JTew Bern Public Library New Bern’s law abiding cit izens could hardly think ofany- thlng worse than spending the hot days of summer In Jail. It seems to be different with the criminal element. Autumn for them Is the awful time to be behind bars, and a high percent age of the habitual lawbreakers manage to stay free when the frost is on the pumpkin and the corn (shelled corn that Is) has been stored In the bln. It would be nice to think that folks who make a habit of stray ing from the straight and nar row are turning over a new leaf--a fall leaf so to speak. Or maybe in this harvest season they are doubly aware that what a man sows he is bound to reap. No one seems able to explain why breaking the law runs in cycles. For reasons beyond the comprehension of otherwise discerning mortals, robberies, assaults and even murders come In bunches. As the saying goes, when it rains, it pours. Autumn just happens to be one of those fortunate dry spells, from a mayhem point of view, but a cloudburst could come any time now. Boredom gets lots of New Bernians in trouble, and it’s that way in the rural areas too. Ap parently, it’s hard to get bored when autumn arrives, even though so-called normal human beings who never have to face a judge are invariably malancholy during September, October and November. Law enforcement officers subscribe almost unanimously to the theory that the moon not only controls the ocean’s tide, but Impels the potential criminal to act up. Ordinarily, they’re amply supported in this contention by crime statistics, but we’ve had plenty of wonderful moonlight lately with very little mis behavior of a type that gets persons Incarcerated. All this is in sharp contract, of course, to doings on the in ternational scene. While New Bernians. addicted to thieving, violence and general dis- orderliness are behaving like approximate Little LordFaunt- leroys, folks far off are calling each other rather strong names and backing up their language with bloodshed. Contrary to popular opinion, there’s no such thing as having the look of a criminal. During the span of a third of a cen tury, we’ve sat within inches of dozens of killers on trial be fore the bar of justice. Most of them didn’t look the part. One of the most vicious, cold blooded murders ever com mitted in Craven county had as its ambush slayer a meek look ing teen ager who didn’t ap pear sinister enough to harm a flea. Even when you talked with him, in his jail cell, it was hard to picture him as a brutal killer. It’s a matter of record that quite a few mortals who per petrate homicide have been fairly law abiding through the years, until they take another’s life. By the same token, count less humans are deliberate law breakers for most oftheiradult days, but could hardly be re garded as a likely prospect to commit a capital offense. Only a small percentage of the killings in Craven county can be classified as murder in the first degree. Usually, the element of (Continued oa I%ge> 8) The NEW BERN WEEKLY 'ART OF 5 Per Cw VOLUME 8 NEW BERN, N. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1963 NUMBER 28 WORKING TOGETHER—New Bern’s Business and Professional Women’s Club is one of the most active organizations in our community, and pictured here are some of the members largely responsible for its suc cess.‘During recent days they have been promoting National Business Women’s Week, but they’re far from idle the remainder of the year. No doubt you’ll hear more from the grouo, as various projects are pushed with limitless energy and enthusiasm.—Photo by John R. Baxter. WORTH REPEATING—Five years ago we ran this pic ture of David Turner and Ann Disosway. Hundreds of photos later, with another Halloween at hand, we’re still convinced that it’s just about the cutest thing we’ve ever published. Billy Benn.ers was wielding the camera, when David came iip with a wisecrack that con vulsed Ann with laughtef and even made the Jack-o- Lantern sonUe, Gould any photo be more natnral?