Friday, November 13, 1959 THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Page Thre« “Blessed by the Lord be His land, with the choigest gifts of Heaven above, with the best gifts of the earth and its fullness, and the favor of him that dwelt in the bush.”—Deut. 33:13-16. Oriental popfpies are easy to grow if you keep their feet dry and in the sunshine. They bloom in June and July—itransplant them irf October. There are some new poppies on the market, namely Colonel Bowles (deep red); Field Marshal Von Der Glotz (white); Rasberry Queen (rasberry); and REWEAVING cigarette Burns — Moth Holes Cuts and Tears Mrs. W. E. Street, Jr. '505 E. Front St. Phone ME 7-2771 New Bern, N. C. COMPLETE STOCK REBUILT STARTERS, GENERATORS, WATER PUMPS Lane's ^ Automotive Supply 149 Middle St. ME 7-4156 THE S. B. Porker Co. ME 7-3397 Sturmfockel (a very deep red). Transplant peonies in early Fall. Froni September 15 through No vember is fine. There are many hybrid ones on sale now. The Nina Secor is a pure white and is a $10 one. Topeka is a double red and costs $5. Plant plenty of spidgr worts or trades-cantias. It is a perennial easily grown. They are unusually hardy, and bloom in shade or sun. One of the most dependable peren nials is Stokesia. They have a disc like bloom four and a half inches across. One of the favorite varie ties is Blue Danube. Grow the Christmas Rose this year. They have beautiful white flowers most all the time from now until March. They like rich soil and summer shadee. Plant on the north side. Plant seeds now for next spring. Some of the many plants that may be grown from seed are Bleeding Heart, Foxglove, Primrose, Baby’s Breath, Columbine, Larkspuc; Stock, Snapdragon, - Pinks and Sweet Williams. t Select seed bed with good soil. Pulverize the soil to a depth of three inches. Add organic and chemical fertilizer and peat moss. Plant seed on the surface. Wet the entire bed. AARS tags on rose bushes for All-American rose selections. They are tested two years in various soils by an organization sponsored by the leading nurseries. We real ly love the last roses of the season —they leave that fragrance in the air. The following poem by Thomas Moore is a very beautiful one: The Last Rose of Summer ’Tis the last rose of summer Left bioooming alone; All her lovely companions Are faded and gone. No flower or her kindred, No rosebud is nigh. To reflect back her blushes Or give sigh for sigh. I’ll not leave thee, thou lone one To pine on the stem; Since the lovely are sleeping. Go sleep there with them. Thus kindly I scatter 'Thy leaves o’er the bed Where thy mates of the garden Lie scentless and dead. So soon may I follow. When friendships decay. And from Love’s shining circle The gems drop away; When true hearts lie withered And fond ones are flown. Oh! Who would inhabit The bleak world alone? It will be a shock to men when they realize that though they were fast enough for today are not fast enough for tomorrow. —Christopher Morley. READ THE MIRROR WEEKLY Rb e. bengel sheet metal works Roofing of All Kinds Warm Air Heating 1311 N. Craven St. Phone ME 7-3404 Spencer Corsets & Brassieres Individually Designed "CAN ARRANGE EASY TERMS" MRS. JULIA BOYD MULLEN Rt. 4, New Bern, Box 264 — Dial ME 7-6508 Tips on Purchase Of a Winter Coat For Your Daughter Are you buying your daughter a coat this fall? If so, buy with care. A goat is a big item in your daughter’s wardrobe because it costs a lot of money, is worn many places, and must l^st more than one year. Miss Julia Mclver, clothing spe cialist for the N. C. Agricultural Extension Service, advises mothers to hdlp their daughters choose coats wisely. She will want to be in style and her choice should be one to fit her needs. Many synthe tic fabrics are lightweight and warm. Select a coat that will grow with your daughter. Some growing fea tures are raglan sleeves, no ^defi nite waistline, and cuffs that can be let down. Read labels attached to garment to find fiber content and how to care for the garment. Color is the news in classic tweeds. They are playing a strong role in the coat market. You’ll see a new range of colors—muted greens, golden browns, and bluish reds. Often these colors are com bined in