highway 17 South Phones: ME 7-3040—ME 7-5710