1‘Viday. January 19. I9G8 THE NEW BERN MIRROR. NEW BERN, N. C. Page Five Nelson Banks, who teamed with his lovely wife Lucille per sonifies perfectly Beauty and The Beast, told us this story. It seems that during the Christinas holidays a lot of relatives held a reunion at a . certain home. Included among the scads of people was a strange woman roaming the house. With the typical bluntness of a child, the little girl residing in thehouseholdpolntblankask- ed “Who are you?" You're Missing Something If You Haven't Tried the Delicious Fried Chicken and Tasty Seafood at HARMONY HOUSE Bayboro Hightway Just Outside Bridgeton “I'm your grandmother on your father's side," the strange woman replied with a beam of affection. “Well, ytiu won't be around very tong," the granddaughter informed her, "before you'll find out you’re on the wrong side." And by now you've probably heard about the man who went to the welfare department, and .asked if tliere was anytliing that could be done to get a bed for his baby. “What is your baby sleeping in now?" the welfare worker inquired, and the man replied, “The box that the color tele vision set came in.” Kids hear a lot and see a lot within the privacy of their homes, and no parent should minimize the possiliility that what is seen and heard will be passed along as public infor mation. It reminds us of the indig nant mother who high balled it to school and gave her young son's teacher a dressing down for something the child report ed as allegedly happening In the classroom. The teacher, elderly and pa tient. looked Uie complaining mother straight in the eye, and said quite gently, “I’ll make a bargain with you, if you won’t believe what .Jimmie says happens at school, 1 won’t be lieve what he says happens at home.” CRAVEN GENERATOR SERVICE, INC 1706 Neus* ,Boulevard NEW BERN, N. C. Phone MEIrose 7*2261 Pick-up and Delivery Service ^\A/onder whaf maloes if ws+e $o qoodp^ WIW* MM Mmom or tM cocAaou cowAin n New Bern Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Inc. NEW BERN, N. C. FRY BONDED BUILT-UP ROOFING -Call For Free Estimates— R. E. BENGEL 1311 N. Craven S. SHEET METAL WORK Dial ME 7-3404 Set Things Straight OFFICE 638*5883 HOME 637*6216 in This Year '68 BRINSON REALTY CO. By Voting Republicnn - E. L. BRINSON, SR. - 420 Tryon Palace Driva SALES — RENTALS -DEXTER Mortgaga Loans — F.H.A. — V.A. — Conventional WILLIAMS Real Estate Broker — Financing — Building Really great in a pinch. Whenever you need help...it's just natural to reach for the phone. And call the doctor. Or the drug store. It’s a good feeling to know you can count on your telephone to help you out. No matter how large or small the emergency. What else that costs so little gives you so much value?