Friday, March 27, 1959 THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Page Three Buds AND Blossoms By MAMIE MILLER AT EASTERTIME What does Easter mean to you? Stately church with cushioned pew, Where Lenten season, gone at last And days of self-denial past, Richly-clad, devoted throngs . Of worshippers unite in songs Of promise in lily-scented air? Is this what makes your Easter fair? Bad is the world and cold and gray If this is all of Easter Day. But if this blessed season brings A firmer faith in holy things; Assurance of a living Lord; A strengthening of the tender WE SELL USED AUTO PARTS We Buy: Brass—Copper—Radiators Batteries—Scrap Iron and Steel SAULTER AUTO SALVAGE CO. Morehead Hwy. — Dial ME 7-3910 Wherever thirsty people are.o. ■‘•i- - cord Of love that binds us to the life to come Where loved ones wait us in the heavely home. No pain or loss can e’er efface the bliss. Dear friend, of Easter, when it means all this. —Watchman-Examiner. “He died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live un to themselves, but unto Him which died for them, and rose again." Cor 5:15. “Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not: and yet I say Unto you, that Solo mon in all his glory was not ar rayed like one of these. If then God so clothe the grass, which is today in the field, and tomorrow is cast into the oven; how much more will He clothe you, O ye of little faith?” Luke 12: 27-28. Easter brings thoughtsi of churches and the beautiful Easter lily plants at the altar. The mean ing of Easter is fully expressed in the Easter lily plant. All the paint ings and carvings of the Madonna, annunciation, Resurrection and As cension are made up with the Madonna lily. Since the 10th cen tury all poets have sung of tRe purity and grace of the Madonna lily. In the year 1618 a special papal edict laid down rules as to the pro per treatment of certain sacred subject in art. Palms, roses and lilies were employed to be scatter ed hy angels. It is believed that the Ijly. spoken, of above is the adfemqnyj^which 'is of many colors, Efficiency and Economy Go Hand in Hand when You Rely on Experts to Satisfy Your Building Needs.. Never Settle for the Next Best Thing. If s Bound to Be a Bad Bargain. NO DOWN PAYMENT - 36 MONTHS TO PAY B & B Supply Co. Highway 17 South Phones: ME 7-3040—ME 7-5710 There is a tendency of most modern translators that the flowers growing at the feet of Jesus were wild flowers in general—which really gives us the actual meaning of Jesus. African violets are much loved by many people. They make nice gifts, and are easily grown. Soil taken from under the shrubs of garden or from woods is fine. You may grow African violets anywhere in house but they do bet ter with light or near a window. Always water them from the sau cer. Use luke warm water to water them. They bloom better when the pot is filled with roots. Keep leaves dry and well dusted with brush. Andrew Marvell was a great nature lover and wrote many poems on gardens. Here are some of the stanzas taken from “The Garden.”— How vainly men themselves amaze To win the palm, the oak, or bays; And their incessant labors see Crowned from some single herb, or tree. Whose short and narrow-verged shade Does prudently their toils upbraid; While all flowers and all trees do close To weave the garlands of repose. Fair quiet, have I found thee here. And innocence, thy sister dear? Mistaken long, I sought you then In busy companies of men. Only among the plants will grow; Society is all but rude To this delicious solitude. Meanwhile, the mind, from pleasure less. Withdrawn into happiness: The mind, that ocean where each kind Does straight its own resemblance find; Yet it creates, transcending these, For other worlds, and other seas Annihilating all that is made To a green thought in a green shade. Here at the fountain’s sliding foot. Or at some - fruit-trees’ mossy root, : Casting the body’s vest aside. My soul into the boughs does glide: There like a bird it sits, and sings. Then whets and clasps its silver wings; And, till prepared for longer flights. Waves in its plumes the various lights. How well the skillful gardener drew Of flowers and herbs, this dial new; Where from above, the milder sun Does through a fragrant Zodiac run; And as it works, the industrious bee Computes its time as well as we. How could such sweet and wholesome hours Be reckoned but with herbs and flowers! Sympathy helps, but it never brings the underdog to the top. Many a good argument is knock ed down and run over by progress. If you happen to be the parent of a three-year-old attending Sun day school at Broad Street Chris tian church, you in all likelihood know of the fine work being done by the Henry Browns. Childless themselves, they have gone all out to-have the finest pos sible class for this age group. In the room where these tots meet, much time and effort was devoted to making surroundings appealing to the very young. When a child misses Sunday school, Henry and his wife find out why. In fact, they keep constant check on the boys and girls, tak ing the attitude that a Sunday school teacher’s responsibility is- n!t restricted to a single hour on the Sabbath. What the Browns are doing at Broad Street Christian church, oth er New Bernians are duplicating in other churches. We mention Henry and his wife because it is obvious that they have strived for the ultimate in the task they so gladly assumed. It’s that time again in our town —the time when moppets barge in to stores and buy live biddies for Easter. Here, there and every where, if you’ve been observant, you’ve seen kids toting the tiny chirpers home. Despite the high mortality rate, we’ve learned of late that far more of the biddies survive than one would expect offhand. In every in stance where they have the good fortune to grow up into a full- fledged rooster or hen, they live a' charmed life. Never, so far as we have been able to ascertain, does a chicken that started out in life as an Easter biddy end up in a stew pot. That’s more than you can say for other feathered creatures, most especially Thanksgiving turkeys. Try to look pleasant—even if the smile is only skin deep. For th« best In wh««l barancln^i whaal alfgnmant/ motor tvna*up/ brake, penarator, starter repairs, Harvey Moore. Ballard's Service Station Bridgeton, N. C. Dial ME 7-3662 n CLEANERS 223 CRAVEN DIAL ME 7-2700 FOR COMPLETE REDECORATING Some of the world's fin est Wall Coverings in va rious types and textures. Putnt colprmd f0. inmteh or blend each pafiern. Pree estimates. Dial ME 7-5510 HARRELL'S PAPER SHOP Essotane Gas Service . Cooking - Hot Water - Heating Bottled or Bulk Tanks George R. Scott Gds Company 221 Middle Street Phone ME 7-3179 The springwall ^'Quiltress^^ iMcurious comfort for those who like the smooth, deep-cushioned feel of a buttonless top, pliu firm correct body support. Upholstered with two extra, deep layers of the finest, fluffy white cotton felt, penaanentiy positioned by thousands of stitches. Patented Flexolators give longer life to padding. Completely handcrafted with generously upholster:^ side walls, full non-sag spniigwi^ construction. AvailaUe in luxurious dam ask. Multi-coil unit A com- A pletely quilted top that as* I* 11 011 sures smooth firmness. 1% LI V V flipringwall “Super Quilt. 11 Tl less”, extra-long, $79.60. Matching Sjj^rlllgwall box spring, $69.60. McCOTTER FURNITURE STORE WEST NEW BERN SHOPPING CENTER — Plenty of Pree Off-Street Parking DEALER FOR MONOGRAM OIL HEATERS