Friday, September 5, 1969 THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Page Three Buds AND Blossoms MAMIE MILLER > V 4.1 “But I say unto you which hear. Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you. Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which desplte- fully use you.*»—Luke 6:27, 28. When pyracantha bushes start to turning yellow and red with berries, then we begin to wish we had a shrub too. Some peo- • Reliable service when you need it most is as close as your telephone. TONY'S DRUG STORE 1114 QuMn St. Dial ME 7-4060 pie say their shrubs don’t have berries. Keep your bush well fertilized with plenty of super- pho^hate, and usually it will have plenty of berries. Usually a bush has an abundance of ber ries every other year. You do not have to plant two plants of the Burford holly in order to have berries. All Chinese hollies are of this na ture. September and April are the months to put out holly tr e es. Damage to roots due to care less transplanting, waterlogg ed soil, lack of sufficient water, or spray damage cause camellia leaves to fall off. If you have a camellia that doesn’t open in the spring, it is due to not being adjusted to outdoor growing. It is advisable to replace your bush. Cotton-seed mealandold cow manure are excellent fer tilizers for your camellia. The effort you make to cultivate these lovely flowers will pay HAND FARMER . . . Hand tools and not machines help an Ethiopian farmer get his field work done. Three-fourths of his harvest goes to an absentee landowner. Chick^s Camera Center J I I I I I "Where Photography Is a Profession." 706 PROFESSIONAL DRIVE DIAL 637-3634 you rich dividends, and the same goes for so many other flowers too. Save your leaves this fall. Why burn or destroy valuable or^uilc material? The rest of your flowers and shrubs are praying to be mulched with the leaves. This week’s Buds and Blos soms poem, untitled, is from the pen of New Bern’s Mildred Hardison, and we feel sure you’ll like it. It was what is called one of those nights of nights. The lights went our and a fierce storm raged. I was all alone in a large, spooky house. You know that feeling, actual ly I was caged. My heart beat widly, my head was in a spin, My how nice it would have been to have company; Then I heard Itl It was only a small sound. Instantly I knew there was someone here with me. Cautiously, I made my way around the wall. And my hand came upon the handle of a broom; I picked it up and held it ever so tight. The sound came closer. It It was in the very room. I felt if I didn’t scream I would surely burst. How I was able to control it I can never tell Especially when I could hear steps closer and closer Coming right at me. Believe me, I nearly fell. I knew it was now or never. I raised the broom. Praying that I would not miss I swung it down; ■I felt the impact when it made contact. And I realized by adversary was down. I don’t know how long I stood there. All I could think of was what I had done. Committing an act of criminal violence Is something that’s sickening to anyone. When the storm subsided and the lights came on, I screamed at the sight in my house. For there at my feet, cold in death. Lay the cause of my agony, a little mouse. Frozen c uods About 11 billion pounds of frozen foods were sold In the U.S. during 1967. Only a few products are not now frozen commercially. Among these are bananas, tomatoes, lettuce and certain salad greens. Auto Radiators Cleanod, Roddod and Rtphirad Wa ramova and raplaca B & R Radiator Shop BRIDGETON ME 7-4504 GREENLEAF PARK FLORIST Flowers - Gifts P. O. BOX 2323 NEW BERN, N. C. The Fashion Center SUMMER CLEAN-UP ALL OUR ITEMS REDUCED UP TO 75% SKIRTS - values to $15.00 SLAX-values to $18.00 now $3.00 & $4.00 now $3.00 to $5.00 Dresses - Suits - Coats Values to $10.00 Swim Suits - Sunwear - Sportswear Values to $30.00 now $4.00 to $25.00 now $4.00 to $10.00 SUMMER BAGS Values to $15.00 SUMMER FLATS Values to $15.00 now $1.00 to $5.00 now $4,90 SUMMER DRESS SHOES Values to $25.00 now $5.90 58 SHIFTS - sizes 8-20 Values to $12.00 now $5,90 Famous Name Brands Canvas Shoes Values to $6.50 now $2.90 SHOP & SAVEII Lots & Loads of Summer Values • CCNTCR UirrA*.,-. -