NfUl i8rrtt-(CraDfti (Zlounlg The NEW BERN ^ ^niUMIID WIIKLY W’ A. '*#II«AIITOF NORTH ^'5b VOLUME 13 NEW BERN, N. C., FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1970 NUMBER 15 Yesterday was when the sen ior citizens who find today's ungodly music unbearable de lighted In the loud wallings of Cab Galloway, and the chirpy llttte squeak of a voice that produced Helm Kane's boo- boop-doops. Yesterday was when the luck iest small boys In town were those whose parents allowed them to chop their long drawers off at the knees* That way your black cotton stockings didn’t look all lumpy. Yesterday was when preach ers denounced bobbed hair as sinful and likewise lipstick. It was a losing battle. The aver age gal figured she'd like to be more attractive on earth, and gamble on getting to heaven. Yesterday was when every backyard had a ctdcken coop, and the only way to get clothes really clean was with boiling water, Octagon soap, ana a sturdy wash board. It almost ate the buttons off. Yesterday was when any girl who ordered a ten cent hrlnk, when her date took her to the dri^ store, was nothing but a gold digger. Next day every guy In town knew about It, and her prospects for further dates evaporated. Yesterday was when the only male juveniles In town who owned a pair of swim trunks were sissies. Everybody dived off naked as a Jaybird at the guano dock on East F*rxit street, or at the Pocamoke In Riverside. At least, we called itnaked as a Jaybird, but to the best of our knowle^e there's never been a Jaybird in these parts you could charge with indecent exposure. At any rate, “Hair" and "Old Calcutta" hadnothlng on us. Yesterday was when New Bern's fashion event of the year was the annual modeling at S. Coplon and Sons. A three-piece orchestra from out - of - town played while the keenest fem inine pulchritude around prom enaded the full length of the store on an elevated walk-way. Yesterday was when the average man in New Bern was happy to own an Inger soli watch. Of course, Ifyou'workedforthe railroad, you swore by a Ham ilton, and Jake Zelgler at Eat on’s Jewelry Store regulated it once a month to keep It per fectly timed. Unfortunately,the trains weren't that punctural. Yesterday was when SO cents got you all the steamed oysters you could eat at George Bow den's place on lower Middle street. The conversation fur nished by George was for free, but never dull. Yesterday was when you could buy a tasty cantaloup (that's how WdMter veils It) for a nickel, peddled at your door, and a BogueSoundwater melon for a dime. A whopper of a watermeloo cost a whole quarter. Yesterday was when sex education wasn't taught In the publle schools, and certainly not at home. CurlousUtUeboys at New Bern’s Central tried to remedy that by vain attempts to peep into the Primary build ing's girls basement. Nobody c^ed them rest rooms. Yesterday was when only the must affluent could afford to l>ay 15 cents tor a pack of Camels, Chesterfields, or (Continued on page' 6) that were will never be again, tin Thlnt rime and wind, and unrelenting rain Alone keep vigil with each sagging rafter. Empty are the rooms that once knew laughter. In distant days this little house held dreams. Children's rhyming prayers, and candle gleams; A searching sun reveals its heartbreak plight. The dark is kinder, memories bless the night. -JQMcD. (Photo by Dr. Bruce Schleln.)