P>ge Eight THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Friday, November 19, 1965 Teen Topics By JENNIE KENNEL Hello there. You know, it really wasn’t so bad losing to Kinston last Fri day nli^it because I think the Tru-Tread Tire Co. U. S. TIRES Recappins A Vulcaniiinp 223 Craven Street ME 7-2417 Quality Shoe Repairing at Reasonable Prices IDEAL SHOE SHOP JOE HATEM, Prop. 903 Broad Street ME 7-5011 FOR YOUR CHOICE of Sacred, Popular and Classical Sheet Music and Musical Instruments Ifs FULLER'S MUSIC HOUSE PERFECT* ‘300’ $300 For Both Rings No Down Payment Only $25 A Month . *The guoranteed perfect center dia mond is free from flows, cracks and blemishes under 10 power magnifica tion ond is guoranteed perfect for life by the outhorixed Wedding Bells jew eler. Upon return to o Wedding Bells jewelar, replocement is guoranteed- by the jeweler if the center diamond is not as described herein. Your choice of 14 Kt. yellow or white gold or plot(; num. Rings ond diamonds enlarged to show detail. AM prices plus Federal tax. boys played a real good game. The only thing that was annoy ing was having to take all that talk from the Kinston kids. Gee, they rubbed It In. I had a friend from there staying with me over the weekend who was pretty good about the whole thing. But every once In a while she just couldn't resist putting a jab In here or there. So you think that that's the end of football and now we're got to start thinking about bas ketball, huh? Well don't you believe It. The girls of NBHS are ready to do something dras tic and as far as I know It will be a first. The Bear Cub, our school newspaper, Is sponsoring a Powder Puff football game, an all-girl football game. We are pretty sure that It will be next Wednesday, the 24th, In the foot ball stadium, but some of the plans aren't definite yet. Anyway, It's going to be an exclUng and different event. The girls have promised to try to play seriously. Coach Thrift, coach Slaughter, and coach Dix on, and some of the football players have been helping us, but I'm afraid they didn't have much to work with anyway. The boys are going to be taking part too. Some are ex changing places and will be at tempting to cheer. Maybe they'll see that it Isn't always as easy as It looks. Oh Yes. We'll also crown a Miss Powder Puff. Some lucky and beautiful boy will be honored with this title."' So we hope you can come out and see the game because It'll only be a quarter. What better evening can you get for that? MEDITATION - (Continued from page 5) surrender and defeat. Let us thank Him lor the knowledge that throu^ Him our own sickness, physically, emo tionally and mentally, as well as that of the nation and world can be healed. For onlythrou^ His love. In us and throu^ us, and that of our fellow man, lies the final answer and our final goal. And in all this, let us ex press our gratitude with works and deeds. Not just being thank ful, but giving our thanks with action. Let our gratitude be in irs Broddy's FOR DRY CLEANING A LAUNDRY Plck-Up and Delivery Service 320 First Str««t ME 7-2159 Quality Food, Cooked Just Right, The Perfect Answer for that Appetite You're Never Disappointed at MOORE'S BARBECUE Phone ME 7-2276 1216 Broad St CUTE PAIR—Cindy and Tony Joyner are just about the busiest twins in town. Keeping up with them presents a problem for their parents, Bruce and San dra Gail Joyner of 1009 Meadows Street. Pop is Central Office foreman for Carolina Telephone. MIRROR MORSELS Do not beUeve that a book Is good, if in reading it thou dost not become more contented with thy existence, if it does not rouse up In thee most generous feelings.—L avate r. They that deny a God destroy man's noblUty; fOr certainly man Is of kin to the beasts by his body; and if he be not of kin to God by his spirit, he Is a base and ig:noble creature.— Bacon. In art there is a point of perfection, as of goodness or maturity in nature; he who is able to perceive It, and who loves it, has perfect taste; gifts to Him of self, not just on a national holiday but every day...Let us give of our lives, that throu^ our effects His blessings, and will, shall be come realities. Let us show worthiness of God's gifts. “I believe It! Tls thou oh God that glvest, tls I who receives. In the first is the last. In Thy will Is my power to beUeve. All is one gift." God bless, and have a happy Thanksgiving. he who does not feel It, or loves on this side or that, has an imperfect taste.—Bruyere. Our ipares are the mothers, not only of our charities and vir tues, but of our best joys and most cheering and enduring pleasures.—Simms. The constant duty of every man to his fellows is to as certain his own powers and special gifts, and to strengthen them for the hlep of others.— J ohn Ruskln. Eloquence dwells quite as much In the hearts of the hear- Call JOE ANDERSON DRUG STORE for Reliable Prescription Service ME 7-4201 Top Ten Tunes In New Bern This Week 1. I Hear A Symphony— Supremes. 2. Lovers Concerto—The Toys. 3. Get Off My Cloud—Roll ing Stones. 4. Yesterday—Beatles. 5. One Two Three—Len Barry. 6. Rescue Me—Rontella Bass. 7. Keep On Dancing— Gentrys. 8. Turn, Turn, Turn—The Byrds. 9. Let's Hang On—Four Seasons. 10. You're The One—Vo gues. (This week's Mirror pick for a future spot In the Top Ten is Marvin Gaye's "Ain't That Peculiar.") ers as on the Ups of the orator.—Lamartine. Fanaticism to which men are so much IncUned, has always served not only to render them more brutaUzed but more wick ed.—Voltaire. For Top Tunos by Your Favorito Rocording Stars YDUR TEEN-AGI MUSIC CENTER IS HAWKS Radio A Appliance Co. 327 Middle St. Evinrude Outboard Motors MFG and G A W Boats Long Troilort Boat Supplies Kimbrells Outboard Service 1305 Pembroke Read ME 7-3785 Where Quality and Experience Save You Hours of Boating Pleasure. S19 BODDLB ST. - NEW BERN, N. C.