I Page Two THE NEVv .... af IVkVV rriaay, iNovember 2, 1962 MIRROR MEDITATION By EMMIT L. BRINSON We are living In a great age of science. Every day, every hour, and every moment is some how affected by the advance of knowledge and technology. Our every avenue of human endeavor is somehow engulfed by it, and yet everywhere there are those who do not feel It has a place with God. Science in Itself is a pursuit of truth, and not just associated with biology, botany, medicine and Industry. Truth Is truth, where-ever found. In any field of research. The greatest po tential that is gratifying to cie human soul is the search for knowledge of mind and spirit and its entity with the Creator- Its development of power as may Evinrude Outboard Motors MFG and G & W Boats Carolina Trailers Boat Supplies Kimbrells Outboard Service 1305 Pembroke Road ME 7-3785 Where Quality and Experience Save You Hours of Boating Pleasure. Tips From Now Born's f^ost dHMi What’s Your Postal I. Q. ? REPber ANY PEUAYS OF >OOR yg^fl J MO 0 1. YES.—Your Post Office wants to know if any of your mail has been delayed unnecessarily. Deflnite procedures are followed by the Post Office Department to eliminate delays to mail. If any of your mail is delayed, report it to your local postmaster so that the matter may be investigated and corrective action taken. oe applied to the challenges of peaceful living for the future of mankind. I have often wondered what truths we would come upon if the same perserverance were aimed in this direction Instead of material production, and its modern conveniences. The way in which this knowledge and ad vance has been improperly ap plied is the reason for disinterest in religion on the part of each new wave of American youth. It is fact that at the end of every avenue of research, there stands a road block where God continues to hold the secrets, as yet undiscovered. It is recog nizable by youth that a supreme Intelligence, or law and order, is behind all existence and this Is one of the greatest op portunities religion will ever have to capture the Interest of future generations. One must realize that science In Itself as we know it, is the result of man using his en dowment of anxiety to Imow more about the laws of God, regard less of what it is called or what -id done with this knowledge. It is the greatest challenge (in the history of mankind) for religion to apply these truths as a romance through the human soul to Improve the living con ditions of his brother human beings about him and those of the far corners of this glove. No other implement will suf fice In the tremendously explod ing populace of the earth. No other method will answer the need for peace and freedom and under standing in such a confused world. Science and Religion are not at odds. Only those with closed minds could ever turn the power of one on the other, as has the communist regime. What would happen if at the head of each school of learning, there were those who would cor relate and identify each discovery with Its proper association of Gods laws-and how it could be used in the advancement of liv ing, instead of higher profits and more money, as well as Its use for destruction of human life. What would happen If within our institutions of higher ed ucation there were laboratories of research aimed at the dis covery of the human spirlt-and soul-and mind? It is here that lies the answer, "now’-as It was in the beginning. God has not changed! Man has blocked him out! It is here modern man, through science, is approaching the lost Truths. It Is here man, en masse, will come upon the Immense un suspecting powers that He within the nature of his own belng-as it is in all there is. In this domain, as well as any other that lies ahead, the spirit of God awaits the call that can only be conceived In the human heart-and this wisdom collect ively, may be used in which to make a better world for all of mankind. Will Religion seize this op portunity to attract tomorrow’s youth? A romance with God? I wonder! Scott TILE CO. TILE AND FLOOR COVERING 1. c scon, JR. Don't Forget Your Week-End Special PACKAGED TO GO Barbecue, Bread and Slaw for Two $1.00 Barbecue, Bread and Slaw for Four $2.00 SUPER SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Half Barbecue Chicken with all the trinmings to eat on the premises or take out (listen), just $1.00 MOORE'S BARBECUE Phone ME 7-2276 1216 Broad Street NEW BERN’S JUNIOR CIVITAN CLUB AKD NEW BERN HIGH SCHOOL’S STUDENT COUNCIL RCMIND YOU TO SHOW GOOD CITIZENSHIP BY VOTING IN TUESDAY'S ELECTION THIS AD GLADLY CONTRIBUTED BY THE MIRROR