• ( r Page Two THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Friday, August 28, 1970 The oDjecuve vt the House- passed Equal Rights Am^d- ment Is a worthy one. It is to abolish unfair discrimina tions which society makes against women in certain areas of life. No one believes more strongly than I that discrimi nations of this character ought to be abolished, and that they ought to be abolished by law In every case where they are created by law. Even so, I am convinced that this House-passed Amend ment Is a potentially destruc tive and self-defeating blunder buss which would invalidate all laws making distinctions between men and women, and would plunge society into con stitutional and legal chaos. I say this because the House- passed Amendment is shroud ed in obscurity, and no one has sufficient prophetic power to predict with accuracy what interpretation the Supreme Court will place upon it. I share the view of many consti tutional scholars that if tile Sen ate should approve the House- passed Amendment and three- fourths of the states should ratify it, this amendment would I Ceramic Tile » Quarry Porches » Marble Fireplaces » Rubber & Asphalt Tile G. H. BRYAN THe Contractor ME 7^1S For economy' heat with oil maximum hoot PIANOS /or your monoy try before you buy be Interpreted to nullify every existing federal and state law making any distinction what ever between men and women, and would rob Congress and the legislatures of the 50 states of the legislative power to en act any future laws making any distinctions between men and women, no matter how rea sonable these laws may be. When one examines the real ities of the House - passed Amendment, he finds that it would not bring into being any new laws giving us a discrimi nation - free society, and those who desire such a society would again have to Implore Congress and the l^islatures of the 50 states to enact laws creating the kind of society they seek insofar as such a society can be established by law. It should be noted that many just griev ances are founded upon dis criminations not created by law, and the Equal Rights Amendment would have no ef fect whatsoever upon them. The issue before the Senate then is not whether society makes unfair discriminations against women, but whether the House-passed Amendment con stitutes a sensible approach to their abolition. This raises the question of whether Con gress should submit to the states, acting within their re spective Jurisdictions, to make reasonable distinctions be tween the rights and respon sibilities of men and women in appropriate areas of life. In my judgement, the 14th Amendment’s ’’equal protec tion clause” properly inter preted is sufficient to abolish all unfair discriminations against women. Nonetheless, I recognize that many do not share my opinion on this point. For this reason, last week I introduced an alternative amendment to insure equality of women’s rights, but one which would not place upon the Su preme Court the obligation to sail upon the most tumultous constitutional seas without chart or compass in quest of an iindefined and unknown port. In brief, my amendment would state that equality of rights shall not be abridged becau.oe of sex. Moreover, It 'f 0 cO '// » 4 O Ives Oil C«. 506 CyprMS MF 7-2197 $10.00 a Month Rents a New Wurlitzer Piano. Rent Applies to Purchase If You Buy. FULLER'S MUSIC HOUSE 2I6V2 Middle Street New Bern, N. C. FRY BONDED BUILT-UP ROOFING —Call For Free Estimatas— R. E. BENGEL 1311 N. Craven S. Dial ME 7-3404 would 0) specifically exempt women from compulsory mili tary service, and (2) allow the passage of any law "reasonably designed to promote the health, safety, privacy, education, or economic welfare of women,or to enable them to perform their duties as homemakers or moth ers.” My amendment has the virtue of recognizing that there are physiological and functional differences between men and women, and in my judgement is more likely to be ratified by the states if it passes the Con gress. Legislators, both fed eral and state, should welcome its approach toward changing the Constitution in a sensible manner. Dial Us for Prae Estimates on that INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR PAINTING JOB Commercial or Residential ERNEST T. LEWIS 637-4701 This Week and Every Week Your Best Bet For a Used Car Is Probably Waiting At the Sign that Stands for Satisfaction COLEMAN "When Service Comes First** BMMMMNMMMIMIMMMIMMMMMMIMmMIMIMUMMMM Your Happy Shopping Store sieepshifts with matching bikinis IN KODEL* AND COTTON 6.00 and 7.00 New idea in sleeftwear. Dress up to turn in —and no one can catch you In your nightgown. Crush resistant, machine washable, rto iron Kodel* polyester and cotton. So comfortable, yoii'll wear them whenever you're at home. Perfect gifts for college gals who leave their rooms for snacks and phone calls after lights out. Sizes P.S.M.