marvelous two-tone and tapestry effects. According to Miss Mclver, coats have a simpler, classic air. The car digan coat- with scarf tie is a nat ural in a year when plaids are pop ular. It can be ensembled with a pleated skirt in the same plaid. The double-breasted classic coat emphasizes the incoming mannish trend, but is kept from being se vere by color choice. Deep collars, multiple pockets, and interesting buttons are important. Other styles are becoming but you should al ways keep in mind lasting qualities of the coat. INVASION Gorizia, Italy — An invasion by tens of thousands of bees forced the closing of a local marmalade factory. The insects, first attract ed by piles of empty sugar sacks outside, swarmed into the plant Workers fought back with sprays and swatters, but it was a losing battle, what with stings and mar malade ruined by poisonous sprays The plant had to remain closed un til the bees were driven out by ex perts. WE BUY, SELL and TRADE Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds. Give Us a Trial Donald T. Midyette DEALERS — BROKER Investment Securities 237 Craven Street Phone ME 7-7174 The Smart Shop FURS- • STOLES • JACKETS • NECK PIECES Your Choice of MINK MUSKRAT SQUIRREL MOUTON STONG MARTEN BEAU MARTEN SUGGESTIONS TO THE MEN FOR THEIR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Someone has said that the be havior of smart children often in dicates that they don’t smart in the right places. In other words, a child is like a canoe, it behaves better if paddled from the rear. New Bern parents—with their full share of impudent and dis obedient moppets—are very much aware of their lack of discipline. Yet, few of them resort to the use of a switch, except on rare occa sions. Spare the rod and spoil the child is an adage as old as the hills, and itq true that youngsters who came along in past generations appeared to have more respect for—or per haps more fear of their parents. No_ local mother or father has any desire to be pictured as a boogey man or a cruel tyrant by his or her offspring. And offhand, we can’t think of anything more distasteful than having your own child look at you with apprehen sion and terror every time you come into view. That’s probably 4n the mind of New Bern mothers and fathers, when they fail to administer pun ishment that is due. That and the undeniable fact that giving a child a thrashing or even a vigorous spanking is far more upsetting to the parent than it is to the brat. Long after your youngster’s post erior has cooled off, and he has gone out to play, you’ll be as nerv ous as a long-tailed tomcat in' a room full of rocking chairs. So it’s true—though kids will never be lieve it—that a whipping hurts you far more than the misbehaving juvenile who receives it. Quite often your youngster picks meal time to act up. Spanking him then ruins dinner or supper for the whole family, so you put it off un til later. And who among us won’t chicken out on our responsibility, rather than grab a switch or a pad dle and start banging away after- the incident that provoked us is an hour or so old? All of which helps to explain why spanking has gone out oi! style, and parents are confronted with problem children. Humility is a virtue all preach, none practice.—John Selden. UPHOLSTERY BY COASTAL Complete Auto, Boat & Furniture Awnings & Blinds Storm Doors & Windows Auto & Boat Tops DONALD HUMPHREY ME 7-6907 Polaroid Land Camera tOw).. With 2 rolls “3000-Speed" Film! Wink-Light! Compartment Case! 109’= NO MONEY DOWN ONLY $2 A WEEK Now! Toko perfect pictures Indoors, without flush, in fust 60 seconds. The super-fast film plus the smooth- lighting Wink Light moke it os easy os in the sunshinel V' Beautiful Top-Gro!n Cowhide Fitted Cose! Keystone Electric-Eye Outfit only NOTHING TO SET Just Point the Comero and Take Color Movies (NOT ILLUSTRATED) NO MONEY DOWN * $3 A WEEK You Get All This - • Keystone KA-1C Movie Comoro • Koytlono 500-Wott Projoclor • Rodionl Movio Scroon o Movio $ono Rocord Booh • Extra 300 Foot Rotl t Con • Quick Splico Kit • Roll of Comody Film • Movio light Bor t 3 Bulbs DE LUXE OUTFIT AS ILLUSTRATED iMlvdot Turtol Comoto Ss* •19995 ond Tsispkolo -*- ^ ^ STORES SOUTH’S LARGEST JEWELERS