Paf'e Eight THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Friday, July 24, 1959* Teen Topics IN NEW BERN TODAY Criticism of teen-age drivers is often justified, but we can't resist pointing with pride to our Craven County school bus drivers. To give you an idea of their fine record during the past school year, we've obtained some figures from Mr. N. B Pope, who has charge of pupil transportation. Approximately 90 teen-agers drove 81 buses a total of 531,000 miles. Each bus averaged 36 miles n day over paved and dirt roads, and that’s an average for the year of 6,536 miles. L R, Thomas & Sons BUILDING CONTRACTORS Residences — Commercial Buildings — Schools and Churches '"BUILDING NOW FOR THE FUTURE" Phon(»4 7-635,S 7-3306 Gl*n Burn!* Gardens ALL..SEASON AIR CONDITIONING wmms 0/7 cools at a touch! I 1 'lUhe S.B. Parker Co. ME 7-3397 Your Lennox Comfort Craftsman Every day approximately 3,721 Elementary students and 1,307 High school students w'cre trdtis- ported to and from school. Add these two figures together and you have a total of 5,028 pupils. There w'ere only 16 minor acci dents during the school year. Every mishap had to be reported to school authorities, including things like backing into a pole or tree, or into a ditch. Although there were some girl drivers, all of the 16 accidents oc curred with a boy at the wheel. This perfect record for the fair sex ought to make you feminine drivers feel proud. Best of all, only one accident during the year was a violation of the law. Tile charge in this case was failure to yield the right-of- way. We don’t want to boast, but you’ll agree with us that it would be hard for any group of adults to set a better record under the same circumstances. About 60 percent of last year’s drivers will be back, and we feel sure that they will continue their excellent safety record. And be cause the new drivers are careful ly selected, and have a lot to live up to, we are confident that they will also justify the faith placed in them. Top Ten Tunes In New Bern This Week xuamA 1. The Battle of New Orleans— Johnny Horton. 2. Lonely Boy — Paul Ankas. 3. Lipstick on Your Collar—Con nie Francis. 4. Waterloo—^Stonewall Jackson, 5. Personality — Lloyd Price. 6. Tiger — Fabian. 7. Bobby-Sox to Stockings—Fran kie Avalon. 8. What A Difference A Day Makes — Diana Washington.. 9. There Goes My Baby—Drift ers. 10. I Only Have Eyes For You— Flamingos. Rushing around smartly is no proof of accomplishing much. — Mary Baker Eddy. Quality Shoe Repairing at Reasonable Prices IDEAL Shoe Shop Jo« Hatem, Prop, 903 Broad Street ME 7-5011 Colonel Beard (Continued from Page 1) one of his neighbors at Fort Ruck er has been another New Bernian, Colonel Jack Tolson. The Beard and Tolson families have had some wonderful times together for several years. Like all service families they had a great deal in common, plus the fact that William and Jack hailed from the same town, and in their spare mo ments could exchange the latest news from home. In recent weeks, however, Jack has assumed new duties at the Pen tagon in Washington. We might add that we hope to do a story on Colonel Tolson in the not too dis tant future, and, for that matter, subsequent features on other New Bernians who have distinguished themselves in the service of their Tri-County Bonding Co. All Types of Appearance Bonds 403 Craven Street, New Bern, N. C. RICHARD D. WILLETTS Phone: ME 7-5372, ME 7-3707 s E j; A GOOD PLACE TO EAT - = »■ 22 II METROPOLITAN CLUB I PERCHED PRETTILY — Sure, and ’tis a great day for the Irish, as Frances MeSorley pauses before a cooling dip in the Trent Pines pool. Our latest Mirror Maid is already known to niany of you as h charming New Bern High school majorette. — Photo by Billy Benners. country. Getting back to Mrs. Beard, and the feminine viewpoint, she has nothing but praise for the role of Army wife and mother. “Everybody gives everybody else a helping hand,’’ she says, “and no matter where you go you’re bound to bump into old friends from your earlier days.” In other words, Mom and Pop Beard and their six youngsters have long since learned to take things in stride. Seven years from now the colonel comes up for re tirement. “I don’t know where we’ll end up,” he says, “but I want it to be close to the water, and by water I do mean the Atlantic Ocean.” One thing is sure, in the future as in the past the Beards are going to get the most out of life. SUBSCRIBE TO THE MIRROR FOR GOOD FOOD & REFRESHMENT, in The Wiggly Pig Foir Expert Plumbing at Reasonal Prices, Call Jomes L. Cayton ME 7-9389 N. C.. Lictmt* 1697 You'll Find a Variety of Tropical Fish at Pittman's Aquarium 137 , Middle Street 3i!7 Pollock Street ME 7-9827 Z •i Enjoy Recreation with Your Friends = im = '^RHiiiiniiiimiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? THERE IS NO SECRET TO OUR LONG YEARS OF SUCCESS. WE PIONEERED, THEN KEPT PACE WITH THE TIMES. Stallings bros.:J\^^ PLUMBING ■■ BEATING -AlP CONDITIONING OklxJX. IfCcilii NEUSE BLVn* NEW BERN, N,C. NOW you cm buy 0 FUU $01 AB Bectric Adding Modiim $19500 It’s a Q^SattemU* I Only $M.0S $11.30 • ADOS • SUBTRACTS • MULTIPUES • USK, TOTALS up to 999,999.99 0 PUU ONE YEAR GUARANTEEI 0 SAME NATIONAL QUAUTY—At e NEW LOW PRICE Ifi 000 of die aeor Boonooiy Mololi eamifacturod by The Naboaal Coih Regiy- •tf Company—pcoducen of rugged, pteef. lioQ-built bustoess machiues for over IS OTHER MODELS —$99.00 UP far a «EE DEMONSTRATION ME 7-3197 Neil Vesteir Owen Go Dunn Co.. Efficiency and Economy Go Hand in Hand when You Rely on Experts to Satisfy Your Building Needs! Never Settle for the Next Best Thingo If s Bound to Be a Bad Bargain. NO DOWN PAYMENT - 36 MONTHS TO PAY B & B Supply Co. Highway 17 South Phones; ME 74040—ME 7-5710