}9 int m. ng Wf. w- Friday, January 23, 1959 THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Page Seven HERE'S ONE NEW BERNIAN'S OPINION OF RECENT CASTRO VIOLENCE IN CUBA It is doubtful that anyone in North Carolina, or the South, can better evaluate the Latin view point than Karl Snow, who termi nated his travelling In 1942 to be comes a New Bernian by choice. While living in a Latin country, he visited various countries, saw countless uprisings and revolutions in the South American area, and learned firsthand why folks below the border react the way they do. Many of the leaders he knew per sonally, among them Sandino, whose exploits in Nicarauga sent United States Marines scurrying there a generation ago. Sandino’s wife, an officer in the army, was moved to Honduras after being wounded twice with shrapnel, and Snow recalls bouncing her young son on his knee. A peace-loving man, Karl would probably be the last person in the world to start a revolution him self. However, in his genuine love for people he looks at both sides' of everything. That’s why The Mirror is happy today to present this exclusive look at the doings of Fidel Castro in Cuba, taken by a man who knows whereof he speaks. You may not agree with your fellow New Bern ian—a lot of folks won’t—but be cause his is an honest opinion and he doesn’t hesitate to express it, we pass it along to you. “Castro is being severely criti cized,’’ says Snow, “about his hea vy-handed dealing with his politi cal enemies. Most of the criticism comes from people who do not know the inner workings of Latin politics. “Having lived for over 20 years among them, and being intimately acquainted with all classes from the Indian in his mountain shack, to presidents who Were elected, and presidents who became presi dent by force of arms and set themselves up as dictators, I learn ed many things. “On one occasion I was invited toHspend a weekend at the ranch of a president wh« was later class ed as a dictator. As we were about to start the trip, he noticed that I was the only one in the party without a rifle or sub-gun. He told his secretary to go back and bring a rifle for me, as it wrmld make him feel better. “The Latin has a different way of doing things. If he doesn’t like the way things have gone, his first thought is knife and his gun. It makes no difference whether it is against his ovm brother. It is common to see brothers leading opposing forces. “One day I was visiting a certain president. He was handed a tele gram from his Son, who had been court-martialed in connection With a revolutionary plot, and sentenced to be executed. The son was appeal ing to his father for help. The old man read the telegram and said that his son was 21, knew what he was doing, and that there would be no intervention. “In another case, a weak presi dent had served under the dictates of a shrewd wife and unscrupulous family. They pocketed every cent of money they could lay hands on. BEAR Wheet Alignment Can Add 50% to Life of Tires Get Our Free "BEAR" Inspection Today PAUL'S Kinston Highway ‘ Dial ME 7-4206 Floyd Paul, Sr. Floyd Paul, Jr. and were thrown out by a savage revolution. “I was taking pictures as they marched on the palace, so I was there. When the new government took over after months of fighting, the national treasury had a balance of 14 cents. Someone must have slipped, or that too would have been gone. * “Naturally, the leaders were hot under the collar, and quite a num ber who weren’t lucky enough to escape were taken down to the river for water, and never seen again. “By nature the Latin likes to see gore. From childhood they see cockfights in the streets, and'bull fights. The boys start out carrying any kind of knife under their belts, and later' a machete or gun. DCte to the wild country where they live, knives really are a necessity for self-protection in many cases. “When a patriotic man comes along who has undergone days and months, and even years, living like an animal, fighting inch by inch, trying desperately for an oppor tunity to throw out the money changers, a real hate builds up to a white heat. “He is ready to do anything to the ones he feels to blame for the crooked things he has fought so hard to overthrow. Naturally, in these cases many innocents pay the supreme penalty due to associa tion. “There is one point that we should not overlook. The leaders in charge of this clean-up work do it knowing full well that they will become marked men. Once their reign is overthrown by the friends and relatives of the victims that they have ordered executed, they too, if caught, wili pay the same price their victims paid. Leaders must have real intestinal fortitude. “Naturally, it is hard for us to understand their way of doing things. Here, in our beloved Amer ica, we can get all “het” up and throw mud, and yell our heads off before an election. But, if we lose, we go back home and drop the matter, while making up our minds to throw more mud and yell louder next time. “Then too, it was not so many wa SiLL USBD AUTO PASTS We Buy: Brats—Copper—Radlatort Batteries—Scrap Iron and Staal SAULTBR AUTO SALVAOB CO. Morehead Hwy. — Dial ME 7-S9IO z-z-z-z-z-z 'TMs hour of ttio morning Dad mod to bo down in the base*, ment a-shovolin' and a-freazhf. I But now that he's put In Lennon Warm Air Heating, the house gets warm aH by ttself wMIe he alays In bed and... THE S. B« Parker Coe ME 7-3397 years ago that some of our moun tain folks did a lot of this same kind of fighting and feuding. You know, it isn’t a very healthy busi ness for an outsider to mix in fami ly feuding. “Sometimes things get mighty rough, but in time they too will wonder why they did it.” That’s the way a New Bernian who certainly ought to know—Karl Snow—views Pldel Castro and events in Cuba now making head lines. You may feel that Karl's at titude toward Castro is inclined to be too charitable. This, however, all of us will agree on. Imagining yourself in the other fellow’s shoes does make quite a difference. Per the best In wheel belenclna, wheel alignment, meter tune-up, brake, generator, Itartar repalrt, Harvey Moore. Ballard's Sarvica Station Bridgeton, N. C. Dial ME 7-3tt2 Mr, Not Says: 65 million meals are served daily in public dining rooms ... QtZO/ cooked by CALL US TODAY . . AND REMBMBERa NATURAL OAS IS ON THI WAY . . . NEW BERN GAS DIV. TIDEWATER GAS CO. 42t Broad Street Phone ME 7-2235 All of us jump at the chance to Enjoy Home Town news and photos. The Mirror goes all over the world. Why not subscribe for relatives and friends in far- off places?