Friday, October 15, 1971 THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Page Five The Senate has approved a much needed change in U. S. trade policy toward Rhodesia. The battle over this issue began as a legislative matter in early spring when Senator Hariy Byrd introduced S. 1404, which I cosponsored, to free the United States from dependence on Russia for its supply of DEALER'S AUTO SERVICE Expert Body Work • 24-Hour Wrecker Service • Auto Painting 429 FIRST ST. 637-5466 DAY or NIGHT chrome ore which we have been purchasing from the com munists since we ceased trading with Rhodesia five years ago. Chrome is a strategic material that is vital to the production of aircraft, missiles, submarines. It is also essential to much of our heavy industrial output. But S. 1404 got nowhere when it was referred to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Then when the Senate Armed Services Committee began consideration of the military procurement bill. Senator Byrd Scott S' TILE AND FLOOR COVERING L. C. scon, JR, WHAT IS OUR COMMUNITY'S MOST VALUABLE ASSET? People like you who can save mon ey give our town strength. Because of your will power, some of our most beautiful homes are the direct result of your thrift. For example: We loan the money placed in our care to those who wish to buy, build or improve a home. This stimulates busi ness, creates empioyment and helps our town to prosper. Our community is a better place in which to live because of your abil ity to save money. Keep it upl First Federal Savings & Loan Association of New Bern 513 POLLOCK STREET offered the language of S. 1404 as an amendment to that measure. It was unanimously approved by that Committee as Section 503 of the military procurement act. Simply stated. Section 503 denies the President the power to prohibit imports of a strategic material from a free world country so long as the importation of the same material is permitted from a communist dominated country. It happens that the principal sources of chrome ore are in two countries—Rhodesia and Russia. Today we are buying about 60 percent of this material from Russia. It will be remembered that we got into this odd state of affairs in 1966 when President Johnson with the consent of the Congress put an embargo on all trade with Rhodesia under a sanction imposed by the Security Council of the United Nations. When the Senate considered this provision of the military procurement bill in late Sep tember and early October, there was intense opposition by some members of the Senate to Section 503. Their principal arguments were that our State Department did not favor this provision, that it might in terfere with some negotiations which Britain is having with Rhodesia to effect a permanent settlement of the mother country’s controversy with that small nation, and that there might be repercussions in the United Nations if the Senate took any such action. Even so, after three votes, the Senate decided that Section 503 ought to stay in the bill and that we ought to end the chrome embargo. The Rhodesian embargo has from its inception seemed to me to be both an unwise and a damaging action from the standpoint of our national in terest. The whole matter came about over an internal affair in Rhodesia, and as I read the UN Charter, it plainly says that the United Nations wiU not in terfere in the domestic affairs of a nation. Nor do I think that the President should have declared an embargo on trade with Rhodesia over that nation’s internal affairs. This has been a costly action for the American taxpayer and it has robbed American businesses of some of their ability to compete in the world market. The price of chrome coming into the United J. W. SMITH AGENCY, INC. • Automobile • Fire • Home Owners • Workmen's Com pensation • Life • Hospitalization 2003 Neuse Blvd. Over Carolina Power & Light Company ME 7-5500 - ME 7-6954 States has risen about 288 percent since we began this embargo; which incidentaily has been recognized as a monumental faUure. Moreover, it makes no sense to me to say that because of ideological considerations we are forbidden to trade with Rhodesia, a free world nation, but we are per mitted to trade with Russia, a communist nation. Apart from these con- siderati(ms, there is a most serious national security issue involved, and that is we have placed ourselves at the mercy of a potential enemy power for the supply ot a vital strategic ore which we must have if we are to build essential weapons for our survival. I am hopeul that the House will go along with this Senate action so that we can remedy this matter which affects both our security and our economy. First love is an instinct, at once a gift and a sacrifice. Every other is a philosophy, a bargain.—A. S. Hardy. Auto Radiators CItanod, Roddad and Rapairad Wa ramava and raplaca BAR Radiator CLEANERS 223 CRAVEN DIAL ME 7-2700 Shop BRIDGETON ME 7-4504 FEMININE STRAPS MAKE THE TOTAL LOOK A TOTAL SUCCESS. We have your size... AAAA-D, 4-12 W .CENTER SAMANTHA Lots Of SAoes U|i To Sins 12 YOU'LL FIND THE "DIFFERENT" GIFT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR AMONG THE MANY UNUSUAL ITEMS AT MAMIE'S NOVELTY SHOP 215 Hancock St.