Page 6 THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Sermonefte “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11) Time swiftly goes by and now once again we celebrate Christ’s birthday. To some this will be a great spiritual time. To others this will be a time for material gain. When Jesus was born in Bethle hem the announcement of His birth by the angel to the shepherds brought joy to them because a Sav iour had been born. Here was the long looked-for redeemer and king. When Simeon was in the temple and Jesus was brought in, his heart was filled with joy and he told God that he was now ready to die for his eyes had seen His sal vation. Also, the Baby Jesus brought peace to the widow Anna and she spake of Him to all in the temple that looked for redemption in Je rusalem. As Christmas has brought joy to these, it also should bring joy to us. Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” There fore, this Christmas we should be more concerned about having gen uine love for God and our fellow- men, than we are in whether we are going to get back as much as we pay out or not. If we have the Spirit of Jesus we will be willing to give even if we know we shall receive no return. Therefore, if we want to enjoy Christmas at its best, we will have to get our eyes off material values and on the values that Jesus gives. Unto Thera on Angel Appeored Saying, He is Bom... The Prince of Peace! 1 Culpepper Awning Co. PehoIb!..the iMahonna anb Cfjilb, sacreb BpmbolB of the Reason, anb a reminber of our manj) bleoBingB. 3Cet utf rejoite noto, for the prince of $eate to horn again, bringing ug a renetoal of faith anb hope. Seashore Transportation Company JUST IN CASE—Santa Claus will be kept rather busy re membering New Bern’s smallfry, but local teen-agers like a visit from the jolly old gentleman, too. Lottie Dixon makes sure that her stocking is ready for him.—Photo by Billy Benners. PLUM PUDDING FOR CHRIST MAS—For centuries, in many fam ilies, plum pudding has graced the Christmas dinner table. The pud ding may be served from a big cake plate which has been decorat ed with holly, fruits, or other deco rations to suit your taste, or you may have individual servings with whipped cream. There is an old English superstitution which goes like this: “Whoever eats a plum pudding on each of the 12 days be tween Christmas and Epiphany, making a wish on the first mouth ful each day, will be blessed by luck and fulfillment during the next 12 months.” May you have luck! BUY HALF TURKEY—Speak ing of turkeys (and who isn’t, these days) remember there’s a practical way for small families to have holi day turkey dinners. Half turkeys and quarter turkeys can now be purchased and buying one of these will eliminate leftover problems. Another advantage of buying just part of a turkey is that cooking time is greatly reduced. For exam ple, half of a 16-pound turkey takes only 3V2 hours to cook. PAPER CUPS FOR SALAD MOLDS—Use pointed paper cups as little tree-salad molds. Fill the cups with cranberry, raspberry or time-flavored gelatin, with fruits or nuts added to your liking, then set in glasses in refrigerator until firm. Just before serving, cut cup along seam with a razor blade and peel from gelatin. Decorate the “trees” as you^please with soften ed cream cheese or mayonnaise. Everywhere Near and far, to the ends of the earth, The world is observing the Christ Child’s birth; Thrilling anew to the Christmas story Of the manger-born King and the wondrous glory That Bethlehem's star proclaimed in the sky. While heavenly hosts sang carols on high. No sweeter day has been given to man Than Christmas, part of God’s great plan; In this grand old city, mid historic scenes. May we pause and reflect on all that it means. For the best fn wheel balancing, wheel alignment, motor tune-up, Drake, generator, starter repairs, Harvey Moore. Ballard's Service Station Bridgeton, N. C. Dial ME 7-366S SUBSCRIBE TO THE MIRROR Friday, December 25, igsg Away in a Manger Away in a manger, no crib for « bed, ■* The little Lord Jesus laid do His sweet head; The stars in the sky looked down where He lay, ^ ^'the“hay.^°‘‘‘^ O'' The cattle are lowing, the poor Baby wakes. But little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes, ® I love Thee, Lord Jesus! Look down from the sky. And stay by my cradle, till morning is nigh. Be near me. Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay. Close by me forever, and love me, I pray; Bless ail the dear children in Thv tender care, ^ And take us to heaven, to live with Thee there. —Martin Luther VITA-VAR PAINTS at AMTCHELL'S HARDWARE 315 Tryon Palace Drive ME 7-3100 MFTt C oaiG. # THIS POWERPUL BRAND-NEW mEKA, MODEL SOS-B 0088 $69*3 Complete with 7-plece set of cleaning tooia Joe Lipman & Son FURNITURE STORE 223 Middle Street . . . this is our fervent prayer especially at this time celebrating His birth. DEALERS AUTO SERVICE GLORY To God In the Higbeatt Wallace Holton's Garage "If You Can't Stop — Don't Start" Phone ME 7-2120