Friday. DecembcM' 13. 1968 THE NEW BERN MIRROR. NEW BERN, N. C. Page Five RESEARCH FOR HEALTH HKPWFMM THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH KTWm, lUlYLMI Alligators Aid Research The dog is supposed to be man’s best friend, but how many people know they should add the less attractive rat or alligator to a list of animal friends? Nevertheless, in matters of health a variety of animals often are unrecognized but very good friends. For example, mice, dogs, cats, and monkeys occasionally share the personal problem of about 6,000 babies born each year in the United Slates. These babies are victims of cleft lip or palate, and the similarly affected animals are helping scientists to learn more about this defect. In the last decade possible causes of clefling have been earnestly studied under the leadership or with the support of the National Institute of Dental Research, one of the components of the National In stitutes of Health. Because they realize that only when the causes are known will preven tion be possible, the investiga tors of cleft lip and palate are exploring a very difficult medi WANTED SILVER DOlURS - 340UAR MU) PIECES All Other Gold Coins Any Rare or Old Coins BRING TO HAVELOCK LOAN CO. P.O. BOX 325 - HAVELOCK, N. C. PHONE Gl 7-3284 cal terrain. So far, although no cause is positively proved, the evidence suggests that a cleft in the palate alone is probably a different disorder than a cleft in the lip, which may occur with or without a cleft palate. Because clefts sometimes run in families, hereditary flaws are suspected as one cause. To study inheritance factors, ani mals in which spontaneous clefts appear are carefully nurtured to adulthood in order to conduct breeding experi ments. Because rearing them is difficult, it will be some years before inheritance patterns can be worked out. Environmental hazards dur ing pregnancy are also thought to cause some clefts. Here again many animals arc helping sci entists to learn what some of the dangers may be. As one might expect, inexpensive, rapidly maturing rodents, es pecially rats and mice, head the list. However, other animal groups aiding science are carni vores such as dogs and ferrets, ungulates represented by the pig, and primates including monkey and man. The influences of certain drugs, hormones, vitamins, physical pressures, allergic re actions, and lack of oxygen are studied in these pregnant ani mals in order to learn whether or not these influences may lead to cleft offspring. None of these factors is known to pro duce clefts in man, yet under experimental conditions all of them can cause clefts in ani mals. Long before birth, tissues on each side of the head usually turn toward each other and fuse. A cleft results from a failure to fuse. But scientists question whether the covering of these embryonic tissues never fused or whether they fused temporarily but separated later. Old you reach out a hand? Did you find him the road, or did you Just let him go by with his load?--James W, Foley. For economy heat with oil maximum hoot for your monoy 'eo co^ hres Oil C«. 506 Cypress ME 7-2197 ... and to all a goodnight! If you're "hung up" this Christmas as to what gift to buy, let 170 electric appliances help you decide. With everything from electric roasters to electric reducing belts, gift buying problems are in the bag. See your eiectric appliance deaier for 170 ways 10 say (Shriatmas " CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY An intvsiorouavd, taxpaying public utility company