Page Two THE NEW B^RN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Friday, April 3, 1959 KENNEL KAPERS IN KANGAROO LAND IHIMMIIMMMlimillltmtIKItKO. ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,. .JiainMMIIHMMIHIIHIIIItllllMMmMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMmiHllllit At last we greet you from beau tiful Melbourne, Australia. Next week we shall begin our series on life in Australia, but we must give you a glimpse into the life of one of the outstanding men we have met. If any of you have any doubt about the power of religion in daily life, you should meet this man. Father David Wells is a priest in the Church of England. The Church of England is a protestant body resembling closest an Episco- I>al church. Father David, as we came to know him, had joined what is known as a “community” within tile Church of England. As prerequisites, vows had to be taken to a lifetime of poverty, celibacy (never marrying), and obe- diance. If this sounds the slightest bit stuffy, you should meet the man. Father David is thirty-two years old, but he doesn’t look a day over twenty-four. Sometimes he acts much young er. We got to know him quite well; every night we’d retire to the cab in with a plate of sandwiches and a bottle of lemon squash, all set tled to shoot the bull until one or two o’clock in the morning. We can say here that our religi ous views did not always coincide. The main difference which always seemed to crop up was that our background allowed for a far more individual interpretation of relK gion. Yet, the way we sat and discuss ed religion with him did not seem irreverent. He was totally willing to come down to the layman’s level, and yet, he had the deep back ground for theological discussion with anyone. He was a fine athlete too, enter- FOR GOOD FOOD & REFRESHMENT, It's The Wiggly Pig School Supplies TYPING PAPER BOOK BAGS NOTEBOOK PAPER PENCILS HARDISON PRINTING CO. Commercial Printing 220 Craven St. Dial ME 7-2314 New Bern, N. C. NOW you con buy a FULL SIZE All Electric Adding Machine for just It’s a Q/f!attonal*! Only $20.00 Down $11.30 Per Month F«d. Tax tnc. • ADDS • SUBTRACTS « MULTIPLIES • USTSy TOTALS vp to 999,999.99 • FUU ONE YEAR GUARANTEEf • SAME NATIONAL QUAUTY—At • NEW LOW PRICE \ h*f ooe of the o«w Ecooonif Modelf minufafl—d by The Natiooal Cash Regie* Mr CMnpaojh—{Moducen of rugged, peed* Aoo'built busincM flaaduoM for over 7S Tears. OTHER MODEU«. $99.00 UP to, o ntH DCMONSTMTION Phontt ME 7-3197 Neil Vaster Owen G. Dunn Co. ing into almost all the ship compe titions. In the deck tennis finals my partner and I had reached the quarter-finals when'all of a sudden my partner jumped ship in Bom bay. Father David was chosen by the sports committee to replace him, and we went on to win the doubles match. This brought on one of our funniest situations. There was about $3.00 prize money for the event, and he was presented with a gift certificate. If you remember, his vows pledged him to poverty, which meant he couldn’t use the certifi cate for himself. We finally re solved the problem several days later, by my buying the certificate from him, and by his purchasing the next week’s lemon squash for our bull sessions. I also met Father David in the semi-final rounds of the Scrabble Tournament. This event was taken quite seriously on the ship as ari intellectual game, and there even developed deep theories on the best way to play. Scrabble, by the way, was the rage in the States a few years back, and scoring is done by participants forming words in similar fashion to a cross-word puzzle. It was Father David’s turn to go, but I had found a spot which would be worth forty-eight paints to me (a handsome amount). Star ing intently at him, I was all ready to put down the letters D-E-V-I-L. You might guess what happened. He, starting intently at me, drop ped his word into the same slot I had been planning to use. His word —S-L-O-B. We laughed about that for weeks, although sometimes I don’t think it’s so funny. - Father David was born and rais ed in Melbourne, and he tells us when he was a boy his gang would spend the weekend with each other. Inevitably on Sunday morning the host parents would ask what de nomination the