youR bappy sboppiQG stone CHRISTMAS SERVICES... 1. S hour* frn parking right bshlnd our iler*. 2. Chorg* oetounti. 5. layaway tarvie* le protaci gifts from prying lillla ayasi 4. Fraa gift wrapping with prally Chriitmos papers and bows. 3. Custom gift wrapping for those extra special gifts. 6. Monogram service at reasonable rales. 7. Alterations done by experts for perfed fit. I. lots of fitting rooms and rest rooms.. , . 9. Escalators and elevators for shopping convenience. 10. Delivery service at reasonable rates. 1.1. Refunds and exchanges made cheerfully every time. 12. Plenty of wall-troined help to wait on you promptly, courteously, and expertly. Over 30 new Christmas helpers. 13. Free mail, wrapping and weighing for postage. Makes mailing presents eosy. 14. Mrs. Santo Claus in her Christmas Cottage op the, thrid floor to thrill the children with lollypops and hoar their Chrisfmos lists. 13. Photographer on duty to record the visit to Mrs. Sonta. 16. Sonto's Post Office service to "answer" your children's letters to ' - Santa with beautiful, illustrated letters. 17. Gift Certificates available when you just can't find a thing thot will do. 18. The entire front of our store Is filled with animated Christmas displays . . . Santo, sled, reindeer, elves, etc. 19. Every department beautifully decorated for Christmas. 20. Extra effort made to help little children shop for their gifti for Mom and Dad. 2). Open every night till 8i30 (Beginning November 24th). BUT OUR SALESPEOPLE ARE OUR BEST SERVICE! CHILDREN SAY: MOTHERS SAY: "I lOVE TO GO SHOPPING IN A STORE THAT TREATS ME IIKE A V. I. P. AND WHERE I CAN BE WAITED ON WHEN IT'S MY TURN. I LIKE TO BUY FROM A NICE LADY WHO CAN SHOW ME SOMETHING THAT WILL BE REAL EXCITING UNDER THE TREE . . . SOMETHING THAT I CAN AF- FORD. LiniE ALLOWANCES MEAN THAT A LOT OF IMAGINATION IS NEEDED. 1 LIKE TO GO SHOPPING ALL ALONE SO I CAN SURPRISE MY MOMMY AND D ADD Y. I NEED SOMEONE TO HELP ME WITH CHANGE, TO GET MY' PRESENTS WRAPPED FREE. AAAYBE EVEN WRAP MY GRANDPARENTS' GIFTS FOR MAILING. THE PEOPLE AT BElK ARE ESPECIALLY NICE TO CHILDREN - WE LOVE TO SHOP AT BELK. BESIDES - THAT'S WHERE WE CAN GO SEE MRS. SANTA CLAUSl'' "WHAT A JOY TO TURN THE CHILDREN LOOSE TO SHOP FOR THEIR SURPRISES IN A STORE THAT REALLY HELPS THEM. "I LIKE PARKING FREE RIGHT BEHIND. THE STORE. THOSE PACKAGES AND THE CHILDREN ARE A PROBLEM CROSSING BUSY STREETS. "I LIKE TO KNOW THAT, IF I GET SOMETHING THE WRONG SIZE OR COLOR, IT WILL BE EX* CHANGED CHEERFULLY. "I NEED FAST SERVICE, CLEVER SUGGESTIONS, WIDE SE LECTIONS, AND THOSE EXTRA LITTLE NICE-TO-HAVE SERVICES LIKE GIFT WRAP, MAILING WRAP, GIFT CERTIFICATES, LAV- AWAY, CHARGE ACCOUNTS. "I DO MORE OF MY CHRIST MAS,SHOPPING AT BELK EVERY YEAR, BECAUSE AT BELK THEY HAVE IT ALL* Y0UN6 SHOPPERS SAY: "HIGH SCHOOLERS HAVE A TOUGH TIME STRETCHING AL LOWANCES AND PART-TIME JOB SALARIES. WE HAVE MOTHERS, FATHERS, SISTERS, BROTHERS, GRAND PARENTS, AND BOY FRIENDS .... BOYFRIENDS! «HEY - AT BELK, 'THEY HAVE HUNDREDS OF GROOVY THINGS FOR BOYS AT PRICES THAT ARE JUST RIGHTI YOU OUGHT TO S E E THE SWINGIN SWEATER I LAID AWAY. AND THEY WRAPPED IT IN THIS REALLY COOL PAPER. "OH AND I FOUND THIS REAL WILD CARD TOO. "HMMT WHERE? AT BELK, NATCH. WHERE ELSE? "THEY TREAT US LIKE NEXT YEAR'S YOUNG MARRIED FOLKS, DON'T THEY?"