Friday, February 12, 1960 THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Page 3 Buds AND Blossoms By MAMIE MILLER “Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hc^e the Lord is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the riv er and shall' not see when heat Cometh, but her leaves shall be green; and shall hot be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit. Jer. 17:- 7.8. r Some of the new plants for this -are the following: Red Ensign Pe- •tunia, Bright-eye Sweet William, TPrail Blazer Zinnia, Rocket Snap dragons, Golden Daisy Rudbeckia, Toreador Marigold, Glamour.Phlox, Oasis Gladiolus, Flying Saucer Morning Glory, and Cay Dahlia. One of the newer lilies is the REWEAVING Claartlto Bum* — Moth Holau Cult and Taar*' Mrs. W. E. Street, Jr. SOS B. Front St. Phono MB 7-1771 Now Born, N. c. Williams' 66 Ser. Ctr. 24.HOUR SERVICE MUFFLERS TAIL PIPES WheOl Balaadns — Bnko ReUnins — Generator And Starter Repairs — lt*s Ml Brood at. — PH. m 7-S404 J. W. SMITH AGENCY^ 11^;^ •a Geherdt Insurance HoIbI Govfrnor Tryon Telephones ME 7-5500 ME 7-2344 Harlequin Hybrid; they range in color from creams to lemon yellow, salmon to orange and pink. The Bronze Gremlin Chrysanthe mum is aq unusual deep walnut color. These are early bloomers. Nice plantings in border make a color blender with late fall bloom ing annuals. Snowbaby Crape-Myrtle is very dwarf in growth and has extra large white blooms. These also come in Low Flame. Fire King Rose is the I960 All- America Rose. It is a Floribunda. The leaves are dark green tipped with red. New Malus, Red Jade is a flower ing crab that is filled with white single blossoms in the spring and red fruit in the fall. Plant the hardy Americans Hol ly now for berries and greens an other year. They add much to the beauty of your surroundings. Envoy to the Toiling of Feiix The legend of Felix is ended, the toiling of Felix is done; The Master has paid his wages, the goal of his journey is won; He rests, but he never is idle, a thousand years pass like a day. In the glad ,surprise of Paradise where work is sweeter than play. He cancels the curse of Eden, and brings them a blessing instead: Blessed are they that labour, for Jesus partakes of their bread. He puts His hand to their burdens. He enters their home at night: Who does his best shall have as a i. guest,’Riei lilgster of life qnd-, light. And courage will come with His presence and patience return at his touch. And manifold sins be forgiven to those who love Him much: The cries of envy and anger will change to songs of cheer. The toiling age wiir forget its rage when the Prince of Peace draws near. \ This is the gospel of labour, ring it, ye bells of the kirk I The Lord of Love came down from above, to live with the men who work. This is the rose that He'planted, here in the thorn curst soil: Heaven is blest with perfect rest, but the blessing of Eqrth is ^ toil. —^Henry Van Dyke HINTS TO HOMEMAKERS LIPSTICK MANNERS — Com pletely remove every smitch of lip stick before washing face or tak ing a shower. Rub lips with cold cream and wipe clean with facial tissue. Keep a box of facial tissue in bathroom for quick lipstick re moval. Remove all lipstick before getting into bed or stretching out on any pillow or sofa in the house. Keep those pretty white shorty gloves away from your mouth! Lip stick often stains white cotton. The well-groomed person never allows this to happen. Never remove lipstick with a towel or washcloth, while visiting and be as careful and thoughtful in your own home. (Carry several tis sues in your purse for this pur pose.) Avoid staining dress and sweat ers with lipstick whil& dressing. Press tissue against mouth, bite down with Ups—^neat protection while slipping garment over head. Use same lipstick-shield technique while trying on garments in store. Blot your mouth gently with a facial tissue to keep lipstick from smearing. Patch-up work never gives a smooth finish in lipstick. Remove lipstick with facial tissues, then start afresh. °Easij to livo Fr.. easy to ears for %ash and Wear 60330139 Jn the New 1960 Colors and Styles ’"'laJurn V ' CENTER Downtown Now Born Center for Finer Fashions MANY WAYS TO USE COT TAGE CHEESE—Have you tried cottage cheese utpp^pancakes with jelly, at lUnch in sandwiches, as dessert for dinner? With spices and seasonings—car away or poppy seed, capers, rose mary, tarragon, ginger and other spices? With fruit—any fresh, dried, can ned or frozen fruits? Drain well for use in salads? With vegetables—the crisp, tan- gy varieties; diced, sliced, grated or chopped? With meat, fish, eggs, other dairy foods—use cooked or smoked meat, poultry or fish; with hard cooked or in scrambled eggs; with other cheeses and sour cream? UNCREAMED OR DRY COT TAGE CHEESE—is drained curd without added cream. Most of us never recognize op pdrtunity until it goes to work in our competitor’s business. —R. L. Andarr NOW you ton buy o FUU SIZE All Electric Adding Mochine *nm It’s o Q4StUmal'\ Oaly $20M *-Uw Monthly Foymonh • ADM e suenACft e MWIMIH e USTS. T07AU HR • TUtL ONC ViAII eUARANini B^SAMp NATWNAI. OBAUrr •>A« u>«Mr fukb omn M0Mu>$99.M ur Owen G. Dunn Co. That little boy or girl at your house is probably in a high state of excitement over Valentines Day. Yet, we can’t help wondering whether kids in this modern era get as much fun out of the oc casion as their parents and their grandparents did. Long since gone out of style is the grand old custom of fashion ing home-made Valentines with tablet paper and a box of crayons. Maybe these original creations weren’t as fancy as the store- bought type, but a child who re ceived one knew that someone who cared had gone to a little extra trouble. True, it’s possible to buy Valen- times at the store that must be pasted together by the young pur chaser, but this isn’t exactly the same as being completely original. One thing that hasn’t changed in connection with the Valentine observance is the way that signa tures are signed. Just as was the case in past generations, numerals are used instead of initials. The numeral “1” is for A, the numeral “2” is for B, and so through the alphabet. Hence, when your young daugh ter finds a Valentine on the porch from someone who printed 6-10-5 in a broad penciled scrawl, she can figure out pretty quickly that the COASTAL CAB ME 7-6131 unknown party is FtL-E. With that clue, she usually doesn’t have to do much guessing. For our part, we think Valen tines Day is one of our better holi days, and you parents no doubt agree with us. If we had our life to live over, wouldn’t it be fun to reach for that tablet, a box of crayons, and a pair of sci.ssors along about now? READ. THE MIRROR WEEKLY We Put GOOD PLANTS In the Right Place DIXON BROS. NURSERY MAKING THE OUTDOORS MORE BEAUTIFUL Vernon Dixon Offers Top Products ' and Superior Service to Motorists DROP BY FOR A VISIT Craven Purol Middle ft Johnson • ME 7-9726 ^ NsryMe GIANNA AAARIA CANALE GEORGES AAARCHAL • EHORE MANNI :M SUPERQNESCOPEi^A COLUMBIA RELEASE/'