boys were, hoping to take them to church. Father David said the standard reply of his gang was “Bush Baptist- very devout.” Of course, there was no such thing, but the parents, ashamed to admit they weren’t fa miliar with the denomination, and wishing to respect the boys’ de voutness, would not have the boys accompany'them to church. Father David left Australia to enter a partnership of accountants. It was while he was in England that he made the decision to join the community at Kelham, Eng land. That was nine years ago, and he had not seen his parefits since then. Needless to say, this trip back to Australia ended in a heart-warming reunion. Originally, his first name was John, but since they call them selves by first names at Kelham, and they already had one John, Da vid became a necessity. He says that won’t cause confusion at home, though, because his parents have always called him “Tony.” He re ceived no little amount of kidding for that. Just before we landed, he had me show him all the card tricks I knew. He said they’d come in han dy with some of the boys he might be working with. Father David be lieves you can best work with someone when you first become his friend, and get down on his level. I guess this is one point we strongly agreed on. He used to sit back in the cabin and make nice compliments to Jean. Needless to say, she ate this sort of thing up. Every night before he left the cabin he delighted in getting me in trouble with her. His best method was to turn to me and say, “Why don’t you ever say anything nice to this pretty young lady?” That usually kept me in the doghouse .for a day or so. Actually, Father David wasn’t so smart as he thought he was, be cause I’m perfectly capable of get ting in the doghouse by myself. We hope we have been able to give you a little insight into this man. Beneath the humor was an almost saintly manner, as his very thoughts were controlled by his beliefs. He is undoubtedly the finest all- MIRROR MEDITATION A man of right spirit is not a man of narrow and private views, but is greatly interested and con cerned for the good of the commu nity to which he belongs, and par ticularly of the city or village in which he resides, and for the true welfare of the society of which he is a member.—Jonathan Ed wards. around person we have ever known intimately. A strong man, and a strong man of God. Our lives will certainly be richer from knowing him, and we are happy that we will be seeing him off and on while we are here in a foreign land. Again it is time to close. We thank you for taking time out to read this column. Next week we’ll prove to you that there is a housing shortage in Melbourne, too. Until then. Cheerio. —Robbie. PENNY ANTEI Hermosa Beach, Cal. — \ j,m,. glar kicked in a $500 plate glass' window to steal one penny. The coin from a display in the window of a variety store was a rare 1900 Lincoln head vah ued by collectors at $50. Nothing else at the store was taken. READ THE MIRROR WEEKLY Call us for froo estimatos on local and long distance mov- ing. W. W. Ormond ME 7-5470 Today nothing seems to succeed like the appearance of success. We're Open Until 10 p.m., 7 Days a Week, to Supply Your Table with the Best. Town 'N Country Service Center .jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigii = A GOOD PLACE TO EAT - ELECTRIC MOTOR REBUILDERS 24-Hour Service ACE ELECTRICAL CO. 318 S. Front St. Dial ME 7-7350 EDWARDS RADIATOR SERVICE Route 5 — Highway 17 South Promptness and Experience in Cleaning and Repairing Radiators r METROPOLITAN CLUB I : 317 Pollock Street ME 7-9827 Z ■i m z Enjoy Recreation with Your Friends § "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? Vernon Dixon Offers Top Products and Superior Service to Motorists DROP BY FOR A VISIT Craven Purol Middle & Johnson ME 7-9726 s p COATS , R SUITS Al/0 1 & Off N TOPPERS G ALSO ONE GROUP OF DRESSES THE SMART SHOP MEET W. BURKE DAVIS, - AUTHOR OF "TO APPOMATTOX" AT THE SOUTHERN BOOK CENTER 715 Pollock St. — New Bern ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18TH Evelyn and Bill Dixon Invite You to Attend on Autographing Party for This Distinguished Tor Heel Novelist apd Biographer. For Further Details, Call ME 7-2458.