Page Four THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Friday, May 1, 1959 THE NEW BERN MIRROR Published Every Friday at 111 King Street, New Bern, N. C., by the Soie Owner j. GASKiLL McDaniel -Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $2.50 Six Months $1.25 Entered as secend-class mail at New Bern April 4, 1958, under the act of March 3, 1879. GUESSING GAME Anyone who professes to know in advance the outcome of Tuesday’s election is kidding himself while trying to kid others. None of us can speak with certainty on such matters, and God pity America if a day arrives when our elections can be foretold ahead of time. Enough voters will always keep their preferences to them selves to inject at least a small question mark into the picture. That, of course, is the way it should be. How you cast your ballot is nobody’s business but your own. In fact, if ever a white lie is justified it would seem to be in order when a candidate backs a citizen into a corner, and puts him on the spot about hife vote. For the sake of the record, the editor of The Mirror is willing to admit that under like circumstances he most certain ly would pitch a curve to a candidate who invaded his rights this way. When a vote seeker gets lied to, simply because he placed a voted in this embarrassing position, the candidate in volved gets what he deserves. Of course, if a voter voluntarily pledges his vote and support to a candidate of his choice, that’s a different matter. Freedom of the ballot makes no attempt to force you into secre cy. It only guarantees you secrecy if you deem it advisable. A secret election is the only election under high heaven’s blue that can serve the interests of a free land. The moment a citizen’s vote is a subject of public scrutiny, that moment he or she is deprived of a real right to vote according to the dictates of heart and conscience. As the editor of The Mirror sees it, even your husband or your wife has no right to know how you vote. Nothing in your marriage vows says that you forfeit your full rights of citizenship, so if it’s necessary to keep peace in the family, lie about your vote to him or her too. Far be it from us to suggest that candidates and issues shouldn’t be discussed within the family circle. We’re only sug gesting that each of us, having discussed them peacefully or otherwise, is entitled and obligated to cast our ballots as indi viduals. Everyone has that privilege and that obligation. As an editor, we have no axe to grind in furthering the interests of any candidate. We have written no editorials telling you how to vote, although we are urging you to vote in this and every other election. However, an editor has his rights too as an individual. Like the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker, he can vote as he pleases. If the Good Lord sees fit to keep us among the living until Tuesday’s election, we plan to do just that. In urging you to vote, may we remind you that it is a great personal tragedy when any qualified voter fails to show up at the polls on election day. .Al of us are aware of this, yet in all likelihood a large segment of New Bern’s citizens will pass up the opportunity to have a voice in the government of their community. This situation should be a matter of concern to all of us. Don’t let the sun go down and find you among the non- voters. One vote may not determine the results, but whether it will or it won’t doesn’t relieve you of the responsibility that is resting on your shoulders. Cognizant of the fact that everyone should vote who is entitled to vote, the New Bern Civitan club will have automo biles available for any citizen who needs a ride to the polls. These courtesy cars are as close as your telephone. Simply by dialing MElrose 7-6333, from noon on, you can avail your self of this service. The cars will be clearly marked as courtesy vehicles. Civitans in providing them are not concerned with how you vote, but only with the fact that you do vote. YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT FOR THIRD WARD ALDERMAN WILL BE APPRECIATED. PETE CHAGARtS Election, Tuesday, May 5th The Mirror Advertising Pays! Letter to The Editor New Bern is designated as a sanc tuary for birds. Actually it is a sanctuary for alley-cats, belonging to no one, that continuously prey on birds. While gardening all day Saturday we counted eleven alley-cats on the prowl for birds. At least one mocking bird, two robins, and a red-headed woodpecker fell prey to the predatory cats. These were the ones we saw kill ed, or wounded beyond aid. Un doubtedly, a much larger number were killed during that period in this single city block, since these cats, descendants of hundreds of generations of other alley-cats, must kill to live. They have necessarily developed an uncanny skill in keeping out of sight of birds, much less humans. The city of New Bern has done extremely well in eliminating the hungry, homeless dogs that once prowled the streets, yards, and gar dens in search of food. Unfortu nately, this yeoman-like job has up set nature’s balance, and alley-cats live, thrive, beget and beget in this designated bird sanctuary. Please let us make it clear that as a lover of animals we have noth ing against pet cats, but someone must make an effort to protect the birds in New Bern from this huge population of wild, stray cats. Therefore, we recommend that the City of New Bern and its socie ties interested in the protection and humane treatment of animals, the garden clubs and like organiza tions, join in a united drive to rid the city of these alley-cats as hu manely and quickly as possible. Please remember that this is, the time of year when young birds are choice and easy prey for these cunning, hungry cats. Without technical knowledge on the methods of handling the alley- cat problem, it seems to us that it might be handled on a block by block, or section by section, basis. Whereby it would be announced that on a specific day that area would be worked for the control of alley-cats. Sufficiently publi cized, this would practically elimi nate the possiblity of pet cats be ing involved. We suggest prompt action, and ask for the reader’s comments re garding the alley-cat-bird sanctuary problem. Incidentally, we have planted a Villoge Verses TOKEN It seems quite right that after all these years Of separation I should call you friend; And that within this cynic vale of tears Our hearts should quicken when we meet again. You’ve changed, and yet, in fancy I can see The little girl who lived across the way; That’s why the little boy I used to be Comes back to write these lines to you today. —JGMcD. 6 Rooms, 3 Bed Rooms, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen and Garage. Large Lot. One-Half Mile West of New Bern Roy O. Fagan 308 Broad Street NOW you con buy a HILl SIZE All Electric Adding Machine for just $79500 It’s a G/^atUmal' I Only $20.00 Down $11.30 P*r Monrii Fed. Tax Inc. • ADDS • SUBTRACTS • MUITIPUES • USTS, TOTALS up lo 999,999.90 • FULL ONE YEAR GUARANTEE I • SAME NATIONAL QUALITY—At e NEW LOW PRICE It’s one of the new Economy ModeU manufectited by The National Cash Regis ter Company—producCK of nigged, preci* aioo'built business machines for over 75 years. OTHER MODELS —$99.00 UP for o FREE DEMONSTRATION Phonw ME 7-3197 Neil Vester Owen G. Dunn Co. 50-foot row of giant sun flowers for the benefit of the birds. Any bird lover has missed a great deal if he hasn’t seen a cardinal hanging upside down on the head of a ma ture sun flower, eating his fill of the large nutritious seed. Why not plant a few of these sun flowers for your own as well as the birds’ en joyment? —Ben Hurst 205 Broad Street Uneasy lies the head that tries to make a living without working for it. READ THE MIRROR WEEKLY For Expert Plumbing at Reasonal Prices, Call James L. Cayton ME 7-9389 N. C. Liconu 1697 Time Now for PLANTS Petunias • Scarlet Sage • Tomatoes ■ Peppers and Many. Others DIXON BROS. NURSERY R. L BENGEL SHEET METAL WORKS Roofing of All Kinds Warm Air Heating 1311 N. Craven St. Phone .ME 7-3404 Efficiency and Economy Go Hand in Hand when You Rely on Experts to Satisfy Your Building Needs. Never Settle for the Next Best Thing. It's Bound to Be Cl Bad Bargain. NO DOWN PAYMENT — 36 MONTHS TO PAY B & B Supply Co. Highway 17 South Phones: ME 7-3040—ME 7-5710