Page Four THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Friday, November 2, 1962 J. THE NEW BERN MIRROR Published Every Friday at 510 Pollock Street New Bern, N. C., by the Sole Owner J. GASKILL McDANIEL Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $2.50 Six Months $1.25 Entered as second-class mail at New Bern April 4, 1958, under the act of March 3, 1879. CONTINUING PROGRESS All citizens ol Craven county should be pleased with the news from Carolina Telephone that improvement and expansion of the Vanceboro telephone exchange is now underway. To be exact, the company is investing $11,000 to expand the central office equipment there, and facilities will include 110 new main telephones for subscribers in the area. The Mirror has been cognizant of Vanceboro’s growth and Carolina Telephone’s progressiveness, but we didn’t realize until D. F. Holliday, the local manager, informed us that phones in Vanceboro and the immediate section have increased in the past ten years from about 175 to more than 520. This great improvement in available communica tions, not only for Vanceboro but for rural areas through out our coastal region, is of the utmost importance. In peace or war, sickness or health, prosperity or adversity, none of us can afford to be isolated from fellow humans. A phone at your finger tips is a guarantee against such isolation. Steadily, and justly so, country cousins have caught up with their city cousins. In addition to telephones, farm families have access to electricity. This has meant the advent of radio and television, and modem home conveniences. Today, thousands of rural Tar Heels — aided by good roads and automobiles to drive on those roads — are better off in most respects than families living in cities. Town dwellers, suspecting this fact, usually wel come the chance to establish in outlying areas, where to a limited extent they can feel rustic. Yesterday’s hick is a vanished breed. Today, North Carolina’s country cousins and city cousins are very much alike. The countiy cousins are a little better fed, but even that difference is diminishing as more and more mral folks raise less and less of their own food. Anyhow, our congratulations to Vanceboro for those additional phones. OUR CHOICE If we were caned upon to single out the three cutest gals in town, our ballot would be cast for Nita WWtty, Mattie Turnbull and Ethel Cook. Each one of the three is supposed to be 82 years old, but with or without our spectacles we keep mistaking them for a trio of kids playing hookey from school. Vi^ere else in town, or in the world for that matter, could you hope to find lighter hearts, half as much humor, or a brighter outlook on life? Whenever we meet the three of them prancing along the street — and what gadabouts they are — it makes us feel exhilirated for the rest of the day. And, we know full well that they’re a tonic for other New Bemians too. Nita is the baby — she wasn’t bom until July while Mattie and Ethel were bom almost a month earlier in June. For that reason, they try to assert their seniority, but Nita doesn’t let them get away with it. Just because she is younger is no reason to get pushed around. Collectively, the three smile constantly and laugh often, but Ethel is the giggler in the crowd. She sees the funny side of everything, until she reads something sentimental — or to be exact — tries to read it. In an instant she’ll choke up and get tearful. The other gals are sentimental too, but Ethel seems to go them one better. They have a memory that makes an elephant by comparison act like he is suffering from amnesia. No body, not even Judge Rom Nunn, who everybody knows is a walking history book, can recollect more than Nita and Mattie and Ethel. Together they have lived 246 years, and they haven’t forgotten much that has happened in those years. Most people are boring, if you are around them very long. Fortunately, we’ve found these youngsters to be notable exceptions. In fact, this editor got to thinking the other day during the Cuban crisis that they would be the best possible company you could find to share a fall out shelter for a couple of weeks or more. Yes indeedy, they’re the cutest gals in town. You'll Find a Variety of Tropical Fish at Pittman's Aquarium 137 Middle Street Call us for free estimates on local and long distance moving. W. W. Ormond ME 7-5470 Historical Gleanings —By— ELIZABETH MOORE BRINSON LAND GRANTS State of North Carolina to JAMES BRINSON for 50 shil lings for every 100 acres, a tract of land of 300 acres on the North Side of Neuse River, and East side of Upper Broad Creek, beginning at a pine by the creek side, Solomon Edwards’ line &c to a post at GOOSE CREEK &c with Cason Brinson’s line, S48 &c. October 4, 1782. Alexander Martin, Gov. Attest. J. Glasgow, Sed. Reg. September 2, 1783. Chris. Neale, Dep. Reg. GB 1/16. State of North Carolina to CASON BRINSON, for 50 shil lings for every 100 acres, a tract of land 150 acres on the North side of Neuse River, and East side of Upper Broad Creek, beginning at a pine on the side of a small branch, his father’s corner tree &c Hall’s line, 4 October 1782, Alex. Martin, Gov. Attest: J. Glasgow, Sec. Reg.23 October 1783. Chrs, Neale, D.R. GB 1/53, State of North Carolina for ten pounds for every 100 acres to MATTHEW BRINSON. 50 acres of land on the North side of Neuse River, West side of Goose Creek. Richard Caswell, Gov. Attest ; J. Glasgow, Sec. May 11, 1787 GB 3/79, State of North Carolina for 50 shillings for 100 acres of land to JOHN BRINSON, 100 acres on the North side of Neuse River, West side of Goose Creek, be ginning at a red oak Cason Brin son’s corner &c. entered 12 December 1796. B. Williams, Gov.; William White, Sec. Reg. 12 March 1800. GB 3/276. State of North Carolina for ten pounds for every 10 acres to DANIEL BRINSON, 30 acres of land on North side of Neuse River, West side of Goose Creek, East side of Tarkiln Gut. 7 June 1799. W.R. Davie, Gov.; William White, Sec. GB 3/291. State of North Carolina for 50 shillings for every 100 acres of land to DANIEL BRINSON, 100 acres on North side of Neuse River, between Broad Creek and Goose Creek, beginning at a pine in Joseph Sparrow’s line. Entered 2 August 1799. B. Williams, Gov.; William White, Sec. 12 March 1800. GN 3/294. State of North Carolina for 50 shillings for every 100 acres grants to JOSEPH BRINSON 100 acres on the North side of Neuse lyver. South side of Goose Creek. March 28. 1799. B. WlUiams, WOODROW MOORPS Supplying Indoor Comfort With (,'arricr Heating and Air Conditioning Now located 318 First Street Mirror Advertising Pays! Auto Radiators Cleaned, Rodded and Repaired We remove and replace B & R Radiator Shop BRIDGETON ME 7-4504 Village Verses WHEN YOU'RE AWAY It’s the very same house, each table and chair, Is bidding me welcome, but since you’re not there; I feel like a stranger, who opens a door. And ventures where Fate never took him before. The very same rugs are awaiting my feet, I’ve found that the radio plays just as sweet; With favorite books lined up on the shelf, It’s a wonderful chance to read by myself. No interruptions, no work to be done. No youngster to tuck in, no not even one; No dishes to dry, in fact, I’m a king. With plenty of time to do anything. Yet, somehow, life’s pleasures are lacking their thrill. In rooms that are empty, and haunted, and still; Homes aren’t just houses, they all need the touch, Of hands that are tireless in doing so much. Th^ all need the laughter of children at play, That’s why men are lonely, with loved ones away; It’s the very same house, each table and chair, But it isn’t a home, since you are not there. —JGMcD. Gov., William White, Sec. 24 March 1800. GB 3/307. State of North Carolina for 50 shillings for every 100 acres grants to DANIEL BRINSON, 40 acres of land on the North side of Neuse River, East Side of Upper Broad Creek, beginning at Edwards’ corner. Entered 10De cember 1799. B. Williams, Gov. William White, Sec. Reg. 27. September 1802. GB 3/295, State of North Carolina for 50 shillings for every 100 grants to BENJAMIN BRINSON. 25 acres of land on the North side of Neuse River, East side of Goose Creek, beginning In the head of the eastermost Branch of Duck Creek. 5 June 1802. B. Williams, Gov. GB 3/274. State of North Carolina for ten dollars for every 100 acres to WILLIAM B. BRINSON, 22 acres on the North side ofNeuseRlver, and West side of Upper Broad Creek, beginning at a dead pine Canada Davis corner. Reg, 13 March 1803. John Owen, Gov. Wil liam Hill. Sec. GB 4/302. State of North Carolina for 50 shillings for every 100 acres to CASON BRINSON, 30 acres on the North side of Neuse River, West side of Goose Creek. March 20, 1804. Benj. Williams, Gov.; Wil liam White, Sec. GB 4/13. State of North Carolina for 50 shillings for every 100 acres to DANIEL BRINSON, 100 acres In Craven County, North side of Neuse River, West side of Goose Creek &c to Sandy Branch, En tered April 20, 1800. Dated 23 September 1802. Benj. Williams, Gov.; William White. Sec. GB 4/14. State of North Carolina for 50 shillings for every 100 acres to WE BUY WRECKED AUTOS MODELS 1955 AND UP Whtn You Think of Used Auto Parts — Think ot Us. SAULTER AUTO SALVAGE CO. Morohoad Hwy. — Dial ME 7-M10 BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME wiHi LIFETIME HORIZONTAL ALUMINUM AWNINGS STORM DOORS AND WINDOWS Call for Free Estimates No Down Payment PAY AS LOW AS $1.25 PER WEEK B & B Supply Co. ME 7-3040 Mm BENJAMIN BRINSON, 25 acres on the North side ofNeuseRlver, East of Goose Creek, thence up the Creek &c to Samuel Sparrow’s line, to a cypress Fulshire’s cor ner, thence with Sparrow or Ful shire’s line, to a pine. Entered 3 August 1807. 3 July 1809. David Stone, Gov.; William White, Sec, GB 4/105. State of North Carolina for 50 shillings for every 100 acres to BENJAMIN BRINSON. 20 acres on the N/s of Neuse River, W/s of Beard’s Creek, beginning at Samuel Hoover’s upper corner &c. Entered 28 April 181Q. Dated 15 January 1812, William Hawkins, Gov.; William Hill, Sec. (Craven County, Records of Grants) Lester Gaskins Auto Service TV Type Instant Engine Analyzer Special Auto Tune-Up Equipment 313 TRYON PALACE DRIVE IT'S Braddy's FOR DRY CLEANING & LAUNDRY Pick-Up and Delivery Service 320 First Street ME 7-2159 BEAR Wheel Alignment Can Add 50% to Life of Tires Get Our Free "BEAR" Inspection Today PAUL'S KINSTON HIGHWAY Dial ME 7-42M Floyd Paul, Sr.