•iday, December 11, 1959 THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Page Seve* State's Agriculture Leader Urges Big Referendum Vote North Carolina farmers have more at stake in December refer- endums than just an affirmative vote by the required majority, Ag riculture Commissioner L. Y. Bal lentine said in a statement releas ed this week. December 15 is the date set for referendums on cotton and peanut marketing quotas, and on continu ing an assessment of 10 cents a bale on North Carolina cotton for For the belt In wheel belancing, wheel alignment, motor tune-up, Drake, generator, atartar repairt, Harvey Moore. Ballard's Service Station Bridgeton, N. C. Dial ME 7-3661 promoting the use and sale of that crop. “A large turnout at the polls is as important as carrying the ref erendums,” Ballentine said. “Only in this way can it be evidenced to the world that North Carolina farmers as a whole continue to en dorse" acreage-control-with-price- support programs, as well as then- own self-help assessment pro grams. “Attacks on the federal farm programs continue to be unrelent ing, and casting a ballot as an ex pression of interest in them is just as essential as a big majority in their favor. Voter apathy will be taken as evidence of declining in terest on the part of farmers them selves, and used as ammunition to further weaken the support pro grams. “North Carolina’s somewhat un ique self-assessment programs are not only making a substantial con tribution to the state’s agricultural economy, but are attracting nation wide attention and admiration. They are admired both for what they accomplish and for the princi ple of cooperative self-help which they embody. “Already the re-vitalized pro gram of the North Carolina Cotton Promotion Association, made pos sible by the assessment on cotton in effect since 1957, has brought major benefits to cotton growers in this state. With the gains al ready made, and the projects un der way on every phase of cotton problems from the farm to the consumer, continuation of the as sessment will mean that cotton can EDWARDS RADIATOR SERVICE Route 5 — Highway 17 South Promptness and Experience in Cleaning and Repairing Radiators mm K = A GOOD PLACE TO EAT - I METROPOLITAN CLUB I Z 317 Pollock Street ME 7-9827 = i Enjoy Recreation with Your Friends 1 "iimiminnnniniiimiiiiniinniimumiiimmimi? A POT OF GOLD FOR YOU DIVIDEND \ 'MI You don't have to be satisfied v^ith low income from j your savings. now earn greater ! returns on savings ' with complete safety and convenience. New Bern Savings & Loan Association 310 CRAVEN STREET Member Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation move more rapidly toward the high place it should hold in this state’s agricultural economy. “Elvery farmer eligible to vote in any or all of the three referen dums on December 15 owes it to himself and his fellow farmers to do so.” Weight Loss Of Cotton Is Natural Thing By FREDERICK J. RIVERS A number of farmers have been complaining because of the loss in weight that they have been get ting when they have their cotton ginned. This is to be expected alter a season like that of the 1959 sea son. Part of your first weight loss is from moist cotton. Cotton with a high moisture con tent not only results in loss of weight but also in a damaged fiber. Another weight loss is from the ex treme amount of burrs, grass and other trash that is being picked W. C. CHADWICK GENERAL INSURANCE Clark Building Telephones: dffice ME 7-3146 Home ME 7-3432 along with the cotton. ■this, perhaps, accounts for the greatest logs in weight. The last weight loss is a minor one but a significant one. It is from- imma ture locks that are hard and knot ty. These are the reasons that many farmers get an extreme weight loss in their cotton. It is not necessari ly due to the type of ginning equip ment, but it is because of the poor quality of cotton itself. SUBSCRIBE TO THS MIRROR VITA-VAR PAINTS at iVUTCHELL'S HARDWARE 315 Tryon Palace Drive ME 7-3100 3 GENERATIONS, 1 BIRTHDAY Philadelphia — Three genera tions of the Metz family celebrated their birthdays on the same day— October 26. Mrs. Mae Metz is 73, her son, William, 43, and her grand daughter, Pamela Ann, 9. Evinrude Outboard Motors A4FG & Cruisers, Inc., Bools Carolina Trailers Boot Supplies Kimbrells Outboard Service 1305 Pembroke Road ME 7-3785 Where Quality and Experience Save You Hours of Boating Pleasure Check-Up on Your Medicine Chest! Throw-out old drugs, never use another person's medicine, and let us help you make a list of "needs” for emergencies, and to protect your family's health. And remember, your pre scription is carefully and quickly filled. Joe Anderson Drug Store ME 74201 8 a.m.-9 p.m. on Weekdays ... 2 p.m.-9 p.m. Sundays CUoo4a theie Keefi'icJze DUDLEY Also $450, $500, $675 Wedding Ring $125.00 $500.00 LONGMONT Also $300 and $575 Wedding Ring $150.00 iVe epsa-Ke DIAMOND RINGS and receive a FREE HOKEYMOON IN MIAMI BEACH Yes—enjoy a FREE honeymoon in fabulous Miami Beach—with your se lection of a Keepsake Diamond Ring ($300 or more). 7 days and 6 nights at the luxurious ^'Carousel" oceanfront resort motel-^ plus these famous Florida sight-seeing attractions: THE AQUAFAIR—MUSA ISLE INDIAN VILLAGE CORAL CASTLE OF FLORIDA—ORCHID JUNGLE RARE BIRD FARM—SPANISH MONASTERY Hurry to hr Complete Details Jlinffs enlarged to show dctaltg Prices include Federal Tax. YOUR AUTHORIZED KEEPSAKE — STARFIRE JEWELER