Friday, December 25, 1970 THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN. N. C. Page Fifteen I MAY GOOD WILL AMONG ALL MEN REIGN IN THE WORLD THIS CHRISTMAS-AND FOREVER! Hatem's Shoe Store JOY AT CHRISTMAS EMMIE'S FLOWER SHOP Christmas Peace to All It is our sincerest wish that this holy season will be one of great peace and happiness for our many good friends. Johnson Machine Co., Inc. Tangerines Are Traditional for Xmas Holidays Fresh tangerines are traditionally part of the holiday festivities. And the U. S. Consumer and Marketing Service says there’s plenty around for stuffing stockings and for just plain good eating. When shopping for tangerines, your best sign of fresh, mature, good-flavored fruit is a deep yellow or orange color and a bright luster. Because of the typically loose nature of the tangerine skin, they frequently won’t feel firm to the touch. Avoid pale yellow or greenish tangerines, which are likely to be lacking in flavor (althoughsmall green areas on otherwise high-colored fruits are not bad). Also avoid tangerines with cut or punctured skins or very soft spots-signs of decay, which spreads rapidly. When refrigerating tangerines, keep them covered. MAY DEEP AND ABIDING JOY BE HIS GIFT TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY THIS CHRISTMAS. BANK OF NEW BERN Love is tke keart of Ckristmas; its spirit is peace, and kope tke glad ness. Mcay you and yours ke klessed witk tkese joys and every otker kap- piness for wkick you are wisking. Sheriff Charlie Berry