Page Ste At Sa«n in The MirroKt SPORTS of Athletes and Events What a difference a year makes. Who would have thought when the Carolina Cougars were winning half their games as a new team in the ABA that, in a matter of months both Jim Gardner and Bones McKinney would be out of the driver’s seat? So much happened, and so little of it help^ the Cougar cause. Getting rid of popular college stars from this area was no smart move. Losing the bonus battle over Pete Maravich to Atlanta was a severe blow. Billy Cunningham’s decision to remain at Philadelphia brought further dismay to the Cougar Camp. One of the brighter stars in the NBA, the Kangaroo Kid is a great drawing card for the Quaker City outfit. It could be the courts will rule that Cunningham must abide by his agreement with the Cougars. Even so, a disgruntled pro athlete whose heart elsewhere isn’t apt to be asset to any ball club. is an Vhe yarn £r Jinif Shop Knitting & needlework SUPPUES LADIES' STRAW f BURLAP BAGS UOUI8E O’CONNOR OWNER 1400 NEUSe BLVD. NEW BERN, N. C. Phone 63S.S407 Call ... D. E. JONES SHEET METAL CO. for • HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Authorized Chrysler-AIr Temp Sales and Service 2216 Trent Blvd. Phone 637-6951 However, assuming that Billy seriously intended to join the Cougars after the current season, no one can say it caused him to drag his feet for the 76 outfit. He has put forth maximum effort, and is having another fine year. Notwithstanding the tremendous popularity of pro grid games, it is hard to visualize almost a third of the nation’s inhabitants in the TV audience for last Sunday’s Super Bowl battle. Sixty foiu" miUion people, the estimated number of viewers, is a throng that defies the imagination. Of course not all of those millions were enthusiastic watchers. A whale of a lot of wives were mad about the whole business. Nothing else on television has caused more domestic disturbances than the endless parade of ball games. It interferes with Saturday’s trips to the supennarket, and rules out the possibility of a pleasant Sunday afternoon drive, or visit with friends. The straw that has really broken the camel’s back this year is the invasion of night time TV on a regular basis. Closed doors and drawn shades hide many secrets. Could it be that the battles In some homes provide action as violent as anything produced by the Colts and the Cowboys last weekend. THE BANK OF NEW BERN 313 Pollock S». Now Bom, N. C. "Your Home-Owned Bank" J ! 0RCANII70 IBI7 MIRROR MIRffl Chemistry’s outstanding contribution to the world is the blonde. In marriage, three’s company and two’s none. Be it ever so homely, there’s no face like your own. The average woman would rather be well formed than well informed. Genius is the talent of a man who is dead. In the last century men lost their fear of God and acquired a fear of viruses. Santa Claus doesn’t come through the chimney anymore, but through a large hole in the pocketbook. When a golfer misses a drive, he expressed himself to a tee. Everyone has had the measles, but no one knows how many he’s had. Marry in haste and repent at mealtime. Too much lipstick may be vulgar, bit it leaves a good impression. You can’t swallow your pride without getting heartburn. A highbrow is a person whose education exceeds his intelligence. Some girls keep their love letters; others let their love letters keep them. Wildlife isn’t disappearing, it’s just moving to the city. TTie most eloquent lines are neither written nor spoken, they are worn. Many things are easier said than done, including the marriage ritual. Profits, not prophets, foretell the future. A woman is always shy about telling her age, several years shy. The tighter a man, the looser his tongue. liove at first sight is a great time saver. For Top Tunes by Your Favorite Recording Stars YOUR TEEN-AGE MUSIC CENTER IS HAWKS RADIO B APPLIANCE CO. 327 MIDDLE STREET A gnu is an animal whose most common habitat is in crossword puzzles. A man never gets in trouble chasing a woman. It’s only after she is caught that the trouble begins. Backbone won’t get you anywhere if the knob at the top is made of the same material. The years pass silently, but old age creaks up on a person. A man is known by the company he avoids. A contralto is a low woman who sings. A welcome guest is one who knows when to leave and let live. The secret of fashion is to surprise and never to disappoint. - Bulwer- Lytlon Godliness is practical religion~Dewey...The pyramids themselves, doting with age, have forgotten the names of their founders.— Thomas Fuller. Quality Shoe Repairing at Reasonable Prices IDEAL SHOE SHOP JOE HATEM, Prop. 903 Broad Streot ME 7-5011 LINCOLN JOE ALCOKE LINCOLN-MERCURY 420 Tryon Palace Drive BEASLEY-K l-IMUOn "SnVKE-SAVINOS'' 310 Broad Strao»-637-2l31 accident or arson; any wildfire is illegal. Any fire out of control IS a wildfire. Don't cause oiTe by careless burning. Do report arsonists. Everyone gets burne 1,'w forest foes When You're Pleasure Bent, On the Neuse and Trent, A BOAT YOU BUY AT KIMBRELL’S WILL BE MONEY WELL SPENT YOU'LL FIND THE "DIFFERENT" GIFT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR AMONG THE MANY UNUSUAL ITEMS AT MAMIE'S NOVELTY SHOP 215 Hancock St.