■'S' y. t i; ■J. Pace Six THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Friday, October 2, 1959 Scuppernong Grape Vine, Itself, Cannot Bear Grapes has Here is a question which been asked by our readers; Q—I have a Scuppernong grape vine which is 12 years old and has never borne fruit? What can I do? A—This question has been an swered many times but keeps pop ping up. The Scuppernong (still the most popular variety of the Muscadine family) is, by itself, un fruitful and must have pollen from a source other than its own flow ers. This was when pollen was in plentiful supply from male vines, growing wild in the woods, and was transported to the Scupper nong flowers by bees. Heavy cut ting of timber and expanding vil lages and suburban areas removed so many of the male vines that this source of pollen can no longer be depended upon. Through breeding, varieties have been developed which are selfpolinating (self-fruitful) and will also furnish pollen to fertilize the flowers of Scuppernong, James, Thomas and other old varieties of the Muscadine group which are self-polinating. The most popular Specialist Releases Guide Tips on Buying Feeder Pigs What are feeder pigs worth? The answer to this question de pends on the price of feed grain and market hogs, says Fred Mang- um, farm management sp.ecialist Tor the N. C. Agricultural Exten sion Service.' Before buying feeder pigs this fall, Mangum suggests you esti mate what you can afford to pay in the light of expected hog prices. It will take about nine bushels of corn and 60 pounds of supple ment to turn a 60-pound feeder pig into a 200-pound market hog. With corn at $1.20 per bushel this rep resents an investment of $14.28. Other costs amount to about $2 per hog. With these expenses and hogs selling for $14 per hundredweight. Quality Shoe Repairing at Reasonable Prices IDEAL Shoe Shop Joe Hatem, Prop. 903 Broad Street ME 7-5011 you can afford to pay no more than $11.75 per head for feeder pigs. “Even at this price you will on ly break even,” Mangum added. “You’ll get no return for your la bor and management.” Mangum suggests using this pro cedure in figuring how much you can afford to pay for feeder pigs at different com and hog prices. Your figuring will show, for ex ample, that if market hogs drop to $12 you can pay no more than $9.75 per head and break even. A little figuring before you buy feeder pigs, Mangum concluded, will go a long way in determining whether or not you make money on hogs. FOR SALE Limited amount of slightly used carpet, 27 inches wielle. Exceptional buy for stair ways or church aisles. Excel lent quality. JAMES S. RINGGOLD Morehead Road Dial ME 7-4958 Odorless Dry Cleaning and Snow White Laundry ONE-DAY SERVICE - DELIVERY OR CASH & CARRY BRADDY'S 323 S. Front ME 7-2159 We Wish Success to La Belle Beouty Salon 305 GEORGE STREET Our part in making this lovely and well equipped salon one of the finest in the state was a keen source of satisfaction. Any com munity would be proud of It. HIRNANT plumbing & HEATING of these new varieties are Burgaw (B), Wallace (W), and Bearing (W). H you have any of the older va rieties, which have bloomed but have never borne fruit, buy plants of either Burgaw or Bearing from your nurserj)man and plant near the unfruitful vines. When these are large enough to bloom, your problem should be solved. Under commercial conditions, we recommend that every third vine in every third row should be a pollenizer. HINTS TO HOMEMAKERS Make sure hands are dry before connecting or disconnecting electri cal laundry equipment or touching light switches. Follow manufacturer’s directions for proper removal of lint from dryer. Store equipment and supplies as close as possible to work area in which they will be used to avoid unnecessary carrying of heavy ar ticles. Have sturdy stepladder or safe stepstool handy for reaching high places. Close cupboard doors and draw ers immediately after use. Fasten shelves securely to walls. Have shelves sufficiently strong to hold stored material without sag ging or collapsing. Electric Heat for Curing Some Weed Scientists are finding that stand by electric heat eliminates some of the risks in curing arom^ic tobac- The U. S. Bepartment of Agricul ture reports that cooperative en gineering studies with two Vir ginia farmers are showing how the heat can be used. The tobacco, arranged on racks, can be moved outdoors in the sun and air when the weather is favor able. Sometimes, the tobacco can be left to cure in the barn without heat. But the Virginia farmers are also finding that good curing conditions can be created indoors by insulat ing the barn and equipping it with automatically controlled electric heaters and circulating fans. The heaters and fans are only used when needed. The Virginia Agricultural Exper iment Station is cooperating with USBA on the study. Social Security Disability Protection Now for Farmers Beginning in October, 1959, most farmers will have social security disability protection for the first time. That date can be an impor tant one for any farmer who is severely disabled in October or later months. Although many severely disabled people in the Raleigh area are now receiving disability insurance bene fits under social security, a majori ty of farmers have not been able to qualify up until this time, ac cording to John Ingle, manager of the local-social security office. To be eligible, a disabled person has to have social security credit for five years in the 10 years im mediately before he became disabl ed. Because farmers were not cov ered under the law until January, 1955, they could not meet this test. For Top Tunes by Your Favorite Recording Stars YOUR TEEN-AGE MUSIC CENTER IS HAWKS Radio & Appliance Co. 327 Middle St. Every drop gives you more for ~) your money 1) SHELL KEROSENE Ives Oil Co. DISTRIBUTOR ME 7-2197 FIN/^NCING and;loans Of Any Type—See First^Citizens Bank a^d Trust Co. Installmeilt Loan Dept. -FOR WaAt prirndly SERVICE at BANK RATES 309 Si). Front St. By now, however, most farmers will have been under social security for five years beginning with the month of October. This does not mean that farmers can be paid disability benefits for the month of October because the law requires that a person be dis abled for six months or more be fore payments can be made. But SUBSCRIBE 10 THE MIRROR Wherever thlre^ people are... ^ FULLER'S MUSIC HOUSE • rS M1^ THERE IS NO SECRET TO OUR LONG YEARS OF SUCCESS. WE PIONEERED, THEN KEPT PACE WITH THE TIMES. STAlLI N6$ BROS. I PLUMBING - BEATING -AIR CONDITIONING , * "y7x^fcfOAAtClf(a^4(>fyicpCllU>vCEj-' \ ■'NEUSE SLVD • NEW BERN, M C ME.7-9.I7I Jusi Arrived! PLANT NOW! nin 140 Varieties — All Top Size Bulbs I Imported Directly from Holland & France Fertilizers & Bulb Planters Plaht Rye Grass Now for Winter Lawns Farmer's Supply House YOUR FARM AND GARDEN CENTER 504-506 Tryon Palace Drive New Bern, N. C.