AND Blossoms MAMIE MILLBt “My beloved is gone down into his garden to the beds of spices, to feed in the gardens, and to gath er lilies.”—SolQftion 6:1. Garden club work has begun all over the state. Garden clubbers fell real proud to help grow and maintain beauty in our state. The theme for our garden club is “To gether We Grow.” The theme for the New Bern Garden club is New Bern, Our Hometown—^To con serve, to reverence, to beautify. The official collect of garden clubs of North Carolina is: Our Heavenly Father, who dost feed the birds and clothe the flow ers, and who knoweth and careth for every need of us. Thy children, so enlighten our minds to use. wise ly all the gifts of Thy Mighty Hand that we, imbued with Thy Holy ^irit, may so work Thy will that those who came after mark their path by our footsteps. For all our families, our friends, our free and beautiful country. Father in Heaven we thank Thee. CLEANERS ~ 223 CRAVEN DIAL ME 7-2700 •ii L. IL Thomat' & Sons Residenest iw^^Cdmmercial Buildings —^ Schools and ' Churchas "BUILDING NOW FOR THE FUTURE" Phonos 7-6355 7-3306 Glon Burnlo Gardens We beseech Thee of Thy great goodness and tendet mercy to for give our sins and grant that as we work ’together jn fellowship we may draw clcwer to Thee, Almighty Godr in whose name we pray. Amen. — Written by Marie Rebder Gerdes. Many lilies may be planted now. The' Estate ,LHy (Easter Lily) blooms in July and August. It is pure white and very hardy. The Regale Lily comes in pink and white. It came from Western China and is one of the prettiest lilies. These will bloom around 15 blooms. They grow as high as five feet. The_ Olympic Hybrids is a trum pet lily. The blooms are white, ivory or tan with a soft green, brown or wine exterior color. These bloom in July on five to seven-foot stems. They like sun or shade. Plant five to seven inches deep. The much-loved Lilum Speciosm Rubrum lily is a white flower flushed with pink and spotted with carmine. No garden is complete without these. They are easy to grow and extra large bulbs. They bloom in late July to September. The new fire king is an orange red star-shaped lily with as many as 30 blooms on an upright stem. They grow three feet and have lots of glossy green leaves. For a beau tiful summer (rf lilies—plant plen- »• ■■ > i;-J. I ^ For Expert Pluiribrng at IteosonallPiie^ ^ Call James L. Cayton ME 7-9389 N. C. License 1697 Watch for ... THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF OUR FORMAL OPENING La Belle Beauty Salon 305 George Street — ME 7-3401 Hazel Bell McDaniel Laura Williams Hardison . SAVE TIME AND MONEY On Your Neon Repairs and Installations by Patronizing a Local Firm. • Our Work Is Guaranteed, and There's No Charge for Estimates. We Also Repair and Build Signs of Every Type. A Home-Town Service for Home-town Customers. Taylor Neon Service ME 7-3640 ty of them now. Song Now sleeps the crimson, now the white; Nor waves the cypress in the palace walks; Nor winks the gold fin in the porphyry font: Now droops the milk white peacock like a ghost. And like a ghost she glimpiers on to me. Now lies the earth all Danae to the stars. And all thy heart lies open unto me. Now slides the silent meteor on, and leaves A shining furrow, as thy thoughts in me. Now folds the lily all her-sweet- ness up. And slips into the bosom of the lake: So fold thyself, my dearest, thou and slip Into my bosom and be lost in me. —Alfred Tennyson. Check Yourself Beforefiriving Bjr Martha Johnson Dodge Safety Consultant Are you fit to drive a car? You may think you are in good health. You may have an excel lent safety record. Yet, under certain circumstances, it can be dangerous for you to be in the driver’s seat. Before you take the wheel of your car, read through this list prepared by the American Medi cal Assn. in co-operation with the Center for Safety Education, at ^ew York University. • Don't drive when you have serious problems on ybur , mind. Buhtional upsets may cauae-acaidenta '' your attifante. Bs^inar ture. • Don’^ intdce a date wi& the . sandman while driving; • Some medicines and driving don’t mix. • Alcohol and gasoline are a dangerous combination. • Clearsightedness is vital. • Don’t take the wheel if you are bothered with nervous disorders. e Don’t drive if you have a heart condition unless the doctor gives his OK. • If you are diabetic, check with your doctor about the wisdom of driving.^ • Periodic check-ups are a good idea if ybu are paist 65. HAND ENGRAVING REP AIRING - REFLATING JEWELRY and SILVERWARE STONES RE SET or REPLACED ^ Old mounf»ngj rebuilt, nesv ones cr>}ated • Valuable papers, phofos permaniied GOODING Service 314 Elks Temple Phone 4367 New Bern, N.C. NEW G^SSenal ADDING MACHINES *99 Hw Tm low Low Down Monthly Foymont Faymontt Owen G. Dunn Co. Katina Leris, who lives at 811 Clark Avenue, was only three when she moved to New Bern from Athens, Greece, eight ye«ra ago. Naturally, this dark' eyed young lady recalls very little about her native land. Hwever, like most of our foreign bom, she knows a great deal about America and appreciates its many blessings. In our limited acquaintance with her, we’ve found her to be a most delightful youngster. Her playmates find her a delight ful friend too, and particularly en joy belonging to the very exclu sive club that meets in the garage in back of her home. It’s an all-girl organization, ■ and no boy is al lowed to know its secrets or ven ture within its restricted portals. Despite this deep secrecy, a little bird has passed along some flatter ing information to us. According to the little bird, members of the club make it a point to read 'The Mirror at their meetings each week. As part of the regular order of business, one member gets up in front of the group and reads it to the rest. Much of the interest cen ters around our list of the top ten • tunes in New Bern. Each member is furnished a pen cil and a piece of paper before the list of tunes is read out. Then they write down their guesses as to which are the top tunes, and the order in which they appear in 'Die Mirror. The winner gets a free serving of ice cream, at club ex pense, when the ice cream man comes by with his truck. We would like for Katina and the other members of the club to, know that such interest on their part is deeply appreciated. One. of the satisfying things about publish ing our paper is the way it has been received by New Bern’s young people. What we didn’t anticipate was the fact that they would not only read columns like Tot Talk, Teen Topics and the Top Ten Tunes, but other material slanted at adults. In short, they have exhibit ed a general,interest. READ THE MIRROR WEEKLY — STORES 3 DAYS SALE - 9 .' ‘ ( I rADCISCAM earthenware 16-pc. seta reg. 16.95 95 12 Last chance at th ise great savings on the most famous earthenware sets of all. Every Franciscan earthenwaru pattern in our stocks Is reduced. 'Hurryl fi' FW-263...DESERT ROSE ildWNM IISBPrr'