ifcttgirm.ue;-. .SrXVuH • • aiuc UBW® The New BeRN PUBLISHID WIIKLY IN THI HBART OP _ VASTIRN NORTH -'»UNA Bob Pugh's retirement, alter 30 years service, from the of fice of Craven County School Superintendent will mark another milestone in ttie ca reer of this cheerful and cap able New Bemian. Although Pugh, whose nimble diplomacy seldom found him backed into a comer in contro versial educational matters, is giving up one Job on longstand ing, he won't be entering the ranks of the idle. On his agenda, probably for the balance of his life, will be full-time duties as Secretary of New Bern's Scottish Rite Consistory, comprising better than 4,500 Masons who have attained the 32nd Degree. They hall from all over the eastern half of the State. The fraternity is dear to Bob's heart, and his tireless labor for the craft has brought him deserved honor. The 33rd Degree was conferred upon him in Washington, D.C., at the time President Harry S. Truman was the active candidate, and he has served as Grand Master of North Carolina’s Masons. For many years he has been the Class Lecturer at the New Bern Consistory's Spring and Fall Reunions, and thousands of civilians and service men around the world remember him with deep respect and warm affection. As Superintendent of Craven County’s sprawling school sys tem, Pugh saw his problems and responsibilities steadily mount during the years that rolled by after he took office in 1937, He didn’t achieve per fection, and approval of some of his decisions was less than unanimous, but all things con sidered he has accomplished a great deal. In short. Bob proved a worthy successor to R. S. Proctor, who in turn if we remember rightly succeeded Sam Brinson when that distinguished gentle man was elected Congressman from the Third District. Pu^ would be the first to admit that he is by no means as handsome as the white-man ed Brinson was, but his ca pacity for eloquent oratory ap- proadies Sam at his best, and on occasion Bob may have ex ceeded tiiat gifted speaker’s manipulation of tq>t phrases. An ordained Baptist preach er, Bob can come up wltii a corking good sermon when ever he flUs in for a fellow minister. And like most Bap tists, pastors and laymen, (we're q;>eaklng as a Metho dist) he is a bom extrovert who loves to mingle Inform ally with ottier mortals. Life can be serious busi ness when you've got to please the public and reigning pOlitt- olans, and die County School Superintendent hasn’t been un mindful of this fact. Even'so, Pugh's sunny outlook has pro duced a man who laughs dozens of times a day, and giggles oftener than a group of teen age girls pending the night together on a pajama party. Vfi regard Bob as one of our dearest friends, despite die fact that riding wldi him once netted us a broken ankle when he collided with anodier vehicle that out across die roadlnfront of us and completely blooked die highway. The Patrol agreed it wasn't Bob's fault. (Continued on page 8) IN ORBIT—Pat McGuinness, rangy center for the New Bern High School Bears, appears to be headed for outer space as he out jumps his opponent by plenty on a toss up in last Friday’s nome-court battle wi& the scrappy Tarboro Tigers. The ball, soaring above Pat, seems to be out of control but it is destined to end up in the hands of a waiting Bruin. The Bears, trail ing in Tuesday’s scrap with the Havelock Rams, stag ed an amazing shooting exhibition in the second half and all but ran the hard pressed Rams out of their own gym. Few self styled e^rts in the Northeastern Conference regarded the N6HS quint as a contender for loop honors in pre-season calculations, and the Bears still have to contend with Kinston’s top ranked Red Devils a week from now. However, West Car teret’s fine showing against the Devils three nights ago increased the hopes of Northeastern teams. The Bears, meanwhile, wiU no doubt have their hands full tonight when they entertain the Greenville Phantoms. The Greenies, for several years, have been gunning for the locals in all sports and would like nothing better than a decisive victoiy over the Bears. Action in the Conference has been fast and furious all along the line this year, and the tempo isn’t expected to slow w as &e campaign heads into the home stretch. New Bern fans who aren’t following the local team are missing out on one of the most exciting seasons in years.—Photo by C!hick Natella.