Page Six THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Friday March 13, 1959 % m WSVT’* County Extension Advisory Boards to Be Established The North Carolina Agricultural Extension Sei^vice has begun an am- “bitious program to organize advis ory boards in each of the state’s 100 counties. Robert W. Shoffner, assistant Ex- FOR GOOD FOOD & REFRESHMENT, It's The Wiggly Pig Sure, you’ll wear plenty of formals in your young lives, but for this—your one and only Junior-Senior you’ll look your prettiest if the formal you wear has the label— finer feminine fashions Temptingly Priced From $29.98 tension Service director, in an-^ nouncing the statewide movement, said “The Extension Service’s staff and program have always been built on local needs. The county ad visory boards will provide a formal means of advising Extension agri cultural and home economic agents and thereby assist them in building a program which best meets the needs of the people in the county.” The advisory boards, said Shoff ner, will represent all segments and interests in the county. The function of the boards will be to ad vise on both current and long-range Extension Service programs. But the boards will not necessarily re place any useful Extension boards or committees already established in the county, declared Shoffner. County agricultural and home economics agents, in setting up the boards, will give consideration to the fields of service prospective members represent—such as farm ers, homemakers, home demonstra tion clubs, 4-H clubs, farm organiza tions, business interests and farm supply, marketing and processing firms, rural ministers, civic clubs, health organizations, etc. These groups will select their own members of the board, said Shoffner. The county advisory boards will have a membership of 10 to 15 per sons serving staggered terms. Each board will have a chairman, a vice chairman and a secretary. There will also be a five-member execu tive committee. KEHOE - Sun. - Wed. LONG CHANCE The man who trusts to luck for happiness will be in luck if he ever gets'it. TOO MUCH HINDSMHT Many a man who wfches for trouble in the rear bumpi^nto trou ble up ahead. j SUBSCRIBE TO THE MIRROR Check-Up on Your Medicine Chest! Throw-out. old drugs, never use another person's medicine, and let us help you make a list of "needs" for emergencies, and to protect your family's health. And remember, your pre scription is carefully and quickly filled. Joe Anderson Drug Store ME 7-4201 8 A.M.-9 P.M. on Weekdays ... 2 P.M.-9 P.M, Sundays* A Happy Home Is the Single Spot of Rest Which a Man Has on This Earth for the Cultivation of His Noblest Sensibilities. May All of Us Enjoy and Appreciate Our Firesides. OETTINGER BROS., INC. * Good Furniture for Good Homes Gary Cooper and Maria Schell star in "The Hanging Tree," Ba- roda production for Warner Bros., due Sunday at the Kehoe Theatre. Karl Malden also stars in the Technicolof drama, which was directed by Delmer Daves and produced by Martin Jurow and Richard Shepherd. HOMEMAKER'S CORNER • By EUGENIA WHITE Heme Service RMreeentaHv% Carolina Power A Light Ce. Here’s the very latest cranberry taste and color sensation. Ruby red and pretty frozen squares on crisp lettuce are a wonderful accompani ment to serve with tender pieces of pan-fried fish. ' ' Frosty Cranberry !8quares Red: Beat together until velvet- ly smooth 1 (1-lb.) can jellied cran berry sauce and 1 tablespoon lem on juice. Pink: Mix together 1 (1-lb.) can whole cranberry sauce, 1/2 cup day-old white bread crumbs, 2 ta blespoons hot horseradish, 1/4 tea spoon salt and 1/2 cup heavy cream, whipped. Place each mixture in separate ice cube tray. Put in ice cube in sert. Freeze until firm. Serve squares on lettuce. Do not remove squares until ready to serve the meal. Each recipe makes six serv ings. INSURMOUNTABLE OBSTACLE Since the beginning of time pre judice has always been the biggest stumbling block to success. NOW you can buy a FULL SIZE All Electric Adding Machine ‘"“,$79500 It’s a Q^S&onal" I Only SM.OO Down $11.30 Por MohHi ^wf.'T«x Nm. • ADDS . SUBTRACTS . MULTIPUB . USTS, TOTALS up (e 999,999.99 . FUU ONE YEAR OUARANTEEI . SAAU NATIONAL QUALITY—At « NEW LOW PRICE It’s one of the new Economy Model! fnemiCacnted by The National Cash Regis, tet Company—produceta of rugged. pred> sion.built business machines for over 75 years. OTHER MODELS —$99.00 UP- tor 0 FREE DEMONSTRATION Phonm ME 7-3197 Neil Vester Owen G. Dunn Co. Big Producing Cows Profit For Farmers The highest producing milk cows are usually the most profitable cows in the herd. Dairy Herd Improvement Associ ation figures show that as the vol ume of milk goes up, the return per dollar spent for feed- also climbs. Of course, this is true only up to a certain point, but few dai rymen have to worry about reach ing that point of diminishing re turns. How can you be absolutely sure which of your cows are the high producers? The only way you can know for sure, sai4 Marvin Senger, dairy specialist for the N. C. Ag ricultural Extension Service, is by keeping dairy records. Equally sleek, handsome cows may be total ly different in their milk-producing ability. You can choose from three record-keeping plans: Standard DHIA. Owner-Sampler, and Weigh- a-Day-a-Month. Your county agri cultural agent can describe the ad vantage of each system to you. For Expert Plumbing at Reasona! Prices, Call ' ^ James L Cayton ME 7-9389 Plant Foods Lost In Farm-Set Fires The practice of burning cotton and corn stalks, crab grass and woodland cover has been compared to lighting cigarettes with dollar bills. An acre of corn normally pro duces about two tons of stover, which contains about 36 pounds of actual nitrogen. This is the equiva lent of 225 pounds of nitrate of soda, explained Bill Lewis, Wilson county agricultural agent. “So you see,” Lewis added, “when stalks and leaves are burn ed in the spring, valuable plant food goes up in smoke.”. READ THE MIRROR WEEKLY You'll Find a Variety of Tropical Fish at Pittman's Aquarium 137 Middle Street 6-Room Home on the Corner of Rhem Street and Country Club Road. $2500. Roy O. Fagan 308 Broad Street EDWARDS RADIATOR SERVICE Route 5 — Highway 17 South Experience in Cleaning and Itepqiring Radiators KEHOE Sun. - Mon. Tues. - Wed. /AllThb Excitement Of The Prize NovelR iGARirCOOPERMARIASCHELLRARLMALDEW YOU'LL HAVE A HEAD START FOR THE EASTER PARADE, WHEN YOU GET YOUR PERMANENT EARLY. Hazel's Beauty Shop ME 7-3401 ,