Page Eighteen THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Wednesday, December 24, 1958 Wee Many Gifts of Love Need of Everyone Some of you will probably give many gifts this Christmas. Others may be giving only a few, or per haps none. Material gifts cost mon ey which sometimes we do not have. However, there are many gifts of love that you can give which will cost you nothing in dollars and cents. These are really the most im- Christmas be but another happy marker along the road of a good lifel PAUL'S about how many of these gifts you have given away today. Maybe you wiil want to ask God to help you to be more kind, pa tient and unselfish, not only to those you already love but to those DOWN GOES DONNA—Snow fair for two to pick on one but Judy Lockey and Alice Mumford show no pity as they give Donna IGlby a thorough pasting during the recent blizzard. This was far more fun for the three of them than attending classes at New Bern High, where activity had to come to an abrupt halt.—Photo by Billy'Benners. portant ones because they cannot be bought. What are they? Read 1 Corinthi ans, chapter T3 and discover them for yourself. Make a list of these gifts of love which you can give to everyone you meet everyday. During your prayer time think World”...It is Christmas! We hope you have a very Merry Holiday! New Bern Building Supply Co. people whom it is hard to love. INDIFFERENCE It seems odd that people will shed their blood for the right to govern themselves, but won’t even take time to vote. STAR-UGHT, STAR-BRIGRn Shine down cmd Cheer each child#, Each home# This Christmas NightI . IPOCK'S Red & White Food Stores George Street Merry Christmas Everyone I To little children everywhere— Reluctant feet upon the stair, Eyes filled with wonder, ears that hear Elfin sleighbells drawing near— Merry, merry Christmas! To parents who so lovingly Have decked the star-crowned Christmas Tree, Then join their neighbors as they go Caroling across the snow— Happy, happy Christmas! To men of good will, far and wide. Whose hearts and homes this Christmastide Are opened to the lonely stranger As their offering to the Manger— , Blessed, blessed Christmas! Umresn Murdoch (CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANYj W( Loi It dies horn for I thinl the prec Mi ed V eartl man from this celel Chri Fc The In Friei Li Stau So May Be (