■^11 tl H The NEW BERN I PUBLISHED WEEKLY HEART OF _ W«7. ». c I L VOLUME 4 NEW BERN, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1961 NUMBER 1 Those who affectionately remem ber Maude Moore Latham will heartily agree that no memorial erected to her could possibly be more appropriate than the Tryon Palace garden that bears her name. Old age never did catch up with her, although, in years, she had long since reached the stage in life that folks refer to as elderly. Younger than springtime, she re mained vivacious and charming to the very last. Diminutive but undetermined, she refused to let anything under the sun dampen her enthusiasm. Many regarded her persistent cru sade for a restored Palace as a very wild dream that had gotten a nice little lady rather excited. Maude Moore Latham really was excited, and it never did wear off. Brushing aside every obstacle in her path,, and disregarding the doubters as fast as they bobbed up, she would not be denied. Officially the Palace garden will serve as her memorial from Satur day on, but the truth of the matter is that the Palace itself is a me morial to her also in the fullest sense. K Is extremely doubtful that there ever would have been a res toration but for her. Certainly there would have been no such res toration in our time. Some have contended, and will continue to do so, that she might have investe4 her fortune in something more use ful. However, it was her money— not the money of her critics—and quite proiierly ah#* devoted ityt» ctosent to That the dream she had prac^cid ralher Hiah wild has be come increasingly^ hpparenf. Scof fers -predicted that ^the Palace woi^ln’t draw viidtors by the thou sands, but if quickly became a drawing card for North Carolinians and tourists from' every state and most foreign countries. . . No other town the size of New Bern could buy the national and international publicity that has been ours for free. And still the feature stories and illustrations roll from printing presses, enlight ening millions of readers. It may not be this year or the next, but sooner or later a considerable num-, ber of these readers will end up touring the Palace, and its grounds. To our way of thinking, the Pal ace restoration achieved the ulti mate in free publicity when the Saturday Evening Post carried a two-page spread. This photograph, in color, was a priceless gift dump ed in our laps, and the town will profit from it for years to come. Not just in prestige but in toiuist dollars. Even if you’ve never had the in clination to get steamed up about history, you aren’t likely to be im mune to the beauty of nature. Ev ery flower lover will appreciate the 18th century gardens surround ing Tryon Palace. Included are the floral favorites that blossomed in Colonial days. Dedication of the Maude Moore Latham Memorial Garden is sched uled for 3 p.m. on the South Lawn. Governor Sanford will formally ac cept it for the state of North Caro lina. Mrs. John A. Kellenberger of Greensboro, daughter of Mrs. La tham and chairman of the Tryon Palace Commission, will preside at the dedicatory program. Various distinguished North Car olinians will give tributes to Mrs. Latham, including Dr. Christopher Crittenden, director of the State Department of Archives and His tory, and Gertrude S. Carraway, director of the Tryon Palace Res toration. Friday night at 6 o’clock, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Ward will entertain members of the Tryon Palace Com mission apd their guests at the Ward room on East Front street. And at 0:30 p.m.,* color movies of (Cotitinuad en Back Paga) BEAUTIPtJL TO BEHOLD-^Pictu)^ here, with Ttyonpal- ahd other dignltgries to New Bern Saturday after- ace in the backiprOundi is a portion of the Maude Modre hooH. A -special dedicatory program has been arranged for Jjatham Memorial Garden. Its. dedicaUon on the lOth an- the occasion. ^ niversary of Mrs. Latham’s death will bring Governor Terry V ft ' X TO A GRACIOUS LADY—Maude Moore Latham, a native dollars for the project, and the vision she had, is attested of New Bern didn’t Uve to see the Tryon Palace restore- to on a tablet in this Memorial PaviUon. Such a Wbute to tion coiilplete’d But her generosity in providing mUUons of her mefnory is in keeping with her gift to North Carolina.