> • Even as stars are brightest In the darkest watches of the night, Jackie Kennedy achieved her shinning hour amid encir cling clouds of sudden grief. The charming Jackie of happier days won the hearts of the world with congeniality, effortless grace, deep sincerity and an appreciation of creative excellence. But It was the Jackie who bore her personal cross from a Dallas street to Arlington’s hills with Indomitable courage who became a monumental Image, and gave history a First Lady for the ages. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, plunged into eternity In the sum mer of his earthly existence, would have been Immensely proud of the woman who cra dled his bleeding form In her arms, and later walked with quiet dignity behind his flag- draped casket. Exposed to public scrutiny In her bereavement, as no widow before her was ever displayed she acquitted herself in a man ner that defies comprehension by most mortals. The pattern of her behavior. In this time of Intense sorrow, will forever be a challenge to others in like situation. If perchance anyone ever doubted the depth of faith with whicli her spirit Is Imbued, the doubt is now gone. Only a heart reinforced with an abiding faith In the goodness of God could have remained unflinch ing In the prolonged ordeal that fell her lot. When her distinguished hus band wrote his best-selling book—“Profiles Of Cour age’’-- he not only Indicated considerable literary ability but a keen interest In those who exhibited great fortitude in time of crisis. If the world could add an extra chapter at this late date, Jackie Kennedy’s name would be listed among the remarkably brave. It would be superflous for us to add anything to the thousands of glowing tributes paid President Kennedy. One did not have to agree with his line of reasoning In all matters to recognize the respect and af fection felt for him by the free peoples of the world. Written long ago were these words—"A prophet is not with out honor, save In his own land.’’ Millions of Americans did regard Kennedy as one of history’s important men, but there’s a touch of Irony in the fact that the greatest homage paid him in life. If not In death, was accorded by the mighty and the humble of other nations. The lethal that ripped Kennedy’s brain apart destroy ed, as far as this earth was concerned, an astoundingly facile mind. His mastery of the English language, and his In stant response with Intelligent answers to involved questions need no detailing here. Any reference to the traggic events of recent days should include high praise for the magnificent contribution made by television to the enlighten ment of citizens everywhere. The nation’s three major net works provided superb cover age. Fortunately, New Bernlans are In close proximity to stations carrying all three networks. They were thus af forded an opportunity to pick (Continued on Page 7) New Lem Lujjuc Library The NEW BERN ISHED WEEKLY % b, '*ART OF r 5^ Per J VOLUME 6 NEW BERN, N. C„ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1963 NUMBER 35 HE REMEMBERED—^Little Freddie Zaytoun, whose parents are the John Zaytouns at 2021 Spencer Ave nue, was a hungry chap by the time Thanksgiving dinner reached the table yesterday. However, he wasn’t too hungry to kneel and say grace before devouring all the turkey and trimmings a tot his size could hold. His face, before wading in, expresses the true TTianks- giving spirit.—Photo by Wray Studio. HE DINED TOO—So far as we know, this little squirrel didn’t say grace, like the little boy who shares this front page with him. Chances are the Good Lord didn’t expect him to. With or without thanks from the animal kingdom, God provides for all creatures here below. The little squirrel’s Thanksgiving dinner consisted of nuts, and he stuffed so many he could hardly move.— Photo by Billy Benners.