Friday, August 21, 1959 THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Page Three 959 )orS. 1959 500. nate I'OIU hers ring teri. 1 be lore sled han .000 ores this 1 o£ lect' 132,. last the ugh .’ear eas. Buds AND Blossoms By MAMIE MiLLtR “And the apostles shid unto the Lord, Increase our faith. And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree. Be thou pluck ed up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea, and it shall obey you.”—Luke 17: 5,6. The sycamine tree is a black jnulberry. The Chinese plant these for silk worms. Sycamine is refer red to in the Apocrypha, where there is described a mighty battle Jn which elephants were used and sent into action. “And to the end they might provoke the elephants to fight, they showed them the (blood of grapes and mulberries,”— 1 Maccabees 6:34. When you root cuttings in wa fer, never use more than an inch in, the glass. It will root better due to the amount of oxygen. t)ip cut flowers in hot water for two minutes to prolong their life. Trim all leaves that will be beneath the water. It will keep the flowers from fading. Keep them from drafts and radiators. Put charcoal in vase of cut flowers to prolong their life. HAND ENGRAVING REPAIRING REPIAI IN G JEWEIRV and SILVERWARE STONES RE-SIT or REPLACID a* o/d mounfingi rebuilt, new ones created • Valuable popefS, p/tofoj pormaniztd GOODING Service 314 tiks TempIc Phone 43A7 New Born,N.C. Vernon Dixon Offers Top Products and Superior Service to Motorists DROP BY FOR A VISIT Craven Purol Middle & Johnson ME 7-9726 THEV RE SO COURTEOUS IR tHR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMCNt AT CLARK’S. DRUS STORE EVEN THAT'S NOT SO IMPOATANt AS KNOW* IN6 HOW CAREFUL THEY ARBI \ QdUd2i^Au>t.(ZcfLHu^ / DRUG STORtS a,^rlcLj2,M£.7-2lQa BROAD f.M/DDL£ STR££T N£trV BERN, N C. Plant lilies betw^een now and early October. Place orders now for bulbs to put out this faH. There are many types of tulips; Darwin, Parrott, Rem- bi'andt. Bizarre, Cottage, Triumph, Breeder, Fosteriana and Botanical. Decide which type suits your gar den best. -There are many colorful catalogues to select these from. Be sure to plant Ranunculus and Ane mones this fall. Mr, W. H. Little, who is the auth or of two books is well known for his beautiful poetic meditations based on Scripture verses. He is the father of Miss Lillian Little, a school teacher in New Bern. Mi’. Little is past 85 and he has recent ly completed one of his books. The following poem is taken from “A Verse A Day.” Does God Care? If God so clothes the grass in fields And other earthly things. Shall He not rather care for you Than birds of air on wings? All nature speaks of God’s great love In eloquence that’s mute; The fruits and flowers and starry skies No one can these dispute. The thick green grass on which we tread, ~ The air that we here breathe. Are evidences of His Love, For He cannot deceive. Why then do men in Him not trust, The good Lord over all. Who loves the creatures of His hands. Both large and also small? Our little faith is pitiful. It fails to judge aright; It’s too complacent at all times Except When quaked from fright. Help me, 0 God, in faith to grow. In meekness and in fear. To realize Thou are'close by And will change fright to cheer. Little white lies are seldom as white as they are painted. Tru-Tread Tire Co. U. S. TIRES Recapping & Vulcanizing 223 Craven Street ME 7-2417 ^ CLEANERS 223 CRAVEN DIAL ME 7-2700 WOODROW MOORPS Supplying Indoor Comfort With Heating and Air Conditioning Now located 318 First St. Spencer Corsets & Brassieres INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED MRS. JULIA BOYD MULLEN Rt. 4, New Bern, Box 264 — Dial ME 7-6508 Kehoe, Starting Friday Frank Sinatra in a contempla tive mood talks things ov^r with his son, played by Eddie Hodges, in their Miami hotel. "A Hole in the Head," filmed in color by De- Luxe and Cinemascope, marks director Frank Capra's return tp motion pictures. The film will open Friday at the Kehoe Thea tre through United Artists New Accessories Add Sparkle to Old Wardrobe Outfits The first feeling of fall, or any new season, starts with accessories. They spark old end-of-th‘e-season wardrobes, set the scene for th'e new, and keep all-day costumes looking right around the clock. According to Miss Mary Em Lee, clothing specialist for the N. C. Ag ricultural Extension Service, to make fashion magic, accessories must fit the figure. The petite figure takes to perky hats, dainty jewelry, small scale bags and umbrellas. She uses her accessories to give the illusion of added height. More freedom in choosing ac cessories is permitted the average figure. They fully express her personality, or they match her mood of the moment. She may try eye-deceiving tricks to appear tall er or shorter. Fashion on the grand scale is displayed by the tall figure. She wears bold, dramatic jewelry, car ries, elegant oversize bags. To ap pear shorter, she wears attention getters near the waist, such as a heavy bracelet, flowers or pin On belt, a glitter pin on elongated ev ening bag. Miss Lee advises to concentrate on a few good pieces to be enjoy ed for many wearings. Remember that accessories must harmonize— they can’t live alone. KEHOE FRIDAY THRU THURSDAY AGreatBIgHug.. And Zing GoThe Strings diPYounHeant! aa hiiii Ra • FRANK CAPRA'S ilN THi H wd Mrtducing EDDIE HDD6ES (Tilt Wotdti oTIlii Mule Mm') COLOR I, Mm Mw-.lMniaMSS One of our favorite among the many cute little girls in town is Jane Baskerville, who lives at 209 Johnson Street. She is rather shy around strang ers, and for weeks we tried in vain to strike up a friendship with her as We passed her home daily. Fin ally, we succeeded. Jane is quite a talker when you really get to know her. She comes by it naturally, since her Mommy and Daddy are delightfully loquaci ous too. That suits us, inasmuch as pe'bple who aren’t given to conver sation usually aren’t very interest ing. You can’t say that about the Baskerville tot. The other morn ing, after exchanging salutations, she informed us that she had caught s'ome June bugs. “Here they are,” she proclaimed proudly, ex hibiting a tightly covered can. “How many do you have?” we in- • • HOW CAN I 0—How can 1 protect the hands prWpbrty befoVe beginning house- cleaning, or any work around the hduse,that is rough on the hands? A—Before beginning the work, moisten white soap and work it in to jlhe pores, under the fingernails, an'd ar'ound the cuticle. When fin ished working, wash the hands and all the soil will come off with the soap. Q—-H6W can I set colors in deli cate fabric? A—Epsom salts is excellent for this purpose. Add a teaspoonful to each gallon of water and the article will wash easily, without losing its col6r. . Q—How can I give a flavor to home-made ice cream, a little dif ferent from the usual vanilla, cho colate, etc.? A—Home-made ice cream will be delicious if peppermint sticks are broken up and used as flavoring. It will also have a pretty color. quired, and then expressed alm’m when she started to remove the lid. "They’ll get away,” we warned. “No they won’t, cause they’re dead,” she explained. She showed us the two June bugs she had in custody, and they were in truth very much deceased. Then she explained, “I can catch June bugs when they are dead, but I can’t catch them when they are alive.” It would have been a shame, of course, to inform her that there isn’t much skill in cap turing a June bug that has perm.a- nently lost its capacity for anima tion. Besides, we feel certain that the liveliest June bug on earth couldn’t have been more pleasing to her than the ones she already had. So far as we know, she still has them unless her mother and father have banished them from the scene. Catching June bugs is one of the childhood pastimes that has resist ed change in a changing world And for our part, we got more fun out of talking with the little Janes and Juniors who catch them than we do reading headlines about things more terrifying. ELECTRIC MOTOR REBUILDERS 24-Hour Service ACE ELECTRICAL CO. 318 S. Front St. Dial ME 7-7350 Read the mirror weekly COASTAL CAB ME 7-6131 Service on All Makes of Electrical Appliances 'Eubanks Refrigeration Service ME 7-2571 Today and Every Day A. D. Laughinghdu^e Is Ready to Give You Courteous and Complete Texaco Service CCC SERVICE STATION Across from Courtlhibusa ME 7-6827 J. w. SMITH AGENCY, INC GENERAL INSURANCE HOTEL GOVERNOR tRYON Parking Facilities Available in Back of Hotel Office Phbne ME 7-5500 Residence MR 7-2344 We Are Discontinuing Until Fall Our Serving of Charcoal Steaks & Chicketm. IH thi§ M^dAtime, You Can Count on Us as Always for Good Food and Refreslhi- ments, Day and Night, and for Courteous Cor Care. Drop In for a Visit at TOWN 'N COUNTRY