Page Two THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Friday, January 29, 1971 Washington Report — By — CONGRESSMAN WALTER B. JONES The 92nd Congress convened at twelve noon on Thursday, January 21. The Democratic members of the House returned to Washington early in the week and spent 2'/2 days in causus nominating the Speaker, Majority Leader, and other empioyees of the House. The causus also considered changes in rules of the House but no major changes were adopted. CALLING ALL CAMERA FANS By tHICit NAtiUA LCniNG LIGHT WORK FOR YOU Every photographer has been confronted with pic ture taking situations where the light is coming from the wrong direction, as when the sun is directly behind the subject, facing the lens. Or a day may turn out cloudy when you wanted to picture a sunlit subject. Good photography means advance planning — to make the light, weather, sunny or cloudy skies work for you. Outdoor portraits, for instance, are best taken under a hazy or overcast sky. Not only do people squint in strong sunlight, but the glare washes out character. Textured surfaces like brick or stone walls look flat and uninteresting most of the day. Only in the morning or late in the day will strong side lighting bring out the interesting textures dramatically. So plan ahead . . . don't have long waits suits. Bring rolls to us developing your pictures and waiti You to put up with to see the re- your completed for fast, expert and printing. CHICK'S CAMERA CENTER 706 Professional Orivo Dial 637-3634 The week produced some surprises, perhaps most notable being the defeat of Senator Ted Kennedy as Floor Leader of the Senate by Senator Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia. Most [wlitical experts consider this a hnal blow to any presidential aspirations that Senator Kennedy might have had for 1972. The Capital was saddened by the death of Senator Richard Russell, of Georgia, a veteran of 38 years service. Senator Russell was one of the most highly respected members of the United States Senate. A numerical analysis of the 92nd Congress shows that there are 56 new Members, a few of whom took the oath of office in the closing days of Uie 9lst Congress. Of the 56 Members, 33 are Democrats and 23 are Republicans. Of the total number, 12 are women and, also the 92nd Congress has 12 members of the black race. One thing that contributes to the length of the congressional sessions is that each Congress begins anew. All committee chairmen and committees must be re-appointed, and any bill introduced and not acted upon in the previous Congress must be reintroduced and travel and same legislative route. Several bills were introduced on opening day of the Congress, many of which I co-sponsored. Among these are; a bill to provide all Americans medical expense aid; a bill to require that imported meat and meat food products, made in whole or in part of imported meat, be labeled “import^” at all stages of distribution until delivery to the ultimate consumer; a bUl to extend to all unmarried individuals the full tax benefits of income-splitting now enjoyed by married individuals filing joint returns; a biU calling for a meaningful investigation by a Special Committee of the activities of Associate Justice William O. Douglas; a bill to create a Select Committee on Aging in the House of Representatives; a bill proposing a Constitutional Amendment that will provide for the full enfranchisement of the 18-year-old voter; and a bill which would require a serviceman returning from actual combat duty to be assigned to a base near his home, if he so requests. The highlight of the week was K E Y S KEYS ERNUl'S SPORT SHOP ALL KINDS KEYS COLUMBIA BICYCLES NEW ADDRESS 2006 OAKS RD. KEYS FOR SALE . . . This fire truck, shown in a scene from the movie, “In Old Chicago,” is one of some 1,000 select 20th Cen tury-Fox properties to he sold at auction February 25-28 at Sotheby, Parke-Bernet, Los Angeles. Other movie memorabilia includes Marilyn Monroe’s bed from “Let’s Make Love,” and Yul Brynner’s throne from “The King and I.” Real boats, airplanes and other properties no longer used for production will also be sold. MIRROR MORSELS Life is as tedious as a twice- told tale, vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man.--William Shakespeare. Poetry comes fine spun from a mind at peace.-Ovid. In the parliament of the present man represents a constituency of the past.-Keats. A great bad man is worse than one of less talents, for he has the extended capability of doing harm.-George P. R. James. Go where he will the wise man is at home, his hearth the earth, his hall the azure dome.-Henry Ellis. There is no finer investment for any community than putting milk into babies.-Charles Churchill. The fine arts, once divorcing themselves from truth are quite certain to fall mad, if they do not die.-Thomas Carlyle. Life is my college. May I graduate well, and earn some honors.-Louisa May Alcott. Life is very short, and verv uncertain; let us spend it as well as we can.-Samuel Johnson. I saw old Autumn in the misty mom stand shadowless like silence, listening to silence.- Thomas Hood. She would have made a splendid wife, for crying only made her eyes more bright.-O. Henry. I leave to children exclusively, but only for the life of their childhood, all and every the dandelions of the fields, and the daisies thereof, with the the right to play among them freely.-Williston Fish. Ill habits gather by unseen degrees, as brooks make rivers, rivers run to seas.-John President Nixon’s State of the Union message delivered at the unusual hour of 9 p. m. Friday night, January 22. His recommendations were received with mixed reactions from members of both the House and Senate, and certainly some of his proposals will encounter much difficulty in being approved by both the House and Senate. We will discuss some of these in more detail in a later column. Dry den. You shall judge of a man by his foes as well as by his friends.-Joseph Conrad. No government can remain stable in an unstable society and an unstable world.-Leon Blum. I shall endeavor to enliven morality with wit, and to temper wit with morality.- Joseph Addison. Men are polished, through act and speech, each by each, as pebbles are smoothed on the rolling beach.-John Townsend Trowbridge. MIRROR MIRTH A beautiful woman’s face is her fortune, and it runs into a handsome figure. Cultivate vices when you are young, and when you are old they will not forsake you. Right is might, but a good left never hurt a fighter. Man is the only animal that can be skinned more than once. A pretty secretary may not be able to add, but she can certainly distract. Love may be blind, but people in love always see much more in each other than other people do. The best thing about tody’s popular songs is they aren’t popular very long. A mother-in-law is another mouth to heed. A man who moralizes is usually a hypocrite, and a woman who moralizes is always homely. The sad part about education is that some of the final examinations are final. It’s hard to decide which is worst, entertaining a pest who says nothing, or listening to a bore who does all the talking. Praise is what you get after you’re dead. Most students major in alibiology. Fishing is eternal expectation and perpetual disappointment. The only thing bad weather is good for is conversation. A night club is a place where the tables are reserved and the guests aren’t. Think twice before you buy a four-poster bed. It’s a lot of bunk. The reason some people Auto Expense Tax Deductions Are Increased G reensboro — H ere’s some good news for federal taxpayers who qualify for automobile expense de ductions on their 1970 returns. The deduction for business use of your automobile has been- increased to 12c per mile for the first 16,000 miles and 9c per mile for each mile thereafter. The previous al lowance was 10c per mile for the first 15,000 miles and 7c per mile thereafter. Tax payers retain the right to deduct actual automobile operating expenses in lieu of the mileage rate. Also, the allowance for use of your car in rendering gratuitous service for a tax exempt organization, or for medical travel, has been in creased from 5c per mile to 6c per mile. drink liquor is they don’t know what else to do with it. Turkey gobblers would strut less if ^ey could see into the future. Money talks, especially hush money. A narrow-minded man is one who can look through a keyhole with both eyes. People who live in glass houses should undress in the dark. High heels were invented by a woman who had been kissed on the forehead. Bridge players learn to take it on the shin. A clever wife is one that gets around her husband by hugging him. WHEN WINTER GIVES YOU THE COLD SHOULDER uni®n Fuel Oil Is Your Warmest Friend Carolina Oil & Distributing Co« I' DIAL ME 7-